// Ivy.cpp: implementation of the Ivy class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" //#include "libIvy.h" #include "Ivy.h" #include "IvyWatcher.h" #include "IvyApplication.h" #include "IvySynchroWnd.h" #define DEFAULT_ADDR "" #define SEPARATOR ":" #define DEFAULT_PORT "2010" #define DEFAULT_DOMAIN DEFAULT_ADDR/**/SEPARATOR/**/DEFAULT_PORT ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Ivy::~Ivy() { // remove all app and stop watcher stop(); regexp_out.clear(); for ( int i = 0; i < callbacks.size(); i ++) { delete callbacks[i]; } callbacks.clear(); // if ( direct_callback ) delete direct_callback; // if ( application_callback ) delete application_callback; delete watcher; server->Close(); delete server; if ( synchronous ) { delete IvySynchronousCallback::m_synchro; delete application_callback; } } Ivy::Ivy(const char* name, const char * ready, IvyApplicationCallback *callback, bool Synchronous) { InitializeCriticalSection( &m_application_cs ); synchronous = Synchronous; if ( synchronous ) IvySynchronousCallback::m_synchro = new IvySynchroWnd(); ready_message = ready; appname = name; messages_classes_count = 0; messages_classes = NULL; application_callback = synchronous ? new IvySynchronousApplicationCallback(callback) : callback; direct_callback = NULL; die_callback = NULL; server = new IvyApplication(this); applicationPort = server->Create(); if ( !applicationPort ) { TRACE( " Can't Create server %d\n", server->GetLastError( ) ); return; } watcher = new IvyWatcher(this); } const char * Ivy::GetDomain(const char *domainlist) { // determine domain to use // the syntax of domain is "IpBroadcastAddr1,IpBroadcastAddr2,IpBroadcastAddr2:port" if ( domainlist ) { domain = domainlist; } if ( domain.empty() ) { domain = getenv ( "IVYBUS" ); if ( domain.empty() ) domain = DEFAULT_DOMAIN; } // first find our UDP port int sep_index = domain.rfind( ':' ); if ( sep_index == -1 ) { domain = DEFAULT_DOMAIN; TRACE(" Missing ':' in domain list using default domain %s\n", domain.c_str() ); } if ( sep_index == 0 ) { /* missing addr using localhost */ domain.insert(0,DEFAULT_ADDR); } return domain.c_str(); } void Ivy::start(const char *domain) { watcher->start(domain); } void Ivy::stop() { watcher->stop(); for ( int pos = 0 ; pos < applications.size() ; pos++ ) { IvyApplication *app = applications[pos]; delete app; } applications.clear(); } int Ivy::BindMsg(const char *regexp, IvyMessageCallback *cb) { static int id = 0; regexp_out.push_back( regexp ); callbacks.push_back( synchronous ? new IvySynchronousMessageCallback(cb) : cb ); /* send to already connected */ for ( int pos = 0 ; pos < applications.size() ; pos ++ ) { IvyApplication *app = applications[ pos ]; app->SendMsg(IvyApplication::AddRegexp, id, regexp ); } return id++; } void Ivy::UnbindMsg(int id) { regexp_out[ id ] = ""; callbacks[ id ] = NULL; /* send to already connected */ for ( int pos = 0 ; pos < applications.size(); pos ++ ) { IvyApplication *app = applications[ pos ]; app->SendMsg(IvyApplication::DelRegexp, id, "" ); } } void Ivy::BindDirectMsg(IvyDirectMessageCallback *callback) { direct_callback = callback; } UINT Ivy::GetApplicationPort() { return applicationPort; } void Ivy::AddApplication(IvyApplication *app) { EnterCriticalSection( &m_application_cs ); // Check for disconnected Application for ( int pos = 0; pos < applications.size(); pos ++ ) { IvyApplication *disc_app = applications[ pos ]; if ( disc_app->m_hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET ) { //applications.erase( pos ); delete disc_app; } } applications.push_back( app ); LeaveCriticalSection( &m_application_cs ); SendSubscriptions( app ); } void Ivy::RemoveApplication(IvyApplication * app) { /// OLD NOT called because of deallocation PB // the real remove is done at arrival of a new Application // or at the bus Stop assert( TRUE ); if ( app ) { for ( int pos = 0; pos < applications.size(); pos ++ ) { if ( app == applications[ pos ] ) { EnterCriticalSection( &m_application_cs ); //applications.erase( pos ); LeaveCriticalSection( &m_application_cs ); delete app; } } } } void Ivy::SendSubscriptions(IvyApplication *app) { app->SendMsg( IvyApplication::StartRegexp, GetApplicationPort(), appname.c_str()); for ( int id = 0 ; id < regexp_out.size(); id++ ) { const string& regexp = regexp_out[id]; if ( !regexp.empty() ) app->SendMsg( IvyApplication::AddRegexp, id, regexp.c_str()); } app->SendMsg( IvyApplication::EndRegexp, 0); } int Ivy::SendMsg(const char * message) { int count = 0; /* send to already connected */ for ( int pos = 0 ; pos < applications.size(); pos ++ ) { IvyApplication *app = applications[ pos ]; count += app->SendMsg( message ); } return count; } void Ivy::CallMessageCallback(IvyApplication *app, int id, int argc, const char ** argv) { IvyMessageCallback *callback; callback = callbacks[ id ]; if ( callback ) { callback->OnMessage( app, argc, argv ); } } void Ivy::CallDirectMessageCallback(IvyApplication *app, int id, const char *arg) { if ( direct_callback ) { direct_callback->OnDirectMessage( app, id, arg ); } } BOOL Ivy::CallDieCallback(IvyApplication *app, int id, const char *arg) { if ( die_callback ) { return die_callback->OnDie( app, id, arg ); } return TRUE; } void Ivy::CallApplicationConnectedCallback(IvyApplication * app) { if ( application_callback ) { application_callback->OnApplicationConnected( app ); } } void Ivy::CallApplicationDisconnectedCallback(IvyApplication * app) { if ( application_callback ) { application_callback->OnApplicationDisconnected( app ); } } void Ivy::SendDirectMsg(IvyApplication * app, int id, const char *message) { app->SendMsg( IvyApplication::DirectMsg, id, message ); } BOOL Ivy::CheckRegexp(const char * exp) { /* accepte tout par default */ int i; int regexp_ok = 1; if ( *exp =='^' && messages_classes_count !=0 ) { regexp_ok = 0; for ( i = 0 ; i < messages_classes_count; i++ ) { if (strncmp( messages_classes[i], exp+1, strlen( messages_classes[i] )) == 0) return 1; } } return regexp_ok; } void Ivy::Classes(int argc, const char **argv ) { messages_classes_count = argc; messages_classes = argv; } BOOL Ivy::CheckConnected(IvyApplication * app) { if (app->remoteService == 0) /* old application dont check */ return false; /* check to see if app already connected */ for ( int pos = 0; pos < applications.size(); pos++ ) { IvyApplication *application = applications[ pos ]; if ( application != app && application->SameApplication(app)) return true; } return false; }