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6. Conventions for writing applications

6.1 Default bus

By default, the bus used is ie the application will be connected on the port 2010 of the local machine it runs on.

You can set the bus to be used by setting the environment variable IVYBUS or by implementing the option -b in the application.

6.2 Connexion to ivy

By convention, the message application-name READY is to be used when initializing the connexion to ivy.


IvyInit ("TOTO", "TOTO READY",...)

6.3 Syntax of messages

The syntax of the messages exchanged is totally free. However, the following convention is recommended:
  • The message syntax is Subject Attributes
  • A Subject is an object, named in a hierarchical form: ObjectClass1:object1.ObjectClass2:object2...
  • Attributes are pairs (attribute-name, value)
  • Example:

    AIRCRAFT:LIB720 Moved lat=46.1697 lon=2.0844 vx=-36 vy=-463 afl=330 rate=0 heading=184 ground_speed=465 mach_speed=0 tendance=0 time=24600 cfl=330

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