------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TODO : - DOC DOC DOC - make run - asynchronous sending ? - automate all the following: - test the protocol errors (broadcast, bindregexps, etc) - use a parameter for the local domain address . 10.192.36 is hardcoded, this is ugly - check the malformed broadcasts echo "coucou" | nc -u -b -q 0 2010 - check the remote disconnections (ivyprobe ^C ) and check if the disappearance is OK - propagate the testbenches to other implementations ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to check if it doesn't work ? -> There is now a simple testbench. It can fail if the architecture doesn't support broadcast on loopback address ( change the IVY_BUS variable, e.g.: on MacOSX.2, or Solaris ). to test every feature $ make For the old API and regexp Check$ make test1 For the new API Check $ make api For the end of input check $ make probe To be more robust $ repeat 100 make Things that are yet to be written, but not easy: - automate tests with other implementations - check the network connectivity (UDP broadcast, multicast) - check the symmetry, whatever the order of the connections ( client A, client B, client C vs A, C, B ... ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to launch the testbenchs. First, recompile the class with the right library. in src, make JAVAC=/path/to/javac JAVA=/path/to/java in tests, make JAVAC=/path/to/javac JAVA=/path/to/java in examples, make JAVAC=/path/to/javac JAVA=/path/to/java It is possible to add an additionnal CLASSPATH make variable. For simplicity's sake, I personnaly use links from src/fr to tests/fr and to examples/fr For older JDK (1.1) , you must add swingall.jar (available from sun's web site) and classes.zip in your classpath. An example is provided in the makefile. Here is the list of commands I use and platforms I have tested successfully: linux: java version "1.4.1" Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build Blackdown-1.4.1-beta) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build Blackdown-1.4.1-beta, mixed mode) all tests ok. jdk1.1.8 java version "1.1.8" be sure to recompile all the classes !!! linux blackdown 1.1.8_v3 there is the JVM bug (see BUGS for details) java version "1.2.2" Classic VM (build Linux_JDK_1.2.2_FCS, native threads, sunwjit) there is a possible JVM bug ( see BUGS for details ) leading to a segmentation violation java version "1.3.1" Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build Blackdown-1.3.1-FCS) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build Blackdown-1.3.1-FCS, mixed mode)