Collection of command-line high level features based on ArGaze toolkit. Use -help to get arguments documentation. ## Ready-to-use commands Consider that all inline commands below needs to be executed into ArGaze root folder. - Ask for command help (replace UTILS_SCRIPT) ``` python ./src/argaze/utils/ -h ``` - Export 50 4x4 markers at 300 dpi into an export/markers folder: ``` python ./src/argaze/utils/ -o export/markers ``` - Export a 7 columns and 5 rows calibration board with 5cm squares and 3cm markers inside at 50 dpi into an export folder: ``` python ./src/argaze/utils/ 7 5 5 3 -o export ``` - Calibrate Tobii Glasses Pro 2 camera (replace IP_ADDRESS) using a 7 columns and 5 rows calibration board with 5cm squares and 3cm markers inside. Then, export its optical parameters into an tobii_camera.json file: ``` python ./src/argaze/utils/ 7 5 5 3 -t IP_ADDRESS -o export/tobii_camera.json ``` - Display Tobii Glasses Pro 2 camera video stream (replace IP_ADDRESS) and gaze ``` python ./src/argaze/utils/ -t IP_ADDRESS ``` - Record a Tobii Glasses Pro 2 'Test' session for a participant '1' on Tobii interface's SD card (replace IP_ADDRESS). ``` python ./src/argaze/utils/ -t IP_ADDRESS -p myProject -u mySelf ``` - Explore Tobii Glasses Pro 2 interface's SD Card (replace DRIVE_PATH, PROJECT_PATH, RECORDING_PATH, SEGMENT_PATH) ``` python ./src/argaze/utils/ -d DRIVE_PATH ``` ``` python ./src/argaze/utils/ -p PROJECT_PATH ``` ``` python ./src/argaze/utils/ -r RECORDING_PATH ``` ``` python ./src/argaze/utils/ -s SEGMENT_PATH ``` - Export Tobii segment fixations (replace SEGMENT_PATH) into a fixations.json file into the segment folder ``` python ./src/argaze/utils/ -s SEGMENT_PATH ``` - Replay a Tobii Glasses Pro 2 session (replace SEGMENT_PATH) synchronizing video and data together. ``` python ./src/argaze/utils/ -s SEGMENT_PATH ``` - Track any 4.5cm Original ArUco marker into calibrated Tobii camera video stream (replace IP_ADDRESS). Load an roi scene (replace ROI_SCENE) .obj file, position it virtually relatively to any detected ArUco markers and project the scene into camera frame. Then, detect if Tobii gaze point is inside any ROI. ``` python ./src/argaze/utils/ -t IP_ADDRESS -c export/tobii_camera.json -m 4.5 -s ROI_SCENE ```