Ready-made scripts ================== Collection of command-line scripts to provide useful features. !!! note *Consider that all inline commands below have to be executed at the root of ArGaze package folder.* !!! note *Use -h option to get command arguments documentation.* ## ArUco scene exporter Load a MOVIE with ArUco markers inside and select image into it, detect ArUco markers belonging to DICT_APRILTAG_16h5 dictionary with 5cm size into the selected image thanks to given OPTIC_PARAMETERS and DETECTOR_PARAMETERS files then, export detected ArUco markers scene as .obj file into an *./src/argaze/utils/_export/scenes* folder. ```shell python ./src/argaze/utils/ MOVIE DICT_APRILTAG_16h5 5 OPTIC_PARAMETERS DETECTOR_PARAMETERS -o ./src/argaze/utils/_export/scenes ```