$Summary = "Irbox, an Ivy driver for Irman infra-red remote controls"; $Name = "irbox"; $Copyright = "GPL"; $Vendor = "Centre d'Etudes de la Navigation Aerienne"; $Distribution = "Ivy"; $Group = "System Environment/Daemons"; $Url = "http://www.tls.cena.fr/products/ivy"; $BuildArchitectures = "i386"; $BuildRoot = "/var/tmp/irbox-buildroot/"; $Requires = "ivy-c"; $Description = "Irbox is an Ivy driver for Irman infra-red remote controls (see http://www.evation.com/irman/ for details about the Irman product). Irbox comes with a database of the codes emitted by a number of TV, VCR and cable TV infra-red remote controls, and emits explicit textual messages on an Ivy bus every time a button is depressed. Remote controls of different types can be used concurrently, and are distinguished by Irbox.";