Estimate scene pose =================== Once [ArUco markers are placed into a scene]( and [ArUcoCamera](../../ is [configured](, scene pose can be estimated. ![Scene pose estimation](../../img/aruco_camera_pose_estimation.png) ## Add ArUcoScene to ArUcoCamera JSON configuration file An [ArUcoScene](../../ class defines a space with [ArUco markers inside]( helping to estimate scene pose when they are watched by [ArUcoCamera](../../ Here is an extract from the JSON [ArUcoCamera](../../ configuration file with a sample where one scene is added and displayed: ```json { "argaze.ArUcoMarkers.ArUcoCamera.ArUcoCamera": { "name": "My FullHD camera", "size": [1920, 1080], ... "scenes": { "MyScene" : { "aruco_markers_group": { "dictionary": "DICT_APRILTAG_16h5", "places": { "0": { "translation": [17.5, 2.75, -0.5], "rotation": [-18.5, 0, 0], "size": 5 }, "1": { "translation": [46, 34, 18.333], "rotation": [0, 70, 0], "size": 5 }, "2": { "translation": [41, 4, 3.333], "rotation": [-60, 0, 0], "size": 5 } } } } }, ... "image_parameters": { ... "draw_scenes": { "MyScene": { "draw_aruco_markers_group": { "draw_axes": { "thickness": 3, "length": 10 }, "draw_places": { "color": [0, 0, 0], "border_size": 1 } } } } } } } ``` Now, let's understand the meaning of each JSON entry. ### *scenes* An [ArUcoCamera](../../ instance can contains multiples [ArUcoScene](../../ stored by name. ### MyScene The name of an [ArUcoScene](../../ Basically useful for visualization purpose. ### *aruco_markers_group* The 3D places of ArUco markers into the scene as defined at [ArUco markers description chapter]( Thanks to this description, it is possible to estimate the pose of [ArUcoScene](../../ in [ArUcoCamera](../../ frame. !!! note [ArUcoScene](../../ pose estimation is done when calling the [](../../ method. ### *draw_scenes* The drawing parameters of each loaded [ArUcoScene](../../ in [ArUcoCamera.image](../../