--- title: AOI frame --- AOI Frame ========= [AOIFeatures](../../../argaze/#argaze/AreaOfInterest.AOIFeatures) provides [AOIFrame](../../../argaze/#argaze/AreaOfInterest.AOIFeatures.AOIFrame) class to draw into an 2D AOI. ## Point spread The **point_spread** method draw a gaussian point spread into the frame at a given pointer position. ![Point spread](../../img/point_spread.png) ## Heatmap Heatmap visualisation allows to show where a pointer is most of the time. ![Heatmap](../../img/heatmap.png) ```python from argaze.AreaOfInterest import AOIFeatures # Create an AOI aoi = AOIFeatures.AreaOfInterest([[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]]) # Create AOIFrame related to this AOI with 800px * 600px resolution aoi_frame = AOIFeatures.AOIFrame(aoi, (800, 600)) # Initialize heatmap aoi_frame.heatmap_init() # Assuming a pointer position (x, y) is moving inside frame ...: # Update heatmap at pointer position aoi_frame.heatmap_update((x, y), sigma=0.05) # Do something with heatmap picture ... aoi_frame.heatmap ```