* a software bus package geiger counter
* @author Yannick Jestin
* @author http://www.tls.cena.fr/products/ivy/
* (c) CENA 1998-2002
import fr.dgac.ivy.* ;
import gnu.getopt.Getopt ;
* A program to count to the Ivy software bus messages.
* The class itself can be used to collect data and send them on the terminal
* or on the bus.
public class Counter implements IvyMessageListener, Runnable {
private Ivy bus ;
private int[] secCount = new int[60];
private int totalminute=0;
private int totaldix=0;
private int counter=0;
private int moindix=secCount.length-10;
private int moinune=1;
private Thread thread;
boolean isRunning=false;
boolean quiet=false;
public static final String helpmsg = "usage: java Counter -[options]\n\t-b BUS\tspecifies the Ivy bus domain\n\t-q\tquiet, no tty output\n\t-d\tdebug\n\t-h\thelp\n";
public Counter(String domain,boolean quiet) {
for (int j=0;j