/* * The Unix Channel * * by Michel Beaudouin-Lafon * * Copyright 1990-1993 * Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique (LRI) * * Servers * * $Id$ * $CurLog$ */ #include "Server.h" /*?class UchServer The class \typ{UchServer} derives from \typ{UchStream}. It is associated to a channel set to monitor the connected clients in parallel. Whenever a new client connects to the server, the virtual function \fun{HandleNew} is called. This function must return a pointer to an object of class \typ{UchClient} (or a derived class of \typ{UchClient}). Because the server and the clients may be on different machines with different architectures, the byte swapping is always done by the server, by convention. (NOTE: byte swapping is not currently implemented) ?*/ /*?class UchClient Class \typ{UchClient} derives from \typ{UchMsgStream}. It is still an abstract class because the virtual functions \fun{NewMessage} and \fun{ConvertAnswer} of \typ{UchMsgStream} are not defined in \typ{UchClient}. Instances of \fun{UchClient} only know that they may belong to an instance of \typ{UchServer}. Thus the virtual function \fun{Delete} is redefined to achieve a clean removal from the server's list. ?*/ // server ports // constructors, // destructor // copy // /*? Construct an empty server port. ?*/ UchServer :: UchServer () : UchStream (), Clients (), ChanSet (0) { } /*?nodoc?*/ UchServer :: UchServer (const UchServer& sp) : UchStream (sp), Clients (), ChanSet (0) { } /*? Construct a server port bound to address \var{a}. When using Internet domain addresses, \var{a} should refer to the wildcard address so that clients can connect from any machine. This can be done with the instruction \com{new UchInetAddress(ANYADDR)}. ?*/ UchServer :: UchServer (UchAddress* a) : UchStream (a, 0), Clients (), ChanSet (0) { } /*?nodoc?*/ UchServer :: ~UchServer () { UchClient* cl = 0; while (cl = Clients.First ()) cl->Delete (); ChanSet = 0; // will delete it if necessary } /*?nodoc?*/ UchChannel* UchServer :: Copy () const { return new UchServer (*this); } /*? Remove a client from the set of clients connected to the server. This is normally done automatically whenever the client disconnects itself, as a side effect of destroying the client. ?*/ void UchServer :: RemoveClient (UchClient* cl) { if (Clients.Remove (cl)) { cl->MyServer = 0; HandleRemove (cl); } else Error (ErrWarn, "UchServer::RemoveClient", "not owned by this server"); } /*? Bind the socket and listen to it. Initialize the channel set of the server to \var{cs}, or create a new one if \var{cs} is 0. The channel set is used by the server to read and process messages from its clients: whenever a client connects to the server, an instance of \typ{UchClient} is added to the channel set. Whenever data is readable from a client, it is read in an input buffer and processed as soon as a full message is received. Whenever a client closes the connection, it is removed from the channel set of the server. This function returns TRUE if all went well, else it calls \fun{SysError} and returns FALSE. You may want to pass your own channel set if you are already multiplexing i/o on that channel set. For instance, you may have several \typ{UchServer} objects in your application. A smart pointer to the channel set is actually kept in the server, so that it can be shared securely. ?*/ bool UchServer :: Setup (UchMultiplexer* cs) { if (Listen () < 0) { SysError (ErrWarn, "UchServer::Setup"); return FALSE; } SetMode (IORead); if (! cs) cs = new UchMultiplexer; ChanSet = cs; ChanSet->Add (this); return TRUE; } /*? This function removes the server from its channel set. This has the effect of ignoring any incoming connections. This function will also make \fun{Run} exit, if there is no other channel in the channel set of the server. Unless you added your own channels to this channel set, this will be the case if there is no client currently connected. This is the only way to exit properly from \fun{Run}. ?*/ void UchServer :: Unlisten () { if (ChanSet) ChanSet->Remove (*this); } // handle connections on server port // /*?nodoc?*/ void UchServer :: HandleRead () { // cannot redefine Accept to return UchClient*, so this does not work : // UchClient* cl = Accept (); // need to delete the channel created by Accept, so this does not work either : // UchClient* cl = new UchClient (Accept ()); // so we do this (less elegant ...) : UchChannel* ch = Accept (); if (! ch) { SysError (ErrWarn, "UchServer::HandleRead: Accept"); return; } UchClient* cl = HandleNew (ch); delete ch; cl->SetMode (IOReadSelect); cl->SetOwner (this); Clients.Append (cl); if (ChanSet) ChanSet->Add (cl); } // Default virtual function for handling new connections // If a class MY_CLIENT is derived from UchClient, // a class MY_SERVER must be derived from UchServer, // with MY_SERVER::HandleNew (UchChannel* ch) // doing at least a return new MY_CLIENT (ch) // /*? This virtual function is called whenever a new client connects to the server. The default action is to return \com{new UchClient(ch)}. This needs to be redefined only if you create a derived class of \typ{UchClient}, say \typ{MY_CLIENT}, in which case it should be redefined in a derived class of \typ{UchServer} to return \com{new MY_CLIENT(ch)}. ?*/ UchClient* UchServer :: HandleNew (UchChannel* ch) { return new UchClient (ch); } /*? This virtual function is called whenever a client is removed (\fun{RemoveClient}). It is a hook for the application to take whatever action; the default action is to do nothing. When this function is called, the client is already removed from the client list of the server. ?*/ void UchServer :: HandleRemove (UchClient*) { // nothing } // default error functions // /*?nextdoc?*/ bool UchServer :: SysError (errtype how, const char* who, int excl1, int excl2) { return ::SysError (how, who, excl1, excl2); } /*? Each server port class can have its own error handling routines. Their default action is to call the global functions \fun{Error} and \fun{SysError}. They can be called from the following functions: \fun{Error} can be called from \fun{RemoveClient} when the client does not belong to this server; \fun{SysError} can be called from \fun{Setup} when the socket could not be setup correctly, and from \fun{HandleRead} when the connection could not be accepted. ?*/ void UchServer :: Error (errtype how, const char* who, const char* what) { ::Error (how, who, what); } /*? Setup the server if necessary, then scan and process its channel set by calling \fun{LoopScan} for it. To have a server active, you need at least to initialize it (and thus know its address), and then run it. If you have added your own channels to the channel set of the server, their \fun{HandleRead} and \fun{HandleWrite} functions will be called normally by \fun{Run}. ?*/ void UchServer :: Run () { if (! ChanSet) if (! Setup ()) Error (ErrFatal, "UchServer::Run", "could not setup"); if (ChanSet) ChanSet->LoopScan (); } /*? Send a message to all clients currently connected to this server. If \var{flush} is TRUE, the output buffer of each client is flushed. ?*/ void UchServer :: Broadcast (UchMessage& msg, bool flush) { CcuListIterOf li (Clients); while (++li) (*li)->Send (msg, flush); } /*? Send a message to all clients currently connected to this server, except \var{exclude}. If \var{flush} is TRUE, the output buffer of each client is flushed. ?*/ void UchServer :: Broadcast (UchMessage& msg, UchClient* excl, bool flush) { CcuListIterOf li (Clients); while (++li) if (*li != excl) (*li)->Send (msg, flush); } /*?nextdoc?*/ void UchServer :: Broadcast (UchMsgBuffer& buf, bool flush) { CcuListIterOf li (Clients); while (++li) (*li)->Send (buf, flush); } /*? These functions are similar to the previous ones, except that they take a buffer instead of a message. The buffer {\em must} contain a converted message. It is more efficient to broadcast a buffer than a message because there is less message conversion overhead. ?*/ void UchServer :: Broadcast (UchMsgBuffer& buf, UchClient* excl, bool flush) { CcuListIterOf li (Clients); while (++li) if (*li != excl) (*li)->Send (buf, flush); } // clients: // /*?nodoc?*/ UchClient :: UchClient () : UchMsgStream (), MyServer (0) { } /*?nodoc?*/ UchClient :: UchClient (const UchClient& cl) : UchMsgStream (cl), MyServer (0) { } /*? Construct a new client connected to the server on channel \var{ch}. ?*/ UchClient :: UchClient (UchChannel* ch) : UchMsgStream (), MyServer (0) { UchChannel::Open (ch->FilDes ()); } /*?nodoc?*/ UchClient :: ~UchClient () { if (MyServer) { UchServer* s = MyServer; s->Error (ErrWarn, "~UchClient", "client still in a server; deleting anyway ...\n"); s->RemoveClient (this); if (s->ChanSet) s->ChanSet->Remove (*this); // calls the destructor if no more refs } } /*?nodoc?*/ UchChannel* UchClient :: Copy () const { return new UchClient (*this); } /*? This function must be used to delete a client explicitly. It is not safe to use the operator delete. This function is called when an end of file is read from the client; this means that you usually do not need to call it. ?*/ void UchClient :: Delete () { if (MyServer) { UchServer* s = MyServer; s->RemoveClient (this); if (s->ChanSet) s->ChanSet->Remove (*this); // calls the destructor if no more refs } } /*?nodoc?*/ void UchClient :: SetOwner (UchServer* serv) { if (MyServer) serv->Error (ErrFatal, "UchClient::SetOwner", "already owned"); else MyServer = serv; } #ifdef DOC //fake entries for inline functions /*? Return the channel set used by the server. This is useful if you want to add your own channels to the channel set. ?*/ UchMultiplexer* UchServer :: GetChanSet () { } /*? Return the server corresponding to a given client. ?*/ UchServer* UchClient :: GetServer () { } #endif /* DOC */