.\" '\" .\" '\" Ivy jrpobe, an Ivy agent for monitoring exchanges on a bus .\" '\" .\" '\" Copyright (C) 1997-2006 .\" '\" DSNA/DTI/SDER ( Centre d'Études de la Navigation Aérienne ) .\" '\" .\" '\" See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution .\" '\" of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. .\" '\" .\" '\" .TH "jprobe" "" "" "Yannick Jestin " "" .SH "NAME" jprobe \- a Ivy java agent for monitoring exchanges on a bus .SH "SYNOPSIS" jprobe [-b bus] [regexps] .SH OPTIONS -b BUS specifies the Ivy bus domain -c CLASS uses a message class CLASS=Word1,Word2,Word3... -n ivyname (default JPROBE) -q quiet, no tty output -d debug -t time stamp each message -s sends to self -h help regexp is a list of zero to many Perl5 compatible regular expression jprobe will subscribe to every of those regular expressions, and print the contents (or more exactly the captured contents) of all matching messages that will be emitted on the bus by other applications. Do not forget to protect your regexps with quotes if you use brackets or the * sign, otherwise your shell might interpret them. .SH "DESCRIPTION" jprobe connects to an Ivy bus and allows you to send and receive messages through a text interface. This is mainly useful for testing and debugging Ivy applications. .SH EXAMPLES .B jprobe '(.*)' will print all messages exchanged on the default bus, with their full contents. .SH LINE COMMANDS once jprobe is started, you can send messages line by line. If you want to issue a command to jprobe, use one of the following commands: .nf \.die CLIENT sends a die message .nf \.dieall-yes-i-am-sure sends a die to all clients .nf \.direct CLIENT ID MSG sends the direct message to the client .nf \.bye quits the probe .nf \.quit quites the probe .nf \.list lists the clients on the bus .nf \.bind REGEXP subscribes to a regexp .nf \.unbind REGEXP unsubscribes to a regexp .nf \.bound CLIENT lists the subscriptions of a client, .bound to get all .nf \.bound lists the subscriptions .nf \.where CLIENT displays the host where a client runs .nf \.time COUNT MESSAGE measures the time it takes to send COUNT messages .nf \.ping CLIENT measures the roundrip time in milliseconds to a client .SH "EXAMPLES" .nf jprobe \-help .nf jprobe \-b,10.192.36:2021, '^coucou (.*)' .nf jprobe \-d \-b 10.192.36:2021 '^coucou (.*)' .SH "BUGS" See the /usr/share/doc/libivy-java/BUGS file for details. .SH "AUTHORS" .nf Yannick Jestin .nf Francois\-Regis Colin .SH "SEE ALSO" ivy\-c (1) .nf ivy\-perl (1) .nf ivy\-c\-functions (1) .nf ivyprobe (1) .nf pcrepattern (3) .sp For further details, please refer to the Ivy html page at http://www.tls.cena.fr/products/ivy/ .SH "NOTES" In case of any comment or bug report on this library, please contact yannick.jestin@enac.fr .nf Special thanks to Michelle Jacomi for her kind support and documentation writing.