/************************************************************************ hash.c - This module maintains a hash table of key/value pairs. Keys can be strings of any size, or numbers up to size unsigned long (HASHKEYTYPE). Values should be a pointer to some data you wish to store. See hash_usage() for an example of use. ************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "hash.h" // Enums typedef enum {FindEmpty = 0, FindExisting = 1} enumFind; // Structs struct ROW { HASHKEYTYPE Key; int Type; void * Data; }; struct HASHTABLE_T { int KeyIsString; unsigned long MaxLoad; unsigned long MaxRows; unsigned long ItemCount; struct ROW *Rows; }; // Function prototypes static void hash_expand(HASHTABLE OldTable); // Current module name (used by error processing) static char *module = "hash"; // Error list static const char *ERR_MUST_CREATE_HASH_TABLE_FIRST = "You must create the hash table before using it!"; static const char *ERR_NOT_STRING_TABLE = "Not a string hash table!"; // Deleted entry indicator static const int Empty = 0x00000000; static const int InUse = 0x11111111; static const int Deleted = 0xffffffff; // Expand the table when the usage exceeds this amount (80%) static double LoadFactor = 0.8; /************************************************************************ ExitEarly - Quit the program early ************************************************************************/ static void ExitEarly(const char *strModule, const char *strFunction, const char *errmsg, ...) { va_list args; fprintf(stderr, "Error in module %s, function %s: ", strModule, strFunction); va_start(args, errmsg); vfprintf(stderr, errmsg, args); va_end(args); exit(1); } /************************************************************************ hash1 - Calculate a hash value for the desired key ************************************************************************/ static HASHKEYTYPE hash1(HASHKEYTYPE Key, BOOL KeyIsString) { if (!KeyIsString) { return Key; } else { unsigned char *s = (unsigned char *)Key; HASHKEYTYPE h = 0; while (*s) h = h * 31UL + *s++; return h ; } } /************************************************************************ hash2 - Calculate a secondary hash value for the desired key ************************************************************************/ static HASHKEYTYPE hash2(HASHKEYTYPE Key, BOOL KeyIsString) { return hash1(Key, KeyIsString) >> 3; } /************************************************************************ NextPrime - Return the next prime number past a certain number. ************************************************************************/ static unsigned long NextPrime(unsigned long NumberDesired) { unsigned long i; unsigned long HalfwayPoint; int IsDivisible ; do { NumberDesired++; IsDivisible = FALSE; HalfwayPoint = NumberDesired / 2; for (i = 2; i <= HalfwayPoint; i++) { if (NumberDesired % i == 0) { IsDivisible = TRUE; break; } } } while (IsDivisible); return NumberDesired; }; /************************************************************************ hash_create - Create a new hash table ************************************************************************/ HASHTABLE hash_create(unsigned long InitialSize, BOOL KeyIsString) { HASHTABLE table; // Allocate space for the hash table. table = malloc(sizeof(*table)); // Minimum size of hash table is 8. if (InitialSize < 8 ) InitialSize = 8; // Allocate it large enough so that it's not more than 80% full. InitialSize = (unsigned long)(InitialSize * 1.25); // Allocate space for the rows in the hash table InitialSize = NextPrime(InitialSize); table->MaxLoad = (unsigned long)(InitialSize * LoadFactor); table->MaxRows = InitialSize; table->Rows = malloc(InitialSize * sizeof(struct ROW)); table->KeyIsString = KeyIsString; return table; } /************************************************************************ hash_destroy - Destroy a hash table. ************************************************************************/ HASHTABLE hash_destroy(HASHTABLE table) { char *function = "hash_destroy"; // Make sure the table is valid if (table == NULL) ExitEarly(module, function, ERR_MUST_CREATE_HASH_TABLE_FIRST); // Free the rows in the table free(table->Rows); // Free the table itself free(table); // Return NULL return NULL; } /************************************************************************ FindSlot - Find a slot in the hash table, either empty or existing. ************************************************************************/ static int FindSlot(HASHTABLE table, HASHKEYTYPE Key, int FindMethod, HASHKEYTYPE *Slot) { char *function = "FindSlot"; HASHKEYTYPE hash = 0; unsigned long i; HASHKEYTYPE AddlAmt = 0; // Hash the key. hash = (HASHKEYTYPE)(hash1(Key, table->KeyIsString) % table->MaxRows); // Perform the lookup a maximum of MaxRows times. for (i = 0; i < table->MaxRows; i++) { // Are we supposed to find an empty slot or look for an existing key? if (FindMethod == FindExisting) { // Look for an existing key if (table->Rows[hash].Type == Empty) { // Couldn't find the key return FALSE; } else if (table->Rows[hash].Type == InUse && ( (table->KeyIsString && strcmp((char *)table->Rows[hash].Key, (char *)Key) == 0) || (!table->KeyIsString && table->Rows[hash].Key == Key) ) ) { // Found the key *Slot = hash; return TRUE; } } else { // Look for an empty slot to insert the new key into if (table->Rows[hash].Type != InUse) { // Found a spot *Slot = hash; return TRUE; } else if ( (table->KeyIsString && strcmp((char *)table->Rows[hash].Key, (char *)Key) == 0) || (!table->KeyIsString && table->Rows[hash].Key == Key) ) { // Key already exists! return FALSE; } } // Rehash the hash and try again. if (AddlAmt == 0) AddlAmt = (HASHKEYTYPE)(hash2(Key, table->KeyIsString) % (table->MaxRows >> 3) + 1); hash = (hash + AddlAmt) % table->MaxRows; } // Searched the whole table unsuccessfully! :-O // Should never hit this point, because the table expands when it gets too full. ExitEarly(module, function, "Findslot failed!"); return FALSE; } /************************************************************************ hash_add - Add an item to a hash table. ************************************************************************/ BOOL hash_add(HASHTABLE table, HASHKEYTYPE Key, const void *Data) { char *function = "hash_add"; HASHKEYTYPE position; if (table == NULL) ExitEarly(module, function, ERR_MUST_CREATE_HASH_TABLE_FIRST); // Do not let the table become overloaded if (table->ItemCount > table->MaxLoad) hash_expand(table); // Search for an empty slot if (FindSlot(table, Key, FindEmpty, &position)) { // Insert the data into the table. table->Rows[position].Key = Key; table->Rows[position].Type = InUse; table->Rows[position].Data = (void *)Data; table->ItemCount++; return TRUE; } else { // The entry already exists! return FALSE; } } /************************************************************************ hash_addstring - Add an string to a hash table. ************************************************************************/ BOOL hash_addstring(HASHTABLE table, char * Key, const void * Data) { char *function = "hash_addstring"; if (table == NULL) ExitEarly(module, function, ERR_MUST_CREATE_HASH_TABLE_FIRST); if (table->KeyIsString == FALSE) ExitEarly(module, function, ERR_NOT_STRING_TABLE); return hash_add(table, (HASHKEYTYPE)Key, Data); } /************************************************************************ hash_remove - Remove an item from a hash table. ************************************************************************/ void *hash_remove(HASHTABLE table, HASHKEYTYPE Key) { char *function = "hash_remove"; void *Data; unsigned int position; if (table == NULL) ExitEarly(module, function, ERR_MUST_CREATE_HASH_TABLE_FIRST); if (FindSlot(table, Key, FindExisting, &position)) { // Found the item, now mark it as deleted. Data = table->Rows[position].Data; table->Rows[position].Key = 0; table->Rows[position].Type = Deleted; table->Rows[position].Data = 0; table->ItemCount--; return Data; } else { // Couldn't find the item to remove it. return NULL; } } /************************************************************************ hash_lookup - Lookup an item from a hash table. ************************************************************************/ void *hash_lookup(HASHTABLE table, HASHKEYTYPE Key) { char *function = "hash_lookup"; HASHKEYTYPE position; if (table == NULL) ExitEarly(module, function, ERR_MUST_CREATE_HASH_TABLE_FIRST); if (FindSlot(table, Key, FindExisting, &position)) return table->Rows[position].Data; else return NULL; } /************************************************************************ hash_exists - Returns whether or not a key exists in the table. ************************************************************************/ BOOL hash_exists(HASHTABLE table, HASHKEYTYPE Key) { char *function = "hash_lookup"; HASHKEYTYPE position; if (table == NULL) ExitEarly(module, function, ERR_MUST_CREATE_HASH_TABLE_FIRST); if (FindSlot(table, Key, FindExisting, &position)) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } /************************************************************************ hash_count - Return a count of all items in the hash table ************************************************************************/ extern size_t hash_count(HASHTABLE table) { char *function = "hash_count"; if (table == NULL) ExitEarly(module, function, ERR_MUST_CREATE_HASH_TABLE_FIRST); return table->ItemCount; } /************************************************************************ hash_expand - Expand the hash table to accommodate more entries. ************************************************************************/ static void hash_expand(HASHTABLE OldTable) { HASHTABLE NewTable; unsigned long i; // Create a new temporary table NewTable = hash_create(OldTable->MaxRows * 2, OldTable->KeyIsString); // Add the data from the old table into the new table for (i = 0; i < OldTable->MaxRows; i++) { if (OldTable->Rows[i].Type == InUse) hash_add(NewTable, OldTable->Rows[i].Key, OldTable->Rows[i].Data); } // Free the old table rows free(OldTable->Rows); // Overlay the old table values with the temporary table values. OldTable->MaxRows = NewTable->MaxRows; OldTable->MaxLoad = NewTable->MaxLoad; OldTable->ItemCount = NewTable->ItemCount; OldTable->Rows = NewTable->Rows; // Destroy the temporary table NewTable->Rows = NULL; free(NewTable); } /************************************************************************ hash_search - Search for an item in the hashtable. ************************************************************************/ extern void *hash_search(HASHTABLE table, BOOL (*Search)(HASHKEYTYPE key, void *, va_list), ...) { va_list args; unsigned int i; void *p = NULL; va_start(args, Search); for (i = 0; i < table->MaxRows; i++) { if (table->Rows[i].Type != Deleted && table->Rows[i].Type != Empty) { if (Search(table->Rows[i].Key, table->Rows[i].Data, args) != FALSE) { p = table->Rows[i].Data; break; } } } va_end(args); return p; } /************************************************************************ hash_searchwithvalist - Search for an item in the hashtable. A va_list has already been passed in, no need to extract one. ************************************************************************/ extern void *hash_searchwithvalist(HASHTABLE table, BOOL (*Search)(HASHKEYTYPE key, void *, va_list), va_list args) { unsigned int i; void *p = NULL; for (i = 0; i < table->MaxRows; i++) { if (table->Rows[i].Type != Deleted && table->Rows[i].Type != Empty) { if (Search(table->Rows[i].Key, table->Rows[i].Data, args) != FALSE) { p = table->Rows[i].Data; break; } } } return p; } /************************************************************************ * hash_usage - Example of how to use this module. ************************************************************************/ struct person_t { int ID; char Name[32]; int Age; }; extern void hash_usage(void) { void *table; struct person_t *p; struct person_t *lookup; char *StringKey = "Lloyd"; int NumberKey = 1234567; // Create some data to store p = malloc(sizeof(*p)); p->ID = NumberKey; p->Age = 20; sprintf(p->Name, StringKey); // Numeric hash example // Create the hash table table = hash_create(10, FALSE); // Add a key/value pair to the table if (hash_add(table, p->ID, p) == FALSE) printf("Entry already exists!"); // Lookup a key/value pair in the table if ((lookup = hash_lookup(table, NumberKey)) == FALSE) printf("Entry not found!"); else printf("Person found by ID: %d. Name is: %s\n", lookup->ID, lookup->Name); // Remove a key/value pair from the table if ((lookup = hash_remove(table, NumberKey)) == FALSE) printf("Entry not found!"); else // you COULD free lookup here, but we're not done with it. ; // Free the table. table = hash_destroy(table); // String hash example // Create the hash table table = hash_create(10, TRUE); // Add a key/value pair to the table if (hash_add(table, (HASHKEYTYPE)p->Name, p) == FALSE) printf("Entry already exists!"); // Lookup a key/value pair in the table if ((lookup = hash_lookup(table, (HASHKEYTYPE)StringKey)) == FALSE) printf("Entry not found!"); else printf("Person found by name: %s. ID is: %d\n", lookup->Name, lookup->ID); // Remove a key/value pair from the table if ((lookup = hash_remove(table, (HASHKEYTYPE)StringKey)) == FALSE) printf("Entry not found!"); else free(lookup); // Free the table. table = hash_destroy(table); } /************************************************************************ hash_test - Test the hash table. ************************************************************************/ static BOOL Search(HASHKEYTYPE key, void *p, va_list args) { char *s = p; char *find = va_arg(args, char *); if (strcmp(s, find) == 0) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } static BOOL Iterate(HASHKEYTYPE key, void *p, va_list args) { // Just iterate a counter. unsigned int *i = va_arg(args, unsigned int *); *i = *i + 1; // Return false to keep searching. return FALSE; } extern BOOL hash_test(void) { HASHTABLE table; HASHTABLE strings; int i; int max = 1000000; clock_t start; char **s; char temp[80]; char *fmt = "\t%-8s %4d milliseconds, %8d per second.\n"; unsigned int ctr = 0; // Logical tests table = hash_create(8, FALSE); if (hash_add(table, 0, &table) == FALSE) return FALSE; if (hash_add(table, 1, &table) == FALSE) return FALSE; if (hash_add(table, 0xffffffff, &table) == FALSE) return FALSE; strings = hash_create(8, TRUE); if (hash_add(strings, (HASHKEYTYPE)"test1", &strings) == FALSE) return FALSE; if (hash_add(strings, (HASHKEYTYPE)"test2", &strings) == FALSE) return FALSE; if (hash_add(strings, (HASHKEYTYPE)"test3", &strings) == FALSE) return FALSE; if (hash_lookup(table, 0) != &table) return FALSE; if (hash_lookup(table, 1) != &table) return FALSE; if (hash_lookup(table, 0xffffffff) != &table) return FALSE; if (hash_lookup(strings, (HASHKEYTYPE)"test1") != &strings) return FALSE; if (hash_lookup(strings, (HASHKEYTYPE)"test2") != &strings) return FALSE; if (hash_lookup(strings, (HASHKEYTYPE)"test3") != &strings) return FALSE; if (hash_remove(strings, (HASHKEYTYPE)"test1") != &strings) return FALSE; if (hash_lookup(strings, (HASHKEYTYPE)"test1") != FALSE) return FALSE; if (hash_destroy(table) != NULL) return FALSE; if (hash_destroy(strings) != NULL) return FALSE; // Stress tests for numbers printf("HASH Numeric Tests for %d items\n", max); table = hash_create(max, FALSE); start = clock(); for (i = 0; i < max; i++) hash_add(table, i, &table); printf(fmt, "Adds:", clock() - start, (max * CLOCKS_PER_SEC)/(clock() - start)); start = clock(); for (i = 0; i < max; i++) if (hash_lookup(table, i) != &table) break; printf(fmt, "Lookups:", clock() - start, (max * CLOCKS_PER_SEC)/(clock() - start)); start = clock(); for (i = 0; i < max; i++) if (hash_remove(table, i) != &table) break; printf(fmt, "Deletes:", clock() - start, (max * CLOCKS_PER_SEC)/(clock() - start)); if (hash_count(table) != 0) return FALSE; table = hash_destroy(table); // Stress tests for strings printf("HASH strings Tests for %d items\n", max); table = hash_create(max, TRUE); s = malloc(sizeof(*s) * max); for (i = 0; i < max; i++) { sprintf(temp, "Item %d", i); s[i] = strdup(temp); } start = clock(); for (i = 0; i < max; i++) hash_add(table, (HASHKEYTYPE)s[i], s[i]); printf(fmt, "Adds:", clock() - start, (max * CLOCKS_PER_SEC)/(clock() - start)); start = clock(); for (i = 0; i < max; i++) if (hash_lookup(table, (HASHKEYTYPE)s[i]) != s[i]) break; printf(fmt, "Lookups:", clock() - start, (max * CLOCKS_PER_SEC)/(clock() - start)); // Test searching if (hash_search(table, Search, "Item 271") != s[271]) return FALSE; if (hash_search(table, Search, "Not Found") != FALSE) return FALSE; // Test iterating ctr = 0; start = clock(); hash_search(table, Iterate, &ctr); printf(fmt, "Iterate:", clock() - start, (max * CLOCKS_PER_SEC)/(clock() - start)); printf("\t\t(Ctr is %u)\n", ctr); // Test deleting start = clock(); for (i = 0; i < max; i++) if (hash_remove(table, (HASHKEYTYPE)s[i]) != s[i]) break; printf(fmt, "Deletes:", clock() - start, (max * CLOCKS_PER_SEC)/(clock() - start)); if (hash_count(table) != 0) return FALSE; table = hash_destroy(table); // Free the test strings for (i = 0; i < max; i++) free(s[i]); return TRUE; }