------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Won't do list: * implement an interface allowing different regexps implementations, since it exists in jdk 1.4.1 !, while keeping in mind the platform compatibility -> nooooo ( jakarta regexps now ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TODO List: * try the "many threads option" for sending messages * make a ssh tunnel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Known bugs: réf: [KAFFCLOSE05] yann make nl compiled with gcj, ran with Kaffe, hangs on app.close() in Ivy.java... at bus.stop() . Kernel 2.6.10, sid glibc bleeding edge... I should investigate further for compatibility's sake it's not possible to run Bus.stop() on a SMP machine ? réf: [WFC01] yann for (int i=0;iIvyClient[0] MSreceive (remote MSsend)<-- string array 0 elements: -->IvyClient[0] MSreceive (remote MSsend)<-- string array 2 elements: (5) (aaaaaaaaaa) et du coup un ArrayOutOfBoundsException dans le receive c'est le cas en async sur le test Async uniquement, depuis les jakarta regexp... réf: [BUGXZ] on debian woody, using Kaffe, one cannot build the jar file ( problem in manifest ? ) beware, when building java for woody, to use the regexp.jar and getopt.jar built for your version of java ( Major/Minor version mismatch ... ) make async, stack overflow in jakarta regexp réf: [BUGXX] Using the Blackdown Linux jdk 1.1.8_v3, the console is flooded with the following messages : -->ivy<-- Error IvyServer exception: Socket closed Ivy server socket reader caught an exception Socket closed java.net.SocketException: Socket closed at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.close(PlainSocketImpl.java:408) at java.net.SocketImpl.reset(SocketImpl.java:227) at java.net.ServerSocket.implAccept(ServerSocket.java:207) at java.net.ServerSocket.accept(ServerSocket.java:181) at fr.dgac.ivy.Ivy.run(Ivy.java:441) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java) It seems to be a bug in the JVM implementation. This is reproduced with the -native and -green flags . It doesn't happen with the 1.1.7A sun JDK on a solaris box. réf: [BUGXY] Using the blackdown jdk 1.2.2 Classic VM (build Linux_JDK_1.2.2_FCS, native threads, sunwjit) The program sometimes hang or head to a SIGSEGV ( extract below ) SIGSEGV 11* segmentation violation si_signo [11]: SIGSEGV 11* segmentation violation si_errno [0]: Succès si_code [1]: SEGV_MAPERR [addr: 0x890096C] stackpointer=0xbe9ff234 Full thread dump Classic VM (Linux_JDK_1.2.2_FCS, native threads): "Thread-6" (TID:0x40efc090, sys_thread_t:0x8219e78, state:CW, native ID:0x4000) prio=5 "Thread-3" (TID:0x40efc030, sys_thread_t:0x821ab88, state:R, native ID:0x20009) prio=5 at fr.dgac.ivy.IvyClient.(IvyClient.java, Compiled Code) at fr.dgac.ivy.Ivy.addClient(Ivy.java, Compiled Code) I don't know if it is the jvm thread implementation or my code. I will eventually investigate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed: 1.2.8 réf: [bugFJ], start(), stop(), start() failed, added a new test StopStart in réf: [none] on the following kaffe version, tests sometimes fail Kaffe Virtual Machine Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Transvirtual Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved Engine: Just-in-time v3 Version: 1.0.5 Java Version: 1.1 make test2: kaffe -DIVYBUS= -classpath .:../lib/ivy-java.jar:/usr/share/kaffe/Klasses.jar BenchLocal -t 2 -d 0 [...] * [9:21:53 AM] BUS2 left * [9:21:53 AM] BUS1 left * [9:21:53 AM] BUS2 left Dumping live threads: `Thread-8' tid 0x837b010, status SUSPENDED flags blocked@0x8353510 (0x837b010->|) `gc' tid 0x81e0010, status SUSPENDED flags blocked@0x81abdc0 (0x81e0010->|) `finaliser' tid 0x81d7010, status SUSPENDED flags blocked@0x81abd90 (0x81d7010->|) Deadlock: all threads blocked on internal events make: *** [test2] Abandon the tests directory fixed: it was a sleep(0) hanging in Kaffe ... http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/classpath-patches/2004-12/msg00223.html 1.2.7 réf: none, unbind déconnait (Mathieu Raynal) réf: [BUGMATT?], bug perl implementation (Jean Paul) concurrent connexion leading to noone or double connexion ... to reproduce: with Kaffe on a SMP machine, do the tests, it should be the same bug as FJ's Ipaq bug 1.2.4 réf: [BUG J007] incorrect handling of faulty remote Ivy agents for exemple, bad UDP broadcasts, or wrong regexps. réf: [BUG J006] * incorrect notification of agent departure $ java -DIVY_DEBUG fr.dgac.ivy.Probe $ ivyprobe and ^C the ivyprobe results in : IVYPROBE connected -->IvyClient JPROBE:IVYPROBE<-- readline null ! leaving the thead -->IvyClient JPROBE:IVYPROBE<-- normally Disconnected from IVYPROBE -->IvyClient JPROBE:IVYPROBE<-- Thread stopped The 1.2.4 releases produces a IVYPROBE disconnected réf: [BUG J005] * better handling of non Ivy broadcast messages $ jprobe $ echo coucou | nc -q 0 -u -b 2010 throws a numberformatexception and stays in a unstable mode for the relevant domain. 1.2.2 - java fr.dgac.ivy.Probe - ivyprobe, quitte ivyprobe il restait une thread IvyClient qui boucle en lecture. Bug reported by Damien Figarol - JDK1.1.7A (Sun) Method add(java.lang.Object) not found in class java.util.Vector. -> replaced by addElement , the add(Object) was included in jdk1.2. The System.setProperty was included in jdk1.2. I switched back to the old constructs 1.2.1 - bus.start(null) - java -DIVY_PING -DIVY_PING -classpath ../lib/ivy-java.jar:. BenchLocal -t 2 -d 100 créé une nullpointerexception java.lang.NullPointerException at fr.dgac.ivy.Ivy.stop(Ivy.java:157) at BenchLocal$RML.receive(BenchLocal.java:87) at fr.dgac.ivy.Ivy.callCallback(Ivy.java:348) at fr.dgac.ivy.IvyClient.newParseMsg(IvyClient.java:361) at fr.dgac.ivy.IvyClient.run(IvyClient.java:191) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:484) fixed a condition when a bus was requested to be stopped even before having started its thread 1.2.0 - implement .die in Probe ( to get the same behavior as ivy-c ivyprobe ) . Done - Probe doesn't send empty strings -> it does now - the Unitary test fr.dgac.ivy.Ivy main() fails with jdk1.3, but succeeds with 1.4 it means that when a remote client disconnects brutally, the IvyClient and IvyWatcher Threads are still hanging, ready for a new connexion ! In jdk1.3.0, it works whithin jdb but not as a single application -> fixed with a new setSoTimeout(TIMEOUTLENGTH) on each socket. - jdk1.4 DEBUG TCP socket reader caught an exception Socket closed on Ivy.close() - if a remote client disconnect brutally ( broken pipe ), the BufferedReader takes time to propagate the IOException. It means we are not aware of the problem before 2 or 3 messages ( Alexandre Lemort ) there is a fix in IvyClient, but this is part of the TCP protocol. I will receive the timeout when I try to write on the client. To circumvent this, I have implemented an extention in the Ivy protocol with 2 new messages, Ping and Pong. This is Ivy-java only, and and experimental feature. - when a Ivy bus sends a die message, he dies instead of making the other leave * 1.0.11: received an exception: IvyClient.sendBuffer.write failed: Relais brisé (pipe) It happens while sending messages once a remote client has disconnected ( fixed in 1.0.12 ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not a bug ? if you send a msg just after the start, it is possible that the message won't be sent. this is *not* a bug, but, hmmm, a feature. In fact, when you do start(), it triggers different threads, the broadcasts are sent, and it is possible that nobody has answered this broadcast by the time you start sending messages. Try adding an IvyApplicationListener with a callback on connect(IvyClient) to trigger the launching of messages lun jan 6 16:12:11 CET 2003 (Yannick) If you bind to a Start message after invoking the Ivy.start() method, it is possible that you will miss the start. Be sure to check that all static bindMsg() are done before the start, in order not to miss a message. This is *especially* true when writing benchMarks bus domain shortcuts ( 10:3456 instead of ) doesnt work for UDP broadcast on my development environment. It's okay in multicast (Yannick Jestin) It's a matter of network topography, not of shortcut processing. Using the regression tests on the following platforms: - Solaris: I've got a problem to make it run on the default local Domain (127:2010). But this is not limited to the java ivy port ! success with jdk1.1.7A, on jdk1.2 , j2sdk1.3 and 1.4 with a multicast domain or a valid UDP broadcast domain . I guess it's a routing problem once again :-\ - GNU/linux: ok with jdk1.3 and jdk1.4 - windows: I don't know how to write tests lun jan 6 16:13:30 CET 2003 (Yannick) disconnect() is not called when we send a "die" command to the remote IvyClient It is normal. disconnect is called when we are issued a die command.