An open-source python toolkit to deal with gaze tracking and analysis in Augmented Reality (AR) environnement. ## Architecture The ArGaze toolkit provides some generics data structures and algorithms to process gaze analysis and it is divided in submodules dedicated to various specifics features: * ArUcoMarkers: ArUco markers generator, traking, camera calibration, ... * AreaOfInterest: Area Of Interest (AOI) scene management for 2D and 3D environment. * TobiiGlassesPro2: A gaze tracking device interface. * utils: Collection of command-line high level features scripts based on ArGaze toolkit. ## Installation Consider that all inline commands below needs to be executed into ArGaze root folder. - Install build tool package: ``` pip install build ``` - Then, build argaze package: ``` python -m build ``` - Then, install argaze package (replace VERSION by what has been built into dist folder): ``` pip install ./dist/argaze-VERSION.whl ``` *As Argaze library developper, you should prefer to install the package in developer mode to test live code changes:* ``` pip install -e . ``` ## Documentation To generate html documentation using [pdoc](, - Install 'pdoc' package: ``` pip install pdoc ``` - Then, build documentation into doc folder: ``` pdoc -o ./doc ./src/argaze/ ``` *As Argaze library developper, you should prefer to create a local html server to watch live documentation changes:* ``` pdoc ./src/argaze/ ```