Environment exploitation ======================== Once loaded, [ArEnvironment](../../../argaze/#argaze.ArFeatures.ArEnvironment) assets can be exploited as illustrated below: ```python # Access to AR environment ArUco detector passing it a image where to detect ArUco markers ar_environment.aruco_detector.detect_markers(image) # Access to an AR environment scene my_first_scene = ar_environment.scenes['my first AR scene'] try: # Try to estimate AR scene pose from detected markers tvec, rmat, consistent_markers = my_first_scene.estimate_pose(ar_environment.aruco_detector.detected_markers) # Project AR scene into camera image according estimated pose # Optional visual_hfov argument is set to 160° to clip AOI scene according a cone vision aoi2D_scene = my_first_scene.project(tvec, rmat, visual_hfov=160) # Draw estimated AR scene axis my_first_scene.draw_axis(image) # Draw AOI2D scene projection aoi2D_scene.draw(image) # Do something with AOI2D scene projection ... # Catch exceptions raised by estimate_pose and project methods except (ArFeatures.PoseEstimationFailed, ArFeatures.SceneProjectionFailed) as e: print(e) ```