---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0.12 IvyClient.sendBuffer update with silent error on a broken pipe, unless IVY_DEBUG is set Ivy.libVersion goes private static final IvyClient gets removed from the list of clients if there is a broken pipe. Another bug fixed ! IvyDaemon is granted a public access on its constructor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0.11 mer jun 5 11:33:16 CEST 2002 Just a debian package change. No java modification per se. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0.10 mar jun 4 19:00:32 CEST 2002 TestIvy: System.exit on bus die IvyWatcher isInDomain() is wrong in multicast. I've removed it -> TO FIX there was a remanence effect in the datagrampacket buffer. I clean it up after each message cleaned up the getDomain() and getPort() code I allow multiple domains I Removed the CPU eating loop on soTimeOut, with a vector of broadcast listeners Probe System.exit upon die message jar file: added gnu/regexp and gnu/getopt class files withing the jar file ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0.8 Fixed a bug in inserted in 1.0.7, added the Counter program, useful if you want to have an inexact idea of the number of messages circulating on the bus itself. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0.7 Fixed a bug in Ivy.java and IvyClient.java, causing the problematic 'a(.*) (.*)' matching 'a 2' loosing the first empty matches. Beware, this has a cost on effectiveness, but, hey, Ivy-java is not optimized at all ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0.6 Fixed a bug in fr.dgac.ivy.Probe, which didn't use the IVYBUS property. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0.5 Multicast support ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- epoch