Overview ======== This section explains how to build augmented reality pipelines based on [ArUco Markers technology](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0031320314000235) for various use cases. The OpenCV library provides a module to detect fiducial markers into a picture and estimate their poses. ![OpenCV ArUco markers](../../img/opencv_aruco.png) The ArGaze [ArUcoMarkers submodule](../../argaze.md/#argaze.ArUcoMarkers) eases markers creation, markers detection and 3D scene pose estimation through a set of high level classes. To build your own ArUco markers pipeline, you need to know: * [How to setup ArUco markers into a scene](aruco_markers_description.md), * [How to load and execute ArUco markers pipeline](configuration_and_execution.md), * [How to estimate scene pose](pose_estimation.md), * [How to describe scene's AOI](aoi_3d_description.md), * [How to project 3D AOI into camera frame](aoi_3d_projection.md), * [How to define a 3D AOI as a frame](aoi_3d_frame.md). More advanced features are also explained like: * [How to script ArUco markers pipeline](advanced_topics/scripting.md), * [How to calibrate optic parameters](advanced_topics/optic_parameters_calibration.md), * [How to improve ArUco markers detection](advanced_topics/aruco_detector_configuration.md).