/* * Ivy, C interface * * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 * Centre d'Études de la Navigation Aérienne * * Timers used in select based main loop * * Authors: François-Régis Colin * * $Id$ * * Please refer to file version.h for the * copyright notice regarding this software */ /* Module de gestion des timers autour d'un select */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #include #else #include #endif #include "list.h" #include "timer.h" #define BIGVALUE 2147483647 #define MILLISEC 1000 static struct timeval *timeoutptr = NULL; static struct timeval selectTimeout = { BIGVALUE, 0 }; /* la prochaine echeance */ static unsigned long nextTimeout = BIGVALUE; struct _timer { struct _timer *next; int repeat; unsigned long period; unsigned long when; TimerCb callback; void *user_data; }; /* liste des timers */ TimerId timers = NULL; static long currentTime() { unsigned long current; #ifdef WIN32 current = GetTickCount(); #else struct timeval stamp; gettimeofday( &stamp, NULL ); current = stamp.tv_sec * MILLISEC + stamp.tv_usec/MILLISEC; #endif return current; } static void SetNewTimeout( unsigned long current, unsigned long when ) { unsigned long time; time = when - current; nextTimeout = when; selectTimeout.tv_sec = time / MILLISEC; selectTimeout.tv_usec = (time - selectTimeout.tv_sec* MILLISEC) * MILLISEC; if ( timeoutptr == NULL ) timeoutptr = &selectTimeout; /*printf("New timeout %lu\n", time );*/ } static void AdjTimeout(unsigned long current) { unsigned long newTimeout; TimerId timer; if ( timers ) { /* recherche de la plus courte echeance dans la liste */ newTimeout = timers->when ; /* remise a la premiere valeur */ IVY_LIST_EACH( timers , timer ) { if ( timer->when < newTimeout ) newTimeout = timer->when; } SetNewTimeout( current, newTimeout ); } else { timeoutptr = NULL; } } /* API */ TimerId TimerRepeatAfter( int count, long time, TimerCb cb, void *user_data ) { unsigned long stamp; TimerId timer; /* si y a rien a faire et ben on fait rien */ if ( cb == NULL ) return NULL; IVY_LIST_ADD( timers, timer ) if ( timer ) { timer->repeat = count; timer->callback = cb; timer->user_data = user_data; stamp = currentTime(); timer->period = time; timer->when = stamp + time; if ( (timer->when < nextTimeout) || (timeoutptr == NULL)) SetNewTimeout( stamp, timer->when ); } return timer; } void TimerRemove( TimerId timer ) { unsigned long stamp; if ( !timer ) return; IVY_LIST_REMOVE( timers, timer ); stamp = currentTime(); AdjTimeout(stamp); } void TimerModify( TimerId timer, long time ) { unsigned long stamp; if ( !timer ) return; stamp = currentTime(); timer->period = time; timer->when = stamp + time; AdjTimeout(stamp); } /* Interface avec select */ struct timeval *TimerGetSmallestTimeout() { return timeoutptr; } void TimerScan() { unsigned long stamp; TimerId timer; TimerId next; unsigned long delta; int timer_echu = 0; stamp = currentTime(); /* recherche des timers echu dans la liste */ IVY_LIST_EACH_SAFE( timers , timer, next ) { if ( timer->when <= stamp ) { timer_echu++; delta = stamp - timer->when; /* call callback */ (*timer->callback)( timer, timer->user_data, delta ); if ( timer->repeat == TIMER_LOOP || --(timer->repeat) ) { timer->when = stamp + timer->period; } else { IVY_LIST_REMOVE( timers, timer ); } } } /* recalcul du prochain timeout */ AdjTimeout( stamp ); }