/* * DNN - Data News Network * * by Stephane Chatty * * Copyright 1994 * Centre d'Etudes de la Navigation Aerienne (CENA) * * documentation skeleton * * $Id$ * $CurLog$ */ \documentstyle[11pt,mydoc,twoside]{doc} \pagestyle{ENTETE} \makeindex \def\dnn{DNN} \namedoc{DNN - Data News Network} \begin{document} \maketitle \cleardoublepage \tableofcontents \input{psfig} \chapter{Introduction} \chapter{Events} #class DnnEvent #class DnnEventType \chapter{Generating events} #class DnnTrigger \chapter{Handling events} #class DnnReaction \newpage \appendix \chapter{Class List} This chapter contains the list of the classes defined in \dnn. The first section contains the inheritance tree of \dnn\ classes. The second section contains for each class the ordered list of its base classes. The section number indicated after each class refers to the documentation of that class. Classes defined in \dnn\ but which are not documented do not appear in the lists. \section{Inheritance Tree} This section contains the set of classes defined in \dnn. Each base class is followed by the indented list of its subclasses. \input{inhtree.tex} \newpage \section{Inheritance List} This section contains the set of classes defined in \dnn. Each class is followed by its base class, recursively. Thus, from a given class, one can follow the inheritance link and thus refer to the documentation for the inherited methods. \begin{inhlist}{XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX} \input{inhlist.tex} \end{inhlist} \begin{theindex} \indexinc \end{theindex} \end{document}