Load and connect a context ========================== Once an [ArContext is defined](context_definition.md), it have to be connected to a pipeline. # Load JSON configuration file An [ArContext](../../argaze.md/#argaze.ArFeatures.ArContext) can be loaded from a JSON configuration file thanks to the [argaze.load](../../argaze.md/#argaze.load) package method. Here is a JSON configuration file related to the [previously defined Example context](context_definition.md): ```json { "my_context.Example": { "name": "My example context", "parameter": ..., "pipeline": "pipeline.json" } } ``` Then, here is how to load the JSON file: ```python import argaze # Load ArContext with argaze.load('./configuration.json') as ar_context: # Do something with ArContext ... ``` !!! note There is nothing to do to execute a loaded context as it is handled inside its own **__enter__** method.