Overview ======== This section explains how to build gaze analysis pipelines for various use cases. First, let's look at the schema below: it gives an overview of the main notions involved in the following chapters. ![Gaze analysis pipeline](../../img/gaze_analysis_pipeline.png) To build your own gaze analysis pipeline, you need to know: * [How to edit timestamped gaze positions](timestamped_gaze_positions_edition.md), * [How to deal with an ArFrame instance](ar_frame_configuration_and_execution.md), * [How to deal with an ArLayer instance](ar_layer_configuration_and_execution.md), * [How to log resulted gaze analysis](gaze_analysis_logging.md), * [How to visualize heatmap](heatmap_visualisation.md). More advanced features are also explained like: * [How to load module from another package](advanced_topics/module_loading.md)