#!/usr/bin/env python import argparse import os from argaze.ArUcoMarkers import ArUcoTracker, ArUcoCamera from argaze.RegionOfInterest import * from argaze.TobiiGlassesPro2 import * import cv2 as cv import pandas import matplotlib.pyplot as mpyplot import matplotlib.patches as mpatches def main(): """ Track any ArUco marker into Tobii Glasses Pro 2 camera video stream. From a loaded ROI scene .obj file, position the scene virtually like the detected ArUco markers and project the scene into camera frame. Then, detect if Tobii gaze point is inside any ROI. Export all collected datas into an export folder for further analysis. """ # manage arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=main.__doc__.split('-')[0]) parser.add_argument('-t', '--tobii_ip', metavar='TOBII_IP', type=str, default='', help='tobii glasses ip') parser.add_argument('-c', '--camera_calibration', metavar='CAM_CALIB', type=str, default='tobii_camera.json', help='json camera calibration filepath') parser.add_argument('-s', '--roi_scene', metavar='ROI_SCENE', type=str, default='roi3D_scene.obj', help='obj roi scene filepath') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', metavar='OUT', type=str, default='.', help='destination path') parser.add_argument('-d', '--dictionary', metavar='DICT', type=str, default='DICT_4X4_50', help='aruco marker dictionnary') parser.add_argument('-m', '--marker_size', metavar='MKR', type=int, default=6, help='aruco marker size (cm)') args = parser.parse_args() # create tobii controller tobii_controller = TobiiController.TobiiController(args.tobii_ip, 'ArGaze', 1) # calibrate tobii glasses tobii_controller.calibrate() # create tobii data thread tobii_data_thread = TobiiData.TobiiDataThread(tobii_controller) tobii_data_thread.start() # create tobii video thread tobii_video_thread = TobiiVideo.TobiiVideoThread(tobii_controller) tobii_video_thread.start() # create aruco camera aruco_camera = ArUcoCamera.ArUcoCamera() aruco_camera.load_calibration_file(args.camera_calibration) # create aruco tracker aruco_tracker = ArUcoTracker.ArUcoTracker(args.dictionary, 6, aruco_camera) # aruco dictionaries, marker length (cm), camera # create ROIs 3D scene roi3D_scene = ROI3DScene.ROI3DScene() roi3D_scene.load(args.roi_scene) # start tobii glasses streaming tobii_controller.start_streaming() # process video frames frame_time = 0 last_frame_time = 0 roi2D_buffer = [] marker_buffer = [] # tracking loop try: # wait 1ms between each frame until 'Esc' key is pressed while cv.waitKey(1) != 27: frame, frame_width, frame_height, frame_time, pts = tobii_video_thread.read() # draw tobii gaze # TODO : sync gaze data according frame pts gp_data = tobii_data_thread.read_gaze_data(pts) if 'TIMESTAMP' in gp_data: pointer = (int(gp_data['X'] * frame_width), int(gp_data['Y'] * frame_height)) cv.circle(frame, pointer, 4, (0, 255, 255), -1) else: pointer = (0, 0) # track markers with pose estimation and draw them aruco_tracker.track(frame) aruco_tracker.draw(frame) # project 3D scenes related to each aruco markers if aruco_tracker.get_markers_number(): for (i, marker_id) in enumerate(aruco_tracker.get_markers_ids()): # TODO : select different 3D scenes depending on aruco id marker_rotation = aruco_tracker.get_marker_rotation(i) marker_translation = aruco_tracker.get_marker_translation(i) roi3D_scene.set_rotation(marker_rotation) roi3D_scene.set_translation(marker_translation) # zero distorsion matrix D0 = numpy.asarray([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # DON'T APPLY CAMERA DISTORSION : it projects points which are far from the frame into it # This hack isn't realistic but as the gaze will mainly focus on centered ROI, where the distorsion is low, it is acceptable. roi2D_scene = roi3D_scene.project(aruco_camera.getK(), D0) # check if gaze is inside 2D rois roi2D_scene.inside(pointer) # draw 2D rois roi2D_scene.draw(frame) # store roi2D into buffer for roi2D in roi2D_scene: roi2D['TIME'] = frame_time del roi2D['VERTICES'] roi2D_buffer.append(roi2D) # store marker into buffer marker = { 'TIME': frame_time, 'ID': i, 'X': marker_translation[0][0], 'Y': marker_translation[0][1], 'Z': marker_translation[0][2] } marker_buffer.append(marker) cv.imshow('Live Scene', frame) # exit on 'ctrl+C' interruption except KeyboardInterrupt: pass # stop frame display cv.destroyAllWindows() last_frame_time = frame_time # stop tobii objects tobii_video_thread.stop() tobii_data_thread.stop() tobii_controller.stop_streaming() tobii_controller.close() # create a pandas DataFrame for each buffer ac_dataframe = pandas.DataFrame(tobii_data_thread.read_accelerometer_buffer(), columns=['TIMESTAMP', 'TIME', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']) gy_dataframe = pandas.DataFrame(tobii_data_thread.read_gyroscope_buffer(), columns=['TIMESTAMP', 'TIME', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']) gp_dataframe = pandas.DataFrame(tobii_data_thread.read_gaze_buffer(), columns=['TIMESTAMP', 'TIME', 'X', 'Y']) data_pts_dataframe = pandas.DataFrame(tobii_data_thread.read_pts_buffer(), columns=['TIMESTAMP', 'TIME', 'PTS']) video_pts_dataframe = pandas.DataFrame(tobii_video_thread.read_pts_buffer(), columns=['TIME', 'PTS']) roi2D_dataframe = pandas.DataFrame(roi2D_buffer, columns=['TIME', 'NAME', 'POINTER_INSIDE']) marker_dataframe = pandas.DataFrame(marker_buffer, columns=['TIME', 'ID', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']) # manage export folder if not os.path.exists(args.output): os.makedirs(args.output) print(f'{args.output} folder created') # export all data frames ac_dataframe.to_csv(f'{args.output}/accelerometer.csv', index=False) gy_dataframe.to_csv(f'{args.output}/gyroscope.csv', index=False) gp_dataframe.to_csv(f'{args.output}/gaze.csv', index=False) data_pts_dataframe.to_csv(f'{args.output}/data_pts.csv', index=False) video_pts_dataframe.to_csv(f'{args.output}/video_pts.csv', index=False) roi2D_dataframe.to_csv(f'{args.output}/rois.csv', index=False) marker_dataframe.to_csv(f'{args.output}/markers.csv', index=False) # edit figure figure = mpyplot.figure(figsize=(int(last_frame_time), 5)) # plot gaze data subplot = figure.add_subplot(211) subplot.set_title('Gaze') subplot = gp_dataframe.plot(x='TIME', y='X', xlim=(0, last_frame_time), ax=subplot, color='#276FB6', xlabel='Time (s)', ylabel='X (normalized)', legend=False) subplot = gp_dataframe.plot(x='TIME', y='Y', xlim=(0, last_frame_time), ax=subplot.twinx(), color='#9427B6', xlabel='Time (s)', ylabel='Y (normalized)', legend=False) x_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='#276FB6', label='X') y_speed_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='#9427B6', label='Y') subplot.legend(handles=[x_patch, y_speed_patch], loc='upper left') # plot maker position data subplot = figure.add_subplot(212) subplot.set_title('Marker') subplot = marker_dataframe.plot(x='TIME', y='X', xlim=(0, last_frame_time), ax=subplot, color='#276FB6', xlabel='Time (s)', ylabel='X (cm)', legend=False) subplot = marker_dataframe.plot(x='TIME', y='Y', xlim=(0, last_frame_time), ax=subplot.twinx(), color='#9427B6', xlabel='Time (s)', ylabel='Y (cm)', legend=False) x_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='#276FB6', label='X') y_speed_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='#9427B6', label='Y') subplot.legend(handles=[x_patch, y_speed_patch], loc='upper left') # export figure mpyplot.tight_layout() mpyplot.savefig(f'{args.output}/visualisation.svg') mpyplot.close('all') if __name__ == '__main__': main()