'-------------------------------------------- ' IVYscript.vbs '-------------------------------------------- Option Explicit 'On Error Resume Next dim bus,all_message,pp,count set bus = WScript.CreateObject("comIvy.Bus", "bus_") 'WScript.Echo " bus type " & TypeName(bus) bus.Create "IvyScript", "IvyScript Ready" set all_message= bus.Bind( "(.*)") WScript.ConnectObject all_message, "all_" set pp= bus.Bind( "^PPilot(.*)") 'WScript.Echo " all type " & TypeName(all) WScript.ConnectObject pp, "pp_" bus.Start "" WScript.Sleep 2000 count= bus.Send( "ClockStart" ) WScript.Echo "Sent " & count WScript.Sleep 25000 all_message.Unbind() pp.Unbind() '-------------------------------------------- sub bus_ApplicationConnected(name) WScript.Echo "Application Connected " & name end sub '-------------------------------------------- '-------------------------------------------- sub bus_ApplicationDisconnected(name) WScript.Echo "Application Disconnect " & name end sub '-------------------------------------------- '-------------------------------------------- sub all_Received(name,args) dim i,argc,argv argc = UBound(args) - LBound(args) + 1 argv = " args: " for i = LBound(args) to UBound(args) argv = argv & args(i) & "," next WScript.Echo "Receive message argc=" & Cstr(argc ) & argv end sub '-------------------------------------------- '-------------------------------------------- sub pp_Received(name,args) dim i,argc,argv argc = UBound(args) - LBound(args) + 1 argv = " args: " for i = LBound(args) to UBound(args) argv = argv & args(i) & "," next WScript.Echo "Receive PPilot message argc=" & Cstr(argc ) & argv end sub '-------------------------------------------- sub Received(args) WScript.Echo "Unknown Receive message argc=" & Cstr(args)& "->" & args(0) end sub