-------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2.15 Internals: - sets the default buffersize to 4096 bytes. This can be adjusted through the use of the IVY_BUFFERSIZE jvm property (java -DIVY_BUFFERSIZE=200 , e.g. ) This is intended to be similar to the ivy C implementation, and *should* fix the buffering issues of applications requiring a lot of small data exchanges (e.g: transmitting mouse mouve at a high rate). -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2.14 New API: - added sypport to the Swing Dispatch Thread in the bindAsyncMsg api. this breaks the former API. Use BindType.SWING as the latter argument. - severe problems throws RuntimeException instead of System.exit(), allows code reuse. - many methods now are protected, with accessors - removed unread fields (Ivy.domainaddr, e.g.) - ready message is set to appName + " READY" if null has been provided, like in the C# api - lowercase CheckRegexp to checkRegexp (bad practice, thanks to FindBugs). Doc: - javadoc updated (a bit) - removed protected methods from javadoc switch to apache fop + docbook for documentation translation Internals: - added a lock mechanism to be sure that once a connexion has been initiated, the ready message will be sent before stopping the bus now: Ivy b = new Ivy(...); b.sendMsg("coucou"); b.stop(); should send messages (at least the ready message) if there is a connexion attempt made before b.stop() is effective. To be sure, there is a 200ms delay before b.stop() can be effective (the Threads stopped, the sockets closed) - IMPORTANT ! switch from gnu regexp (deprecated) to the built in java regexp. - IMPORTANT ! Reintroduced a mechanism to allow the drop of a double connexion attempt. - use new synchronization scheme with locks (app socket, structures) - add generic types to declarations, the code now won't ompile on java prior to the 1.5 platform - fixed a potential null pointer dereference on quit (thanks to findBugs) - remove the Thread.start() from the constructor, to avoid mulithread issues. see http://findbugs.sourceforge.net/bugDescriptions.html#SC_START_IN_CTOR. now ,we have to call IvyClient.start() after it has been created - IvyWatcher tries to fix a lock on accept() by becoming a Thread instead of runnalbe (see tests/test2). Internal performance issus - use of stringbuffers to concatenate strings, instead of using +, which could lead to a quadractic cost in the number of iteraction (the growing string was recopied in each iteration). - when possible, move the regexp Pattern.compile in static areas, to avoid multiple calls. - recopy the filter String[] in setfilter, to avoid exposing internal representation (unsafe operation). - in many areas, e.g. Hashtable keys, use autoboxing for the creation of Integer (instead of new Integer(int). This alows caching, avoids object allocation, and the * code will be faster. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2.13 mise en place de TCP_NO_DELAY, pour desactiver l'algorithme de Naggle adds try catch blocks for RE constructors ( new Jakarta Regexp ? ) updates of documentation ( jafter, sgml file ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2.12 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2.10 et 11 documentation updated bug fix: jafter script added jdaemon script -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2.9 bug remaining - the overhead is quite important on a loaded setup bugfixes - unexpected disconnections after the broadcast new features - added the unique token in the UDP broadcast - Ivy.setFilter() aka message classes, reduces the number of regexp matching, improves performance especially when there are *many* clients and *many* regexps, most of them ^bounded . See doc for details - java -DIVYRANGE=4000-5000 allows the choice of service ports within a specific range, for instance on firewall configurations. - modification of the IDP broadcast ( see mailing list for details ) - .time and .bound commands in jprobe -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2.8 bug remaining - Kaffe + Gcj -> app.close() hangs. I've got to investigate further documentation - typos - added description of new functions bugfixes - fixed the "start stop start stop" bug reported by Francis Jambon ( thanks alot, Francis ! ) - validates against the 1.4 jakarta regexp library. - IvyWatcher had a static structures leading to a nasty bug when several Ivy Agents were in the same JVM. test suite - added the test directory, in addition to the examples - now runs with kaffe ( not sure of Why ... ) - it compiles and runs fine with gcj on Mandrake 10.1, but the tests fails new features - Ivy.getWBUId() returns a "wanna be unique Id", quite useful when performing queries. It looks like IDTest0:1105029280616:1005891134. - Ivy.getDomainArgs(String,String[]) is a cheap and handy way of finding out the domain, based on the DEFAULT_DOMAIN, then on the IVYBUS property, then on the -b domain command line argument. Be sure to use it ! - added the After tool - Probe, After and IvyDaemon going to tool - fixed the jprobe shell script to honor $IVYBUS environment variable -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2.7 bugfixes - no more the infamous unBindMsg() reported by Matthieu - *complex* algorithm to disallow multiple instances of the same agent when launched with multiple broadcast addresses, some of them being received twice by a remote agent X, X trying to connect twice ... It should fix both Francis's WiFi bugreport, and Jean-Paul Stress' bug new features - Probe allows .where .dieall-yes-i-am-sure .bound and .bound CLIENT code cleanup - minor fixes for acecssing static final values -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2.6 documentation - the manual has been heavily updated, and C++ has been left out. bugfixes - major cleanup to handle simultaneous connections, e.g., between two busses within the same process ( AsyncAPI test is very stressful ) I made an assymetric processing to elect the client that should disconnect based on the socket ports ... might work... - jakarta regexp are not meant to be threadsafe, so for match() and compile() must be enclaused in a synchronized block - now sends back an error message when an incorrect regexp is sent the message is supposed to be readable - IvyWatcher now uses a new buffer for each Datagram received, to prevent an old bug new features - added serial numbers for traceDebug - Ivy.waitForMsg(regexp,timeout) and Ivy.waitForClient(name,timeout) make the synchronization with other Ivy agents easier. Wait "forever" if timeout is null. - IvyClient now sends back an error message when an incorrect regexp is sent the message is supposed to be readable - uses apache jakarta-regexp instead of gnu-regexp ( see http://jakarta.apache.org/regexp/ ), we gain a compatibility with Perl and the new ivy-c 3.4.6 :) - no more java ping in Probe ... API changes - Ivy changed changed the semantic of -b a,b:port,c:otherport if no port is specified for a, it take the port from the next one. If none is specified, it takes DEFAULT_PORT - no more asynchronous sending of message ( async bind is ok though ) because the tests are sooooo unsuccessful - IvyWatcher's getDomain now sends IvyException for malformed broadcast addresses -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2.5 no more java ping ... It was considered useless new features - Ivy protectNewLines to add encoding end decoding of \n within messages -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2.4 bugfixes - resists when a non Ivy Agent broadcasts on our address - invokes disconnect() on a normal IvyClient end of run() - bus.start(null) now *really* starts on IVYBUS property or 127:2010 if the property is not set - bugfix J007 : breaks connexions with remote clients using a faulty protocol, ignore subscriptions to faulty regexps. - bugfix J006 : invokes the applicationListeners's disconnect method at the end of the run() loop - the IvyWatcher accepts connexions from remote hosts with the same port number. Closes a possible bug, yet to check thoroughfully... - bugfix J005 : the IvyWatcher's loop doesn't break on faulty broadcasts, belonging to non ivy application, e.g. - major rewrite of the internals of the Ivy class structure new features - added a sendToSelf(boolean) method in the Ivy class to allow the sendMsg() to trigger our own callbacks. Default is false. API Changes (WARNING, you might have to recompile you applications) - changed the API for Ivy.sendMsg and IvyClient.sendDirectMsg, both function can now raise an IvyException if the message contains \n or \0x3 - changed the API for IvyApplicationListener ( die now requires a String argument ). - changed the API for Ivy.bindMsg(). It now raises an IvyException if the regexp was not compiled successfully (e.g.: "(.*"). - added an IvyBindListener and Ivy.addBindListener, Ivy.removeBindListener order to hook callbacks upon reception of bind requests. It is now possible to write a decent ivy monitor program. JProbe has been rewritten this way and now displays the subscriptions in real time, not only at startup ( should I file a bugreport against ivy-c ? ) - Probe can send messages to itself, with the -s command line switch -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2.3 new features - IvyClient now implements the directMessage function of the Ivy Protocol. - Probe now allows users to send a direct message with the ".direct" command - the environment variable IVYBUS is propagated to the children doc - now includes a simple documentation for IvyDaemon (sgml and readme) - README rewritten tests - I added a regression test to check the API ( java TestApi in the tests directory ) - I added the early disconnexion test ( probe < /dev/null ) - handles the different JVMs more cleanly in the makefiles - testbenches OK for linux jdk from 1.1 to 1.4 bugfixes - the datagram sender is encapsulated within its own thread. Closes another bug. - IvyClient doesn't loop any more in certain conditions of remote disconnexion this closes the new bugreport jan/2002 - early disconnexion is now possible ( java fr.dgac.ivy.Probe < /dev/null), - handles the InterruptedIOException happening on certain thread conditions in jdk1.1 and jdk1.2. Threads and multiple VMs is a very complex mix. known bugs - there is an Interrupt on Blackdown linux leading to an innocuous error message. I will investigate later ... It is OK on Solaris jvm 1.1.7A. - in Linux jdk1.2.2, a SIGSEGV from time to time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.2.2 bugfix IvyClient.java didn't handle the readline()=null correctly. Thus, the thread kept on eating CPU when a remote client left the bus. This closes Damien Figarol bugreport dec/2002 bugfix The ivy java library wasn't supported on 1.1.x platforms, because of missing methods ( java.util.Vector.add(Object) and System.setProperty(String,String) ). I switched back to the old API. This closes Philippe Truillet bugreport dec/2002. cleanup examples have been a bit rewritten ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.2.1 bugfix Ivy.java Ivy.start(null) now starts on DEFAULT_DOMAIN (Alexandre Lemort), the new getDomains(String) outputs the list of domains IvyWatcher now empties the datagram buffer with 0x10, thus fixing a nasty bug that involved a java client on windows XP Probe now displays the real address of the starting domain now has a .bind and .unbind commands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.2.0 bugfix: IvyClient if a remote client disconnect brutally ( broken pipe ), the BufferedReader takes time to propagate the IOException. It means we are not aware of the problem before 2 or 3 messages ( Alexandre Lemort ) there is a fix in IvyClient, but this is part of the TCP protocol. I will receive the timeout when I try to write on the client. To circumvent this, I have implemented an extention in the Ivy protocol with 2 new messages, Ping and Pong. This is Ivy-java only, and and experimental feature. Probe Probe can now send empty strings on keyboard input rewritten with a looping thread on stdin to allow a cleaner exit on die message : not very good processes .help, .die , .quit and .bye commands it is possible to rename the JPROBE on the bus with the -n switch, it can circumvent name collisions during tests e.g: java fr.dgac.ivy.Probe -n JPROBE2 Ivy setSoTimeout is back on the server socket added a regression test main() clients is now a Hashtable. the deletion now works better getIvyClientsByName allows the research of IvyClient by name getDomain doesnt throw IvyException anymore removed the close() disconnect(IvyClient c). Fixes a big badaboum bug getDomain becomes public adding the sendToSelf feature fixed the printStackTrace upon closing of the ServerSocket after a close() IvyException changed default access constructor to public access IvyApplicationAdapter missed an id in the parameters IvyClient sendDie() methode goes public sendBuffer update with silent error on a broken pipe, unless IVY_DEBUG is set the IvyClient gets removed from the list of clients if there is a broken pipe. Another bug fixed ! implements ping and pong protocol appName visibility changed from private to protected IvyDaemon is granted a public access on its constructor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.0.11 mer jun 5 11:33:16 CEST 2002 Just a debian package change. No java modification per se. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.0.10 mar jun 4 19:00:32 CEST 2002 TestIvy: System.exit on bus die IvyWatcher isInDomain() is wrong in multicast. I've removed it -> TO FIX there was a remanence effect in the datagrampacket buffer. I clean it up after each message cleaned up the getDomain() and getPort() code I allow multiple domains I Removed the CPU eating loop on soTimeOut, with a vector of broadcast listeners Probe System.exit upon die message jar file: added gnu/regexp and gnu/getopt class files withing the jar file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.0.8 Fixed a bug in inserted in 1.0.7, added the Counter program, useful if you want to have an inexact idea of the number of messages circulating on the bus itself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.0.7 Fixed a bug in Ivy.java and IvyClient.java, causing the problematic 'a(.*) (.*)' matching 'a 2' loosing the first empty matches. Beware, this has a cost on effectiveness, but, hey, Ivy-java is not optimized at all ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.0.6 Fixed a bug in fr.dgac.ivy.Probe, which didn't use the IVYBUS property. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.0.5 Multicast support ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ epoch