libivy-java (1.2.18) unstable; urgency=low * Bug fix, improve synchronisation (thx to Greg Alligier) - patch Greg Alligier, it all passes lotsa tests - disable ipv6 (because you know ...) -- JP Imbert Thu, 12 May 2016 11:25:21 +0200 libivy-java (1.2.17) unstable; urgency=low * debian wheezy : modifications in Makefile,src/Makefile,, debian/control -- JP Imbert Tue, 02 Oct 2012 16:15:21 +0200 libivy-java (1.2.16) unstable; urgency=low * New API: - IvyClient.getRegexps no longer returns an Enumeration, but a Collection * Internals: - switched to a lot of synchronized connections, in order to avoid concurrent modifications Exceptions I was unable to prevent so far -- Yannick Jestin Fri, 27 Apr 2012 10:47:21 +0200 libivy-java (1.2.15) unstable; urgency=low * Internals: - sets the default buffersize to 4096 bytes. This can be adjusted through the use of the IVY_BUFFERSIZE jvm property (java -DIVY_BUFFERSIZE=200 , e.g. ) This is intended to be similar to the ivy C implementation, and *should* fix the buffering issues of applications requiring a lot of small data exchanges (e.g: transmitting mouse mouve at a high rate). * New API: - added sypport to the Swing Dispatch Thread in the bindAsyncMsg api. this breaks the former API. Use BindType.SWING as the latter argument. - severe problems throws RuntimeException instead of System.exit(), allows code reuse. - many methods now are protected, with accessors - removed unread fields (Ivy.domainaddr, e.g.) - ready message is set to appName + " READY" if null has been provided, like in the C# api - lowercase CheckRegexp to checkRegexp (bad practice, thanks to FindBugs). * Doc: - javadoc updated (a bit) - removed protected methods from javadoc switch to apache fop + docbook for documentation translation * Internals: - added a lock mechanism to be sure that once a connexion has been initiated, the ready message will be sent before stopping the bus now: Ivy b = new Ivy(...); b.sendMsg("coucou"); b.stop(); should send messages (at least the ready message) if there is a connexion attempt made before b.stop() is effective. To be sure, there is a 200ms delay before b.stop() can be effective (the Threads stopped, the sockets closed) - IMPORTANT ! switch from gnu regexp (deprecated) to the built in java regexp. - IMPORTANT ! Reintroduced a mechanism to allow the drop of a double connexion attempt. - use new synchronization scheme with locks (app socket, structures) - add generic types to declarations, the code now won't ompile on java prior to the 1.5 platform - fixed a potential null pointer dereference on quit (thanks to findBugs) - remove the Thread.start() from the constructor, to avoid mulithread issues. see now ,we have to call IvyClient.start() after it has been created - IvyWatcher tries to fix a lock on accept() by becoming a Thread instead of runnalbe (see tests/test2). * Internal performance issus - use of stringbuffers to concatenate strings, instead of using +, which could lead to a quadractic cost in the number of iteraction (the growing string was recopied in each iteration). - when possible, move the regexp Pattern.compile in static areas, to avoid multiple calls. - recopy the filter String[] in setfilter, to avoid exposing internal representation (unsafe operation). - in many areas, e.g. Hashtable keys, use autoboxing for the creation of Integer (instead of new Integer(int). This alows caching, avoids object allocation, and the * code will be faster. -- Yannick Jestin Wed, 11 Apr 2012 18:10:21 +0200 libivy-java (1.2.13) unstable; urgency=low * disables the Nagle's socket algorithm ( TCP_NO_DELAY = 1 ) * adds try catch blocks for RE constructors ( new Jakarta Regexp ? ) * updates of documentation ( jafter, sgml file ) -- Yannick Jestin Wed, 25 Jul 2009 16:51:21 +0100 libivy-java (1.2.12-2) unstable; urgency=low * etch fixes * NEW BUG identified and not solved: multicast rendez vous is broken -- Yannick Jestin Wed, 17 Jan 2007 16:51:21 +0100 libivy-java (1.2.12) unstable; urgency=low * (re)introducing Ping and Pong in the protocol and in IvyClient api -- Yannick Jestin Mon, 24 Jul 2006 15:32:34 +0200 libivy-java (1.2.11) unstable; urgency=low * major documentation update ( programmers's guide ) * debian packaging system modified to use dhelper * added jafter and jdaemon in the shell scripts * added the ID in the UDP broadcast -- Yannick Jestin Thu, 20 Jul 2006 14:48:00 +0200 libivy-java (1.2.10) unstable; urgency=low * modified the domain parsing to allow -b :3110 e.g. , it is still a bug ... -- Yannick Jestin Tue, 18 Jul 2006 18:49:19 +0200 libivy-java (1.2.9) unstable; urgency=low bug remaining - the overhead is quite important on a loaded setup bugfixes - unexpected disconnections after the broadcast new features - Ivy.setFilter() aka message classes, reduces the number of regexp matching, improves performance especially when there are *many* clients and *many* regexps, most of them ^bounded . See doc for details - java -DIVYRANGE=4000-5000 allows the choice of service ports within a specific range, for instance on firewall configurations. - modification of the IDP broadcast ( see mailing list for details ) - .time and .bound commands in jprobe -- Yannick Jestin Thu, 22 Nov 2005 23:09:00 +0100 libivy-java (1.2.8) unstable; urgency=low bugfixes - fixed the "start stop start stop" bug reported by Francis Jambon ( thanks alot, Francis ! ) - validates against the 1.4 jakarta regexp library. - IvyWatcher had a static structures leading to a nasty bug when several Ivy Agents were in the same JVM. new features - Ivy.getWBUId() returns a "wanna be unique Id", quite useful when performing queries. It looks like IDTest0:1105029280616:1005891134. - Ivy.getDomainArgs(String,String[]) is a cheap and handy way of finding out the domain, based on the DEFAULT_DOMAIN, then on the IVYBUS property, then on the -b domain command line argument. Be sure to use it ! - added the After tool - Probe, After and IvyDaemon going to tool - fixed the jprobe shell script to honor $IVYBUS environment variable -- Yannick Jestin Thu, 22 Nov 2005 23:09:00 +0100 libivy-java (1.2.7) unstable; urgency=low bugfixes - no more the infamous unBindMsg() reported by Matthieu - *complex* algorithm to disallow multiple instances of the same agent when launched with multiple broadcast addresses, some of them being received twice by a remote agent X, X trying to connect twice ... It should fix both Francis's WiFi bugreport, and Jean-Paul Stress' bug new features - Probe allows .where .dieall-yes-i-am-sure .bound and .bound CLIENT code cleanup - minor fixes for acecssing static final values -- Yannick Jestin Thu, 23 Dec 2004 17:21:00 +0100 libivy-java (1.2.6) unstable; urgency=low bugfixes - major cleanup to handle simultaneous connections, e.g., between two busses within the same process ( AsyncAPI test is very stressful ) I made an assymetric processing to elect the client that should disconnect based on the socket ports ... might work... - jakarta regexp are not meant to be threadsafe, so for match() and compile() must be enclaused in a synchronized block - now sends back an error message when an incorrect regexp is sent the message is supposed to be readable - IvyWatcher now uses a new buffer for each Datagram received, to prevent an old bug debian package - the package name goes to libivy-java, - examples have been added in the documentation and corrected to honor the new lib documentation - the manual has been heavily updated, and C++ has been left out. new features - Ivy.waitForMsg(regexp,timeout) and Ivy.waitForClient(name,timeout) make the synchronization with other Ivy agents easier. Wait "forever" if timeout is null. - use Ivy.protectNewLine(true) to ensure encoding and decoding of newline as 0x1A. As the encoding and decoding cost a little more CPU and is not yet standardized in the Ivy protocol, use it at your own risk. - IvyClient now sends back an error message when an incorrect regexp is sent the message is supposed to be readable - uses apache jakarta-regexp instead of gnu-regexp ( see ), we gain a compatibility with Perl and the new ivy-c 3.4.6 :) - no more java ping in Probe ... - use bindAsyncMsg(regexp) to perform each regexp in a new Thread. This can avoid hangups when you have lengthy callbacks ( calculation, etc ). There is no asynchronous sending of message because the tests are sooooo unsuccessful API changes - Ivy changed changed the semantic of -b a,b:port,c:otherport if no port is specified for a, it take the port from the next one. If none is specified, it takes DEFAULT_PORT - IvyWatcher's getDomain now sends IvyException for malformed broadcast addresses -- Yannick Jestin Tue, 29 Jul 2004 19:28:00 +0100 ivy-java (1.2.4) unstable; urgency=low bugfixes - resists when a non Ivy Agent broadcasts on our address - invokes disconnect() on a normal IvyClient end of run() - bus.start(null) now *really* starts on IVYBUS property or 127:2010 if the property is not set - bugfix J007 : breaks connexions with remote clients using a faulty protocol, ignore subscriptions to faulty regexps. - bugfix J006 : invokes the applicationListeners's disconnect method at the end of the run() loop - the IvyWatcher accepts connexions from remote hosts with the same port number. Closes a possible bug, yet to check thoroughfully... - bugfix J005 : the IvyWatcher's loop doesn't break on faulty broadcasts, belonging to non ivy application, e.g. - major rewrite of the internals of the Ivy class structure new features - added a sendToSelf(boolean) method in the Ivy class to allow the sendMsg() to trigger our own callbacks. Default is false. API Changes (WARNING, you might have to recompile you applications) - changed the API for Ivy.sendMsg and IvyClient.sendDirectMsg, both function can now raise an IvyException if the message contains \n or \0x3 - changed the API for IvyApplicationListener ( die now requires a String argument ). - changed the API for Ivy.bindMsg(). It now raises an IvyException if the regexp was not compiled successfully (e.g.: "(.*"). - added an IvyBindListener and Ivy.addBindListener, Ivy.removeBindListener order to hook callbacks upon reception of bind requests. It is now possible to write a decent ivy monitor program. JProbe has been rewritten this way and now displays the subscriptions in real time, not only at startup ( should I file a bugreport against ivy-c ? ) - Probe can send messages to itself, with the -s command line switch -- Yannick Jestin Tue, 18 Feb 2003 16:49:00 +0100 ivy-java (1.2.3) unstable; urgency=low - debian packaging corrected, now build-depends on java-compiler and depends on java-virtual-machine. I should switch to libivy-java. The classes are not unpacked in the repository, but whithin a jar file. - added a jprobe shell script - added the testbench code in the documentation - Many bugfixes thanks to a new testbench * the datagram sender is in its own thread. Now works with jdk1.2 * IvyClient doesn't loop any more on a remote disconnexion * early disconnect is now possible without hanging * fixed a bug on older JVM with an exotic thread handling. Threads are really hard to debug. - new Features: * directMessage now available in the API and in Probe * IVYBUS System property is set according to the policy, and propagated to the children. It is useful if you want to fork. - new Doc * README rewritten * IvyDaemon as a TCP to Ivy relay is now documented - new Bug found on thread handling ( blackdown linux 1.1.8-v2 ) - new Bug found on thread handling ( blackdown linux 1.2.2 ) SIGSEGV -- Yannick Jestin Tue, 07 Jan 2003 18:09:00 +0200 ivy-java (1.2.2) unstable; urgency=low - bugfix in IvyClient leading to a growth in CPU usage - change of API calls (Vector and System) to allow compilation on JDK1.1.7A - cleanup in examples - no longer build-depends on j2sdk1.3 - simplified the doc handling -- Yannick Jestin Fri, 27 Dec 2002 17:26:00 +0200 ivy-java (1.2.1) unstable; urgency=low - upstream release fixing a couple of bugs - updates in the sgml documentation, which is now included in the package - produces pdf and html from the sgml documentation -- Yannick Jestin Fri, 27 Sep 2002 16:17:26 +0200 ivy-java (1.2.0) unstable; urgency=low - there is now a torough non regression test suite in tests directory - First 1.2 release. It is now really functionnal. I should have used a 0.xx numbering scheme in earlier versions - updated the Changelog and debian changelog - rewrite of the URLs to access the source on the ivy web site - many bugs fixed: see upstream Changelog for details -- Yannick Jestin Fri, 7 Jun 2002 13:11:26 +0200 ivy-java (1.0.11) unstable; urgency=low - moved TestIvy and TestIvySwing to examples - added in CVS repository and examples. Counter gives the number of ivy message in the last second, last ten seconds, and last minutes. It can also send those information on an ivy bus - added a Makefile in examples - modified the ivy-java man page - made a link to /usr/share/java/repository/gnu instead of copying the files - changed the package version number scheme to be a little more "debian compliant" -- Yannick Jestin Wed, 5 Jun 2002 11:40:26 +0200 ivy-java (1.0.10-1) unstable; urgency=low - TestIvy and Probe System.exit on bus die - IvyWatcher and IvyClient * isInDomain() is wrong in multicast. I've removed it * there was a remanence effect in the datagrampacket buffer. I clean it up after each message * cleaned up the getDomain() and getPort() code * I allow multiple domains * I Removed the CPU eating loop on soTimeOut, with a vector of broadcast listeners -- Yannick Jestin Thu, 4 Jun 2002 19:06:15 +0200 ivy-java (1.0.9-1) unstable; urgency=low * there were still some bugs in the protocol handling * the die semantics is now abided by our java clients * code cleaning * the real examples have been put in examples -- Yannick Jestin Thu, 7 Mar 2002 15:16:08 +0200 ivy-java (1.0.8-1) unstable; urgency=low * don't use StringTokenizer any more, it is too buggy and version dependent * new ivyTranslater example * new Counter program (in examples ) to show how to count ivy messages * cleaned IVY_DEBUG handling in * added a global variable for protocol version and library version * improved gnu.getopt.GetOpt support -- Yannick Jestin Wen, 6 Mar 2002 14:04:08 +0200 ivy-java (1.0.7-1) unstable; urgency=low * Corrects the Bug of StringTokenizer ( no Bug tracking system yet ) reported on the mailing list. -- Yannick Jestin Wen, 10 Oct 2001 13:35:08 +0200 ivy-java (1.0.5-2) unstable; urgency=low * Fix problems in the package building -- Yannick Jestin Wen, 8 Aug 2001 16:43:08 +0200 ivy-java (1.0.5-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial Release. -- Yannick Jestin Mon, 6 Aug 2001 17:17:08 +0200