#!/usr/bin/env python """ tobii_camera_calibration.py Author: - Théo de la Hogue, theo.de-la-hogue@enac.fr This program: - Captures board pictures with a full displayed board inside - Outputs camera calibration data into a camera.json file Reference: - https://automaticaddison.com/how-to-perform-pose-estimation-using-an-aruco-marker/ """ import os import time from TobiiGlassesPro2 import TobiiController, TobiiVideo from ArUcoMarkers import ArUcoBoard, ArUcoTracker, ArUcoCamera import cv2 as cv # tobii glasses ip address ip_address = '' # manage export folder current_folder = os.path.dirname(__file__) export_folder = os.path.join(current_folder, '_export') if not os.path.exists(export_folder): os.makedirs(export_folder) print(f'\'_export\' folder created') # create tobii controller tobii_controller = TobiiController.TobiiController(ip_address, 'ArGaze', 1) # create tobii video thread tobii_video_thread = TobiiVideo.TobiiVideoThread(tobii_controller) tobii_video_thread.start() # create aruco camera aruco_camera = ArUcoCamera.ArUcoCamera() # create aruco board aruco_board = ArUcoBoard.ArUcoBoard('DICT_4X4_50', 7, 5, 5, 3) # 7 columns, 5 rows, square size (cm), marker size (cm) # create aruco tracker aruco_tracker = ArUcoTracker.ArUcoTracker('DICT_4X4_50', 6, aruco_camera) # aruco dictionaries, marker length (cm), camera # start tobii glasses streaming tobii_controller.start_streaming() print("Camera calibration starts") print("Waiting for calibration board...") frame_width = 0 frame_height = 0 expected_markers_number = len(aruco_board.get_ids()) expected_corners_number = (aruco_board.get_size()[0] - 1 ) * (aruco_board.get_size()[1] - 1) # capture frame with a full displayed board while True: frame, frame_width, frame_height, frame_time, frame_pts = tobii_video_thread.read() # track all markers in the board aruco_tracker.track_board(frame, aruco_board, expected_markers_number) # draw only markers aruco_tracker.draw(frame) # draw current calibration data count cv.putText(frame, f'Capture: {aruco_camera.get_calibration_data_count()}', (50, 50), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (255, 255, 255), 2, cv.LINE_AA) cv.imshow('Tobii Camera Calibration', frame) # if all board corners are detected if aruco_tracker.get_board_corners_number() == expected_corners_number: # draw board corners to notify a capture is done aruco_tracker.draw_board(frame) # append data aruco_camera.store_calibration_data(aruco_tracker.get_board_corners(), aruco_tracker.get_board_corners_ids()) cv.imshow(f'Tobii Camera Calibration', frame) time.sleep(2) # quit on 'Esc' command key = cv.waitKey(1) if key == 27: cv.destroyAllWindows() break # stop tobii objects tobii_video_thread.stop() tobii_controller.stop_streaming() tobii_controller.close() print('\nCalibrating camera...') aruco_camera.calibrate(aruco_board, frame_width, frame_height) print('\nCalibration succeeded!') print(f'\nRMS:\n{aruco_camera.get_rms()}') print(f'\nCamera matrix:\n{aruco_camera.get_K()}') print(f'\nDistortion coefficients:\n{aruco_camera.get_D()}') aruco_camera.save_calibration_file(os.join(export_folder,'tobii_camera.json')) print(f'\nCalibration data exported into tobii_camera.json file')