Markers scene description ========================= The ArGaze toolkit provides [ArUcoScene](../../ class to describe where [ArUcoMarkers](../../ are placed into a 3D model. ![ArUco scene](../../img/aruco_scene.png) [ArUcoScene](../../ is useful to: * filter markers that belongs to this predefined scene, * check the consistency of detected markers according the place where each marker is expected to be, * estimate the pose of the scene from the pose of detected markers. ## Scene creation ### from OBJ ArUco scene description uses common OBJ file format that can be exported from most 3D editors. Notice that plane normals (vn) needs to be exported. ``` obj o DICT_APRILTAG_16h5#0_Marker v -3.004536 0.022876 2.995370 v 2.995335 -0.015498 3.004618 v -2.995335 0.015498 -3.004618 v 3.004536 -0.022876 -2.995370 vn 0.0064 1.0000 -0.0012 s off f 1//1 2//1 4//1 3//1 o DICT_APRILTAG_16h5#1_Marker v -33.799068 46.450645 -32.200436 v -27.852505 47.243549 -32.102116 v -34.593925 52.396473 -32.076626 v -28.647360 53.189377 -31.978306 vn -0.0135 -0.0226 0.9997 s off f 5//2 6//2 8//2 7//2 ... ``` Here is a sample of code to show the loading of an [ArUcoScene](../../ OBJ file description: ``` python from argaze.ArUcoMarkers import ArUcoScene # Create an ArUco scene from a OBJ file description aruco_scene = ArUcoScene.ArUcoScene.from_obj('./markers.obj') # Print loaded marker places for place_id, place in aruco_scene.places.items(): print(f'place {place_id} for marker: ', place.marker.identifier) print(f'place {place_id} translation: ', place.translation) print(f'place {place_id} rotation: ', place.rotation) ``` ### from JSON [ArUcoScene](../../ description can also be written in a JSON file format. ``` json { "dictionary": "DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL", "marker_size": 1, "places": { "0": { "translation": [0, 0, 0], "rotation": [0, 0, 0] }, "1": { "translation": [10, 10, 0], "rotation": [0, 0, 0] }, "2": { "translation": [0, 10, 0], "rotation": [0, 0, 0] } } } ``` ### from detected markers Here is a more advanced usage where ArUco scene is built from markers detected into an image: ``` python from argaze.ArUcoMarkers import ArUcoScene # Assuming markers have been detected and their pose estimated thanks to ArUcoDetector ... # Build ArUco scene from detected markers aruco_scene = ArUcoScene.ArUcoScene(aruco_detector.marker_size, aruco_detector.dictionary, aruco_detector.detected_markers) ``` ## Markers filtering Considering markers are detected, here is how to filter them to consider only those which belongs to the scene: ``` python scene_markers, remaining_markers = aruco_scene.filter_markers(aruco_detector.detected_markers) ``` ## Marker poses consistency Then, scene markers poses can be validated by verifying their spatial consistency considering angle and distance tolerance. This is particularly useful to discard ambiguous marker pose estimations when markers are parallel to camera plane (see [issue on OpenCV Contribution repository]( ``` python # Check scene markers consistency with 10° angle tolerance and 1 cm distance tolerance consistent_markers, unconsistent_markers, unconsistencies = aruco_scene.check_markers_consistency(scene_markers, 10, 1) ``` ## Scene pose estimation Several approaches are available to perform [ArUcoScene](../../ pose estimation from markers belonging to the scene. The first approach considers that scene pose can be estimated **from a single marker pose**: ``` python # Let's select one consistent scene marker marker_id, marker = consistent_markers.popitem() # Estimate scene pose from a single marker tvec, rmat = self.aruco_scene.estimate_pose_from_single_marker(marker) ``` The second approach considers that scene pose can be estimated by **averaging several marker poses**: ``` python # Estimate scene pose from all consistent scene markers tvec, rmat = self.aruco_scene.estimate_pose_from_markers(consistent_markers) ``` The third approach is only available when ArUco markers are placed in such a configuration that is possible to **define orthogonal axis**: ``` python tvec, rmat = self.aruco_scene.estimate_pose_from_axis_markers(origin_marker, horizontal_axis_marker, vertical_axis_marker) ``` ## Scene exportation As ArUco scene can be exported to OBJ file description to import it into most 3D editors. ``` python # Export an ArUco scene as OBJ file description aruco_scene.to_obj('markers.obj') ```