#include #include #include #include "bussocket.h" #include "bus.h" #include "timer.h" #ifdef XTMAINLOOP #include #endif int app_count = 0; int wait_count = 0; void Callback( BusClientPtr app, void *user_data, int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; printf(" %s Called function %d args:",GetApplicationName(app),argc); for ( i = 0; i < argc; i++ ) printf(" '%s'",argv[i]); printf("\n"); } void HandleStdin( Channel channel, int fd, void *data) { char buf[4096]; char *line; char *cmd; char *arg; int id; BusClientPtr app; int err; line = gets( buf); if ( !line ) { ChannelClose( channel ); ChannelStop(); return; } if ( *line == '.' ) { cmd = strtok( line, ".: "); if ( strcmp(cmd, "die" ) == 0 ) { arg = strtok( NULL, " " ); if ( arg ) { app = GetApplication( arg ); if ( app ) SendDieMsg( app ); else printf( "No Application %s!!!\n",arg); } } if ( strcmp(cmd, "dieall-yes-i-am-sure") == 0 ) { arg = GetApplicationList(); arg = strtok( arg, " " ); while ( arg ) { app = GetApplication( arg ); if ( app ) SendDieMsg( app ); else printf( "No Application %s!!!\n",arg); arg = strtok( NULL, " "); } } if ( strcmp(cmd, "bind" ) == 0 ) { arg = strtok( NULL, "'" ); if ( arg ) { BindMsg( Callback, NULL, arg ); } } if ( strcmp(cmd, "where" ) == 0 ) { arg = strtok( NULL, " " ); if ( arg ) { app = GetApplication( arg ); if ( app ) printf( "Application %s on %s\n",arg, GetApplicationHost( app )); else printf( "No Application %s!!!\n",arg); } } if ( strcmp(cmd, "direct" ) == 0 ) { arg = strtok( NULL, " " ); if ( arg ) { app = GetApplication( arg ); if ( app ) { arg = strtok( NULL, " " ); id = atoi( arg ) ; arg = strtok( NULL, "'" ); SendDirectMsg( app, id, arg ); } else printf( "No Application %s!!!\n",arg); } } if ( strcmp(cmd, "who") == 0 ) { printf("Apps: %s\n", GetApplicationList()); } if ( strcmp(cmd, "help") == 0 ) { printf("Commands list:\n"); printf(" .help - this help\n"); printf(" .quit - terminate this application\n"); printf(" .die appname - send die msg to appname\n"); printf(" .direct appname id 'arg' - send direct msg to appname\n"); printf(" .where appname - on which host is appname\n"); printf(" .bind 'regexp' - add a msg to receive\n"); printf(" .who - who is on the bus\n"); } if ( strcmp(cmd, "quit") == 0 ) { exit(0); } } else { err = SendMsg( buf ); printf("Sent:%d\n",err); } } void ApplicationCallback( BusClientPtr app, void *user_data, BusApplicationEvent event) { char *appname; char *host; char **msgList; appname = GetApplicationName( app ); host = GetApplicationHost( app ); switch ( event ) { case BusApplicationConnected: app_count++; printf("Application(%s): ready on %s\n", appname, host); printf("Application(%s): Begin Messages\n", appname); msgList = GetApplicationMessages( app ); while( *msgList ) printf("Application(%s): Receive '%s'\n",appname,*msgList++); printf("Application(%s): End Messages\n",appname); if ( app_count == wait_count ) ChannelSetUp( 0, NULL, NULL, HandleStdin); break; case BusApplicationDisconnected: app_count--; printf("Application(%s): bye on %s\n", appname, host); break; default: printf("Application(%s): unkown event %d\n", appname, event); break; } } void TimerCall(TimerId id, void *user_data, unsigned long delta) { printf("Timer callback: %d delta %lu ms\n", (int)user_data, delta ); SendMsg( "TEST TIMER %d", (int)user_data); /*if ( (int)user_data == 5 ) TimerModify( id, 2000 );*/ } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned short bport = DEFAULT_BUS; int c; int timer_test = 0; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "b:w:t")) != EOF) switch (c) { case 'b': bport = atoi(optarg) ; break; case 'w': wait_count = atoi(optarg) ; break; case 't': timer_test = 1; break; } #ifdef XTMAINLOOP XtToolkitInitialize(); #endif BusInit("TEST",bport,"TEST READY",ApplicationCallback,NULL,NULL,NULL); for ( ; optind < argc; optind++ ) BindMsg( Callback, NULL, argv[optind] ); if ( wait_count == 0 ) ChannelSetUp( 0, NULL, NULL, HandleStdin); BusStart( ); if ( timer_test ) { TimerRepeatAfter( TIMER_LOOP, 1000, TimerCall, (void*)1 ); TimerRepeatAfter( 5, 5000, TimerCall, (void*)5 ); } #ifdef XTMAINLOOP XtMainLoop(); #else BusLoop(); #endif return 0; }