Camera calibration ================== Any camera device have to be calibrated to compensate its optical distorsion. ![Camera calibration](../../img/camera_calibration.png) The first step to calibrate a [ArUcoCamera](/argaze/#argaze.ArUcoMarkers.ArUcoCamera) is to create an [ArUcoBoard](/argaze/#argaze.ArUcoMarkers.ArUcoBoard) like in the code below: ``` python from argaze.ArUcoMarkers import ArUcoMarkersDictionary, ArUcoBoard # Create ArUco dictionary aruco_dictionary = ArUcoMarkersDictionary.ArUcoMarkersDictionary('DICT_APRILTAG_16h5') # Create an ArUco board of 7 columns and 5 rows with 5 cm squares with 3cm ArUco markers inside aruco_board = ArUcoBoard.ArUcoBoard(7, 5, 5, 3, aruco_dictionary) # Export ArUco board with 300 dpi resolution'./calibration_board.png', 300) ``` Then, the calibration process needs to make many different captures of an [ArUcoBoard](/argaze/#argaze.ArUcoMarkers.ArUcoBoard) through the camera and then, pass them to an [ArUcoDetector](/argaze/#argaze.ArUcoMarkers.ArUcoDetector.ArUcoDetector) instance. ![Calibration step](../../img/camera_calibration_step.png) The sample of code below shows how to detect board corners into camera frames, store detected corners then process them to build calibration data and, finally, save it into a JSON file: ``` python from argaze.ArUcoMarkers import ArUcoMarkersDictionary, ArUcoCamera, ArUcoBoard, ArUcoDetector # Create ArUco dictionary aruco_dictionary = ArUcoMarkersDictionary.ArUcoMarkersDictionary('DICT_APRILTAG_16h5') # Create ArUco camera aruco_camera = ArUcoCamera.ArUcoCamera(dimensions=(1920, 1080)) # Create ArUco board of 7 columns and 5 rows with 5 cm squares with 3cm aruco markers inside # Note: This board is the one expected during further board tracking expected_aruco_board = ArUcoBoard.ArUcoBoard(7, 5, 5, 3, aruco_dictionary) # Create ArUco detector aruco_detector = ArUcoDetector.ArUcoDetector(dictionary=aruco_dictionary, marker_size=3) # Capture frames from a live Full HD video stream (1920x1080) while video_stream.is_alive(): frame = # Detect all board corners in frame aruco_detector.detect_board(frame, expected_aruco_board, expected_aruco_board.markers_number) # If board corners are detected if aruco_detector.board_corners_number > 0: # Draw board corners to show that board tracking succeeded aruco_detector.draw_board(frame) # Append tracked board data for further calibration processing aruco_camera.store_calibration_data(aruco_detector.board_corners, aruco_detector.board_corners_identifier) # Start camera calibration processing for Full HD image resolution print('Calibrating camera...') aruco_camera.calibrate(expected_aruco_board) # Print camera calibration data print('Calibration succeeded!') print(f'RMS:{aruco_camera.rms}') print(f'Camera matrix:{aruco_camera.K}') print(f'Distortion coefficients:{aruco_camera.D}') # Save camera calibration data aruco_camera.to_json('calibration.json') ``` Then, the camera calibration data are loaded to compensate optical distorsion during [ArUcoMarkers](/argaze/#argaze.ArUcoMarkers.ArUcoMarker) detection: ``` python from argaze.ArUcoMarkers import ArUcoCamera # Load camera calibration data aruco_camera = ArUcoCamera.ArUcoCamera.from_json('./calibration.json') ```