include # Be sure to set this before compiling ... VERSION = 1.2.17 DIST = ivy-$(VERSION).jar DOCS = doc/html/api #dist = woody/ dist = all: class examples examples: ( cd examples; make; ) class: ( cd src; make; ) grep -H TODO src/*java docs: ( cd src; make docs ; ) tests: ( cd tests; ant ) #dist: class docs dist: class docs (cd src && $(JAR) cvfm ../$(DIST) ../manifest fr/dgac/ivy/*.class fr/dgac/ivy/tools/*.class ) jar: class ln -sf src/fr . ln -sf ${HOME}/dev/bundle/${dist}gnu . ln -sf ${HOME}/dev/bundle/${dist}org . $(JAR) cfm ivy-java.jar manifest fr/dgac/ivy/*.class fr/dgac/ivy/tools/*.class src/Makefile src/*.java README COPYING.LIB Changelog BUGS gnu org examples/*.java /bin/rm -f gnu org clean: ( cd src; make clean ;) ( cd tests; make clean ; ) ( cd examples; make clean; ) rm -f -- $(DIST) install: install -m 0755 tools/jprobe $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/ install -m 0755 tools/jafter $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/ install -m 0755 tools/jdaemon $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/ install -m 0644 doc/ivy-java.1 $(DESTDIR)/usr/man/man1/ gzip -9 $(DESTDIR)/usr/man/man1/ivy-java.1 install -m 0644 doc/jprobe.1 $(DESTDIR)/usr/man/man1/ gzip -9 $(DESTDIR)/usr/man/man1/jprobe.1 install -m 0644 $(DIST) $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/java/ivy.jar (cd src; $(MAKE) docs DOCS=$(DESTDIR)/usr/share/doc/libivy-java/html/api) #cp -R doc/ivy-java $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/doc/libivy-java/programmersguide #install -m 0644 doc/ivy-java.pdf $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/doc/libivy-java/