Configure and execute ArUcoCamera ================================= Once [ArUco markers are placed into a scene]( and [areas of interest are described](, everything is ready to setup an ArUco marker pipeline thanks to [ArUcoCamera](../../ class. As it inherits from [ArFrame](../../, the [ArUcoCamera](../../ class benefits from all the services described in [gaze analysis pipeline section](./user_guide/gaze_analysis_pipeline/ ![ArUco camera markers detection](../../img/aruco_camera_markers_detection.png) ## Load JSON configuration file The [ArUcoCamera](../../ internal pipeline loads from a JSON configuration file thanks to [ArUcoCamera.from_json](../../ class method. Here is a simple JSON [ArUcoCamera](../../ configuration file example: ```json { "name": "My FullHD camera", "size": [1920, 1080], "aruco_detector": { "dictionary": "DICT_APRILTAG_16h5", "marker_size": 5 }, "image_parameters": { "background_weight": 1, ... "draw_detected_markers": { "color": [0, 255, 0], "draw_axes": { "thickness": 3 } } } } ``` Then, here is how to load the JSON file: ```python from argaze.ArUcoMarkers import ArUcoCamera # Load ArUcoCamera aruco_camera = ArUcoCamera.ArUcoCamera.from_json('./configuration.json') ``` Now, let's understand the meaning of each JSON entry. ### Name - *inherited from [ArFrame](../../* The name of the [ArUcoCamera](../../ frame. Basically useful for visualisation purpose. ### Size - *inherited from [ArFrame](../../* The size of the [ArUcoCamera](../../ frame in pixels. Be aware that gaze positions have to be in the same range of value to be projected in. ### ArUco Detector The first [ArUcoCamera](../../ pipeline step is to detect ArUco markers inside input image and estimate their poses. The [ArUcoDetector](../../ is in charge to detect all markers from a specific dictionary with a given size in centimeters. !!! warning JSON *aruco_detector* entry is mandatory. ### Image parameters - *inherited from [ArFrame](../../* The usual [ArFrame visualisation parameters](./user_guide/gaze_analysis_pipeline/ plus one additional *draw_detected_markers* field. ## Pipeline execution Pass each camera image to [](../../ method to execute the whole intanciated pipeline. ```python # Assuming that Full HD (1920x1080) video stream or file is opened ... # Assuming there is a way to escape the while loop while ...: # Capture image from video stream of file image = # Detect ArUco markers and more... # Display ArUcoCamera frame image to check that ArUco markers are well detected and scene is well projected ... aruco_camera.image() ``` !!! warning ArUco markers pose estimation algorithm can lead to errors due to geometric ambiguities as explain in [this article]( To discard such ambiguous cases, markers should **not be parallel to camera plan**. At this point, the [ArUcoCamera](../../ only detects ArUco markers as no scene description is provided.