$Summary = "Ivy League, a C++ library that implements the Ivy protocol."; $Name = "ivy-league"; $Copyright = "GPL"; $Vendor = "Centre d'Etudes de la Navigation Aerienne"; $Distribution = "Ivy"; $Group = "System Environment/Libraries"; $Url = "http://www.tls.cena.fr/products/ivy"; $BuildArchitectures = "i386"; $FindFiles = "(find \$RPM_BUILD_ROOT -type f -print ; ". "find \$RPM_BUILD_ROOT -type l -print) | sed \"s\@^\$RPM_BUILD_ROOT\@\@g\"". "| sort | join redhat/files - "; $Description = "This is a set of C++ libraries that implement the connection to the Ivy software bus developed at CENA. Ivy League also allows you to use or develop other communication protocols.";