#! /bin/bash # # Load json ArGaze context file ($1) then, look for all Tobii record segments into input folder ($2). # # For each Tobii record segment found: # - context "segment" field is modified to bind on it, # - context "pipeline" field is modified to bind on a temporary patched pipeline \ # resulting from the merging of the given pipeline and an optionnal "patch.json" file in Tobii record segment, # - then, ArGaze executes the modified context from output folder ($3) to export all records into it, # - finally, context is resetted and temporary patched pipeline is removed. # # Arguments: # $1: ArGaze context file # $2: folder from where to look for Tobii records # $3: folder where to export processing outputs ####################################### # Check required arguments if [ "$#" -ne 3 ]; then echo "!!! Incorrect number of arguments" exit 1 fi context_file=$1 input_folder=$2 output_folder=$3 # Check requirements: if brew ls --versions jq > /dev/null; then : # jq installed else echo "*** Installing jq package" brew install jq fi # Check context ctx_folder="$(dirname "$context_file")" ctx_class=$(jq "keys[0]" $context_file) ctx_name=$(jq .$ctx_class.name $context_file) ctx_segment=$(jq .$ctx_class.segment $context_file) pipeline_file=$(jq -r .$ctx_class.pipeline $context_file) echo "*** Loading $ctx_class context:" echo "- Name: $ctx_name" # Move to context folder cd $ctx_folder # Check pipeline if [ -f "$pipeline_file" ]; then ppl_class=$(jq "keys[0]" $pipeline_file) ppl_name=$(jq .$ppl_class.name $pipeline_file) echo "- Pipeline: $ppl_name" else echo "!!! Missing $pipeline_file pipeline file" exit 1 fi ####################################### # Process Tobii segment folder # Arguments: # $1: Path to Tobii segment ####################################### function process_segment() { local rec_id=$1 local seg_folder=$2 local seg_id=$(basename $seg_folder) local seg_length=$(jq .seg_length $seg_folder/segment.json) local ca_state=$(jq -r .ca_state $seg_folder/calibration.json) echo "- Segment $seg_id:" echo " - Lenght: $seg_length" echo " - Calibration: $ca_state" # Check patch patch_file="$seg_folder/patch.json" if [ -f "$patch_file" ]; then echo "+ Patch:" echo "$(jq . $patch_file)" # Edit temporary patched pipeline temp_file=".$rec_id-$seg_id.patch.json" echo "$(jq --tab -s ".[0] * .[1]" $pipeline_file $patch_file)" > "$ctx_folder/$temp_file" # Modify context pipeline echo "$(jq --tab ".$ctx_class.pipeline = \"$temp_file\"" $context_file)" > $context_file echo "*** $ctx_folder/$temp_file file created" fi # Modify context segment echo "$(jq --tab ".$ctx_class.segment = \"$seg_folder\"" $context_file)" > $context_file # Create segment output folder then, move into seg_output=$output_folder/$rec_id/segments/$seg_id mkdir -p $seg_output cd $seg_output # Launch modified context with argaze load command echo "*** ArGaze starts context" python -m argaze load $context_file echo "*** ArGaze ends context" # Move back to context folder cd $ctx_folder # Reset context segment echo "$(jq --tab ".$ctx_class.segment = $ctx_segment" $context_file)" > $context_file # Check temporary pipeline if [ -f "$temp_file" ]; then # Delete temporary patched pipeline rm "$ctx_folder/$temp_file" # Reset context pipeline echo "$(jq --tab ".$ctx_class.pipeline = \"$pipeline_file\"" $context_file)" > $context_file echo "*** $ctx_folder/$temp_file file removed" fi } ####################################### # Process Tobii record folder # Arguments: # $1: Path to Tobii record ####################################### function process_record() { local rec_folder=$1 local rec_id=$(basename $rec_folder) local rec_name=$(jq .rec_info.Name $rec_folder/recording.json) local pa_id=$(jq .pa_id $rec_folder/participant.json) local pa_name=$(jq .pa_info.Name $rec_folder/participant.json) echo "*** Loading record $rec_id:" echo "- Name: $rec_name" echo "- Participant:" echo " - Id: $pa_id" echo " - Name: $pa_name" for segment in $rec_folder/segments/*; do process_segment $rec_id "$rec_folder/segments/$(basename $segment)" done } echo "*** Looking for Tobii records into $2 folder" # Check if the path is directly a path to a record segment if [ -f "$input_folder/livedata.json.gz" ]; then process_record "$(dirname "$(dirname "$input_folder")")" # Otherwise, look for all Tobii record segment else for tobii_data in $input_folder/**/segments/*/livedata.json.gz; do process_record "$(dirname "$(dirname "$(dirname "$tobii_data")")")" done fi