/* * * Ivy, C interface * * Copyright 1997-2000 * Centre d'Etudes de la Navigation Aerienne * * Main functions * * Authors: Francois-Regis Colin * Stephane Chatty * * $Id$ * * Please refer to file version.h for the * copyright notice regarding this software */ #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #else #include #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "ivychannel.h" #include "ivybind.h" #include "ivysocket.h" #include "list.h" #include "ivy.h" #define VERSION 4 #define MAX_MSG_FIELDS 200 #define MESSAGE_SEPARATOR '\001' /* TODO remove use Bin args tree */ #define DEFAULT_DOMAIN /* stringification et concatenation du domaine et du port en 2 temps : * Obligatoire puisque la substitution de domain, et de bus n'est pas * effectuée si on stringifie directement dans la macro GenerateIvyBus */ #define str(bus) #bus #define GenerateIvyBus(domain,bus) str(domain)":"str(bus) static char* DefaultIvyBus = GenerateIvyBus(DEFAULT_DOMAIN,DEFAULT_BUS); /* syntaxe des messages */ #define MSGTYPE 0 #define MSGID 1 #define ARG_0 2 typedef enum { Bye, /* l'application emettrice se termine */ AddRegexp, /* expression reguliere d'un client */ Msg, /* message reel */ Error, /* error message */ DelRegexp, /* Remove expression reguliere */ EndRegexp, /* end of the regexp list */ StartRegexp, /* debut des expressions */ DirectMsg, /* message direct a destination de l'appli */ Die, /* demande de terminaison de l'appli */ Ping = 9, /* checks the presence of the other */ Pong = 10, /* checks the presence of the other */ AddBinding = 11, /* other methods for binding message based on hash table */ DelBinding = 12, /* other methods for binding message based on hash table */ ApplicationId = 13, /* on start send my ID and priority */ } MsgType; typedef struct _msg_snd *MsgSndPtr; struct _msg_rcv { /* requete d'emission d'un client */ MsgRcvPtr next; int id; const char *regexp; /* regexp du message a recevoir */ MsgCallback callback; /* callback a declanche a la reception */ void *user_data; /* stokage d'info client */ }; struct _msg_snd { /* requete de reception d'un client */ MsgSndPtr next; int id; char *str_regexp; /* la regexp sous forme inhumaine */ IvyBinding bind; }; struct _clnt_lst { IvyClientPtr next; Client client; /* la socket client */ MsgSndPtr msg_send; /* liste des requetes recues */ char *app_name; /* nom de l'application */ char *app_id; /* identificateur unique de l'application (time-ip-port) */ int priority; /* client priority */ unsigned short app_port; /* port de l'application */ }; /* server pour la socket application */ static Server server; /* numero de port TCP en mode serveur */ static unsigned short ApplicationPort; /* numero de port UDP */ static unsigned short SupervisionPort; /* client pour la socket supervision */ static Client broadcast; static const char *ApplicationName = 0; /* classes de messages emis par l'application utilise pour le filtrage */ static int messages_classes_count = 0; static const char **messages_classes = 0; /* callback appele sur reception d'un message direct */ static MsgDirectCallback direct_callback = 0; static void *direct_user_data = 0; /* callback appele sur changement d'etat d'application */ static IvyApplicationCallback application_callback = 0; static void *application_user_data = 0; /* callback appele sur ajout suppression de regexp */ static IvyBindCallback application_bind_callback = 0; static void *application_bind_data = 0; /* callback appele sur demande de terminaison d'application */ static IvyDieCallback application_die_callback; static void *application_die_user_data = 0; /* liste des messages a recevoir */ static MsgRcvPtr msg_recv = 0; /* liste des clients connectes */ static IvyClientPtr clients = 0; static const char *ready_message = 0; static char *applicationUniqueId = 0; static int applicationPriority = DEFAULT_PRIORITY; /* get Current Time in milliseconds */ static long currentTime() { unsigned long current; #ifdef WIN32 current = GetTickCount(); #else struct timeval stamp; gettimeofday( &stamp, NULL ); current = stamp.tv_sec * 1000 + stamp.tv_usec/1000; #endif return current; } /* * function split string in multiple string using separator * empty args when consecutives separators * the input string is modified separator are replaced with \0 * */ static int SplitArg( char *s, const char separator, char **argv ) { char *ptr = s; int argc = 0; while ( *ptr ) { argv[argc++] = ptr; while( *ptr && *ptr != separator ) ptr++; if ( *ptr == separator ) { *ptr++ = '\0'; if ( !*ptr ) /* check last arg empty */ argv[argc++] = ptr; } } return argc; } /* returns < 0 if *p sorts lower than *q */ static int keycmp (IvyClientPtr p, IvyClientPtr q) { return p->priority - q->priority; } /* merge 2 lists under dummy head item */ static IvyClientPtr lmerge (IvyClientPtr p, IvyClientPtr q) { IvyClientPtr r; struct _clnt_lst head; for ( r = &head; p && q; ) { if ( keycmp(p, q) < 0 ) { r = r->next = p; p = p->next; } else { r = r->next = q; q = q->next; } } r->next = (p ? p : q); return head.next; } /* split list into 2 parts, sort each recursively, merge */ static IvyClientPtr lsort (IvyClientPtr p) { IvyClientPtr q, r; if ( p ) { q = p; for ( r = q->next; r && (r = r->next) != NULL; r = r->next ) q = q->next; r = q->next; q->next = NULL; if ( r ) p = lmerge(lsort(r), lsort(p)); } return p; } static void SortClients() { //TODO sort client list again priority! lsort( clients ); } static void MsgSendTo( Client client, MsgType msgtype, int id, int len_arg, const void *arg ) { ushort header[3]; #ifdef DEBUG printf( "Sending message type=%d id=%d '%.*s'\n",msgtype,id,len_arg,arg); #endif header[0] = htons( (ushort)msgtype ); header[1] = htons( (ushort)id ); header[2] = htons( (ushort)len_arg ); SocketSendBuf( client, (char *)header, sizeof(header) ); if ( len_arg ) { SocketSendBuf( client, arg, len_arg ); } SocketFlush( client ); } static void IvyCleanup() { IvyClientPtr clnt,next; /* destruction des connexions clients */ IVY_LIST_EACH_SAFE( clients, clnt, next ) { /* on dit au revoir */ MsgSendTo( clnt->client, Bye, 0, 0, "" ); SocketClose( clnt->client ); IVY_LIST_EMPTY( clnt->msg_send ); } IVY_LIST_EMPTY( clients ); /* destruction des sockets serveur et supervision */ SocketServerClose( server ); SocketClose( broadcast ); } static int MsgCall (const char *message, MsgSndPtr msg, Client client) { //TODO remove this buffer static char *buffer = NULL; /* Use satic mem to eliminate multiple call to malloc /free */ static int size = 0; /* donc non reentrant !!!! */ int offset = 0; int arglen; const char *arg; int index; int rc = IvyBindingExec( msg->bind, message ); if (rc<1) return 0; /* no match */ #ifdef DEBUG printf( "Sending message id=%d '%s'\n",msg->id,message); #endif // il faut essayer d'envoyer le message en une seule fois sur la socket // pour eviter au maximun de passer dans le select plusieur fois par message du protocole Ivy // pour eviter la latence ( PB de perfo detecte par ivyperf ping roudtrip ) #ifdef DEBUG printf( "Send matching args count %d\n",rc-1); #endif index=0; while ( indexbind, message, index, &arg, &arglen ); #ifdef DEBUG printf ("Send matching arg%d '%.*s'\n",index,arglen, arg); #endif offset += make_message_var( &buffer, &size, offset, "%.*s%c", arglen, arg, MESSAGE_SEPARATOR ); ++index; } MsgSendTo( client, Msg, msg->id, offset, buffer ); return 1; } static int ClientCall (IvyClientPtr clnt, const char *message) { MsgSndPtr msg; int match_count = 0; /* recherche dans la liste des requetes recues de ce client */ IVY_LIST_EACH (clnt->msg_send, msg) { match_count+= MsgCall (message, msg, clnt->client); } return match_count; } static int CheckRegexp(char *exp) { /* accepte tout par default */ int i; int regexp_ok = 1; if ( *exp =='^' && messages_classes_count !=0 ) { regexp_ok = 0; for ( i = 0 ; i < messages_classes_count; i++ ) { if (strncmp( messages_classes[i], exp+1, strlen( messages_classes[i] )) == 0) return 1; } } return regexp_ok; } static int CheckConnected( IvyClientPtr clnt ) { IvyClientPtr client; struct in_addr *addr1; struct in_addr *addr2; if ( clnt->app_port == 0 ) /* Old Ivy Protocol Dont check */ return 0; /* recherche dans la liste des clients de la presence de clnt */ IVY_LIST_EACH( clients, client ) { /* client different mais port identique */ if ( (client != clnt) && (clnt->app_port == client->app_port) ) { /* et meme machine */ addr1 = SocketGetRemoteAddr( client->client ); addr2 = SocketGetRemoteAddr( clnt->client ); if ( addr1->s_addr == addr2->s_addr ) return 1; } } return 0; } static char* Receive( Client client, void *data, char *message, unsigned int len ) { IvyClientPtr clnt; int id; ushort len_args; MsgSndPtr snd; MsgRcvPtr rcv; int argc = 0; char *argv[MAX_MSG_FIELDS]; int kind_of_msg = Bye; IvyBinding bind; char *ptr_end; char *args; ptr_end = message; if ( len < 6 ) return NULL; /* incomplete message */ kind_of_msg = ntohs( *((ushort *) ptr_end)++ ); id = ntohs( *((ushort *) ptr_end)++ ); len_args = ntohs( *((ushort *) ptr_end)++ ); if ( len_args ) { if ( len < (6 + len_args) ) return NULL; /* incomplete message */ args = malloc( len_args ); /* TODO keep the buffer to free it */ strncpy( args , ptr_end, len_args ); args[ len_args ] = '\0'; ptr_end += len_args; } #ifdef DEBUG printf("Receive Message type=%d id=%d arg=%s\n", kind_of_msg, id, args); #endif //DEBUG clnt = (IvyClientPtr)data; switch( kind_of_msg ) { case Bye: #ifdef DEBUG printf("Quitting Bye %s\n", args); #endif //DEBUG SocketClose( client ); break; case Error: printf ("Received error %d %s\n", id, args); break; case AddRegexp: #ifdef DEBUG printf("Regexp id=%d exp='%s'\n", id, args); #endif //DEBUG if ( !CheckRegexp( args ) ) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("Warning: regexp '%s' illegal, removing from %s\n",args,ApplicationName); #endif //DEBUG return ptr_end; } bind = IvyBindingCompile( args ); if ( bind != NULL ) { IVY_LIST_ADD( clnt->msg_send, snd ) if ( snd ) { snd->id = id; snd->str_regexp = strdup( args ); snd->bind = bind; if ( application_bind_callback ) { (*application_bind_callback)( clnt, application_bind_data, IvyAddBind, snd->str_regexp ); } } } else { int offset; const char *errbuf; IvyBindingGetCompileError( &offset, &errbuf ); MsgSendTo( client, Error, offset, strlen(errbuf), errbuf ); } break; case DelRegexp: #ifdef DEBUG printf("Regexp Delete id=%d\n", id); #endif //DEBUG IVY_LIST_ITER( clnt->msg_send, snd, ( id != snd->id )); if ( snd ) { if ( application_bind_callback ) { (*application_bind_callback)( clnt, application_bind_data, IvyRemoveBind, snd->str_regexp ); } free( snd->str_regexp ); IvyBindingFree( snd->bind ); IVY_LIST_REMOVE( clnt->msg_send, snd ); } break; case StartRegexp: #ifdef DEBUG printf("Regexp Start id=%d Application='%s'\n", id, args); #endif //DEBUG clnt->app_name = strdup( args ); clnt->app_port = id; if ( CheckConnected( clnt ) ) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("Quitting already connected %s\n", args); #endif //DEBUG IvySendError( clnt, 0, "Application already connected" ); SocketClose( client ); } break; case EndRegexp: #ifdef DEBUG printf("Regexp End id=%d\n", id); #endif //DEBUG if ( application_callback ) { (*application_callback)( clnt, application_user_data, IvyApplicationConnected ); } if ( ready_message ) { int count; count = ClientCall( clnt, ready_message ); #ifdef DEBUG printf(" Sendind ready message %d\n", count); #endif //DEBUG } break; case Msg: #ifdef DEBUG printf("Message id=%d msg='%s'\n", id, args); #endif //DEBUG argc = SplitArg( args, MESSAGE_SEPARATOR, argv); IVY_LIST_EACH( msg_recv, rcv ) { if ( id == rcv->id ) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("Calling id=%d argc=%d for %s\n", id, argc,rcv->regexp); #endif if ( rcv->callback ) (*rcv->callback)( clnt, rcv->user_data, argc, argv ); return ptr_end; } } printf("Callback Message id=%d not found!!!'\n", id); break; case DirectMsg: #ifdef DEBUG printf("Direct Message id=%d msg='%s'\n", id, args); #endif //DEBUG if ( direct_callback) (*direct_callback)( clnt, direct_user_data, id, len_args, args ); break; case Die: #ifdef DEBUG printf("Die Message\n"); #endif //DEBUG if ( application_die_callback) (*application_die_callback)( clnt, application_die_user_data, id ); IvyCleanup(); exit(0); break; case ApplicationId: #ifdef DEBUG printf("ApplicationId priority=%d appid='%s'\n", id, args); #endif //DEBUG clnt->app_id = strdup( args ); if ( id != clnt->priority ) { clnt->priority = id; SortClients(); } break; default: printf("Receive unhandled message %d\n", kind_of_msg); break; } return ptr_end; } static IvyClientPtr SendService( Client client ) { IvyClientPtr clnt; MsgRcvPtr msg; IVY_LIST_ADD( clients, clnt ) if ( clnt ) { SocketKeepAlive ( client, 1 ); clnt->msg_send = 0; clnt->client = client; clnt->app_name = strdup("Unknown"); clnt->app_port = 0; clnt->priority = DEFAULT_PRIORITY; MsgSendTo( client, ApplicationId, applicationPriority, strlen(applicationUniqueId), applicationUniqueId ); MsgSendTo( client, StartRegexp, ApplicationPort, strlen(ApplicationName), ApplicationName ); IVY_LIST_EACH(msg_recv, msg ) { MsgSendTo( client, AddRegexp,msg->id,strlen(msg->regexp), msg->regexp); } MsgSendTo( client, EndRegexp, 0, 0,""); } return clnt; } static void ClientDelete( Client client, void *data ) { IvyClientPtr clnt; MsgSndPtr msg; #ifdef DEBUG char *remotehost; unsigned short remoteport; #endif clnt = (IvyClientPtr)data; if ( application_callback ) { (*application_callback)( clnt, application_user_data, IvyApplicationDisconnected ); } #ifdef DEBUG /* probably bogus call, but this is for debug only anyway */ SocketGetRemoteHost( client, &remotehost, &remoteport ); printf("Deconnexion de %s:%hu\n", remotehost, remoteport ); #endif //DEBUG if ( clnt->app_name ) free( clnt->app_name ); IVY_LIST_EACH( clnt->msg_send, msg) { /*regfree(msg->regexp);*/ free( msg->str_regexp); } IVY_LIST_EMPTY( clnt->msg_send ); IVY_LIST_REMOVE( clients, clnt ); } static void *ClientCreate( Client client ) { #ifdef DEBUG char *remotehost; unsigned short remoteport; SocketGetRemoteHost( client, &remotehost, &remoteport ); printf("Connexion de %s:%hu\n", remotehost, remoteport ); #endif //DEBUG return SendService (client); } /* Hello packet Send */ static void IvySendHello(unsigned long mask) { char *packet; char *ptr; int lenAppId; int lenAppName; int len; lenAppId = strlen( applicationUniqueId ); lenAppName = strlen( ApplicationName ); len = 4*sizeof(ushort) + lenAppId + lenAppName; packet = malloc( len ); ptr = packet; *((ushort *) ptr)++ = htons( VERSION ); *((ushort *) ptr)++ = htons( ApplicationPort ); *((ushort *) ptr)++ = htons( lenAppId ); strncpy( ptr, applicationUniqueId , lenAppId); ptr += lenAppId; *((ushort *) ptr)++ = htons( lenAppName ); strncpy( ptr, ApplicationName , lenAppName); SocketSendBroadcastRaw (broadcast, mask, SupervisionPort, packet,len ); free( packet ); } /* Hello packet Receive */ static char* BroadcastReceive( Client client, void *data, char *message, unsigned int len) { Client app; unsigned short version; unsigned short serviceport; char appname[1024]; char appid[1024]; unsigned short len_appid; unsigned short len_appname; #ifdef DEBUG unsigned short remoteport; char *remotehost = 0; #endif char *ptr_end; ptr_end = message; if ( len < 6 ) return NULL; /* incomplete message */ version = ntohs( *((ushort *) ptr_end)++ ); serviceport = ntohs( *((ushort *) ptr_end)++ ); len_appid = ntohs( *((ushort *) ptr_end)++ ); if ( len < (6 +len_appid) ) return NULL; /* incomplete message */ strncpy( appid , ptr_end, len_appid ); appid[ len_appid ] = '\0'; ptr_end += len_appid; len_appname = ntohs( *((ushort *) ptr_end)++ ); if ( len < (6 +len_appid + len_appname) ) return NULL; /* incomplete message */ strncpy( appname , ptr_end, len_appname ); appname[ len_appname ] = '\0'; ptr_end += len_appname; if ( version != VERSION ) { /* ignore the message */ unsigned short remoteport; char *remotehost = 0; SocketGetRemoteHost (client, &remotehost, &remoteport ); fprintf (stderr, "Bad Ivy version, expected %d and got %d from %s:%d\n", VERSION, version, remotehost, remoteport); return ptr_end; } /* check if we received our own message */ if (strcmp( appid,applicationUniqueId )== 0) return ptr_end; #ifdef DEBUG SocketGetRemoteHost (client, &remotehost, &remoteport ); printf(" Broadcast de %s:%hu port %hu %s %s\n", remotehost, remoteport, serviceport, appname, appid ); #endif //DEBUG /* connect to the service and send the regexp */ app = SocketConnectAddr(SocketGetRemoteAddr(client), serviceport, 0, Receive, ClientDelete ); if (app) { IvyClientPtr clnt; clnt = SendService( app ); SocketSetData( app, clnt); } return ptr_end; } void IvyInit (const char *appname, const char *ready, IvyApplicationCallback callback, void *data, IvyDieCallback die_callback, void *die_data ) { char hostname[1024]; struct hostent *host; IvyChannelInit(); ApplicationName = appname; application_callback = callback; application_user_data = data; application_die_callback = die_callback; application_die_user_data = die_data; ready_message = ready; /* * Initialize TCP port */ server = SocketServer (ANYPORT, ClientCreate, ClientDelete, Receive); ApplicationPort = SocketServerGetPort (server); /* get Host Ip address */ if ( gethostname(hostname,sizeof(hostname)) < 0 ) { perror("gethostname"); exit(-1); } host = gethostbyname( hostname ); if ( ! host ) { perror("gethostbyname"); exit(-1); } /* generate application UniqueID (timeStamp-Ipaddress-port*/ /* TODO bug if multiple interface */ applicationUniqueId = malloc(1024); sprintf( applicationUniqueId , "%lu-%u%u%u%u-%d", currentTime(), (unsigned char)host->h_addr[0], (unsigned char)host->h_addr[1], (unsigned char)host->h_addr[2], (unsigned char)host->h_addr[3], ApplicationPort); } void IvyStop() { IvyChannelStop(); } void IvySetApplicationPriority( int priority ) { int len; IvyClientPtr clnt; applicationPriority = priority; if ( clients ) { /* Send to already connected clients */ len = strlen(applicationUniqueId); IVY_LIST_EACH (clients, clnt ) { MsgSendTo( clnt->client, ApplicationId, applicationPriority, len, applicationUniqueId); } } } void IvySetBindCallback(IvyBindCallback bind_callback, void *bind_data) { application_bind_callback=bind_callback; application_bind_data=bind_data; } void IvyClasses( int argc, const char **argv) { messages_classes_count = argc; messages_classes = argv; } void IvyStart (const char* bus) { struct in_addr baddr; unsigned long mask = 0xffffffff; unsigned char elem = 0; int numdigit = 0; int numelem = 0; int error = 0; const char* p = bus; /* used for decoding address list */ const char* q; /* used for decoding port number */ int port; /* * Find network list as well as broadcast port * (we accept things like 123.231,123.123:2000 or 123.231 or :2000), * Initialize UDP port * Send a broadcast handshake on every network */ /* first, let's find something to parse */ if (!p || !*p) p = getenv ("IVYBUS"); if (!p || !*p) p = DefaultIvyBus; /* then, let's get a port number */ q = strchr (p, ':'); if (q && (port = atoi (q+1))) SupervisionPort = port; else SupervisionPort = DEFAULT_BUS; /* * Now we have a port number it's time to initialize the UDP port */ broadcast = SocketBroadcastCreate (SupervisionPort, 0, BroadcastReceive ); /* then, if we only have a port number, resort to default value for network */ if (p == q) p = DefaultIvyBus; /* and finally, parse network list and send broadcast handshakes. This is painful but inet_aton is sloppy. If someone knows other builtin routines that do that... */ for (;;) { /* address elements are up to 3 digits... */ if (!error && isdigit (*p)) { if (numdigit < 3 && numelem < 4) { elem = 10 * elem + *p -'0'; } else { error = 1; } /* ... terminated by a point, a comma or a colon, or the end of string */ } else if (!error && (*p == '.' || *p == ',' || *p == ':' || *p == '\0')) { mask = (mask ^ (0xff << (8*(3-numelem)))) | (elem << (8*(3-numelem))); /* after a point, expect next address element */ if (*p == '.') { numelem++; /* addresses are terminated by a comma or end of string */ } else { baddr.s_addr = htonl(mask); printf ("Broadcasting on network %s, port %d\n", inet_ntoa(baddr), SupervisionPort); // test mask value agaisnt CLASS D if ( IN_MULTICAST( mask ) ) SocketAddMember (broadcast , mask ); IvySendHello( mask ); numelem = 0; mask = 0xffffffff; } numdigit = 0; elem = 0; /* recover from bad addresses at next comma or colon or at end of string */ } else if (*p == ',' || *p == ':' || *p == '\0') { fprintf (stderr, "bad broadcast address\n"); elem = 0; numelem = 0; numdigit = 0; mask = 0xffffffff; error = 0; /* ignore spaces */ } else if (*p == ' ') { /* everything else is illegal */ } else { error = 1; } /* end of string or colon */ if (*p == '\0' || *p == ':') break; ++p; } #ifdef DEBUG fprintf (stderr,"Listening on TCP:%hu\n",ApplicationPort); #endif } /* desabonnements */ void IvyUnbindMsg (MsgRcvPtr msg) { IvyClientPtr clnt; /* Send to already connected clients */ IVY_LIST_EACH (clients, clnt ) { MsgSendTo( clnt->client, DelRegexp,msg->id, 0, ""); } IVY_LIST_REMOVE( msg_recv, msg ); } /* demande de reception d'un message */ MsgRcvPtr IvyBindMsg (MsgCallback callback, void *user_data, const char *fmt_regex, ... ) { static char *buffer = NULL; static int size = 0; va_list ap; static int recv_id = 0; IvyClientPtr clnt; MsgRcvPtr msg; int len; va_start (ap, fmt_regex ); make_message( &buffer, &size, 0, fmt_regex, ap ); va_end (ap ); /* add Msg to the query list */ IVY_LIST_ADD( msg_recv, msg ); if (msg) { msg->id = recv_id++; msg->regexp = strdup(buffer); msg->callback = callback; msg->user_data = user_data; } len = strlen(msg->regexp); /* Send to already connected clients */ /* recherche dans la liste des requetes recues de mes clients */ IVY_LIST_EACH( clients, clnt ) { MsgSendTo( clnt->client, AddRegexp,msg->id, len, msg->regexp); } return msg; } int IvySendMsg(const char *fmt, ...) { IvyClientPtr clnt; int match_count = 0; static char *buffer = NULL; /* Use satic mem to eliminate multiple call to malloc /free */ static int size = 0; /* donc non reentrant !!!! */ va_list ap; va_start( ap, fmt ); make_message( &buffer, &size, 0, fmt, ap ); va_end ( ap ); /* recherche dans la liste des requetes recues de mes clients */ IVY_LIST_EACH (clients, clnt) { match_count += ClientCall (clnt, buffer); } #ifdef DEBUG if ( match_count == 0 ) printf( "Warning no recipient for %s\n",buffer); #endif return match_count; } void IvySendError( IvyClientPtr app, int id, const char *fmt, ... ) { static char *buffer = NULL; /* Use satic mem to eliminate multiple call to malloc /free */ static int size = 0; /* donc non reentrant !!!! */ va_list ap; va_start( ap, fmt ); make_message( &buffer, &size, 0, fmt, ap ); va_end ( ap ); MsgSendTo( app->client, Error, id, strlen(buffer), buffer); } void IvyBindDirectMsg( MsgDirectCallback callback, void *user_data) { direct_callback = callback; direct_user_data = user_data; } void IvySendDirectMsg( IvyClientPtr app, int id, int len, void *msg ) { MsgSendTo( app->client, DirectMsg, id, len, msg); } void IvySendDieMsg( IvyClientPtr app ) { MsgSendTo( app->client, Die, 0, 0, "" ); } char *IvyGetApplicationName( IvyClientPtr app ) { if ( app && app->app_name ) return app->app_name; else return "Unknown"; } char *IvyGetApplicationHost( IvyClientPtr app ) { if ( app && app->client ) return SocketGetPeerHost (app->client ); else return 0; } char *IvyGetApplicationId( IvyClientPtr app ) { if ( app && app->app_id ) return app->app_id; else return 0; } void IvyDefaultApplicationCallback( IvyClientPtr app, void *user_data, IvyApplicationEvent event) { switch ( event ) { case IvyApplicationConnected: printf("Application: %s ready on %s\n", IvyGetApplicationName( app ), IvyGetApplicationHost(app)); break; case IvyApplicationDisconnected: printf("Application: %s bye on %s\n", IvyGetApplicationName( app ), IvyGetApplicationHost(app)); break; default: printf("Application: %s unkown event %d\n",IvyGetApplicationName( app ), event); break; } } void IvyDefaultBindCallback( IvyClientPtr app, void *user_data, IvyBindEvent event, char* regexp ) { switch ( event ) { case IvyAddBind: printf("Application: %s on %s add regexp %s\n", IvyGetApplicationName( app ), IvyGetApplicationHost(app), regexp); break; case IvyRemoveBind: printf("Application: %s on %s remove regexp %s\n", IvyGetApplicationName( app ), IvyGetApplicationHost(app), regexp); break; default: printf("Application: %s unkown event %d\n",IvyGetApplicationName( app ), event); break; } } IvyClientPtr IvyGetApplication( char *name ) { IvyClientPtr app = 0; IVY_LIST_ITER( clients, app, strcmp(name, app->app_name) != 0 ); return app; } char *IvyGetApplicationList() { static char applist[4096]; IvyClientPtr app; applist[0] = '\0'; IVY_LIST_EACH( clients, app ) { strcat( applist, app->app_name ); strcat( applist, " " ); } return applist; } char **IvyGetApplicationMessages( IvyClientPtr app ) { static char *messagelist[200]; MsgSndPtr msg; int msgCount= 0; memset( messagelist, 0 , sizeof( messagelist )); /* recherche dans la liste des requetes recues de ce client */ IVY_LIST_EACH( app->msg_send, msg ) { messagelist[msgCount++]= msg->str_regexp; } return messagelist; }