/* * CENA C++ Utilities * * by Stephane Chatty * * Copyright 1992 * Centre d'Etudes de la Navigation Aerienne (CENA) * * plain and generic lists (original ideas by Yves Berteaud) * * $Id$ * $CurLog$ */ #include "List.h" #include "Allocator.h" #include #include /*?class CcuList \begin{figure}[hbtp] \hfil \psfig{figure=FIGURES/CcuList.epsf}\par \caption{Internal structure of \typ{CcuList}s} \hfil \end{figure} ?*/ #ifdef CPLUS_BUG20 class CcuListLink { static CcuAllocator* ListLinkMem; static void ClassInit (); public: CcuListItem* Entry; CcuListLink* Next; inline CcuListLink (CcuListItem* e, CcuListLink* n = 0) { Entry = e; Next = n ? n : this; } CcuListLink* Previous (); void* operator new (unsigned int); void operator delete (void*); }; #endif #ifdef CPLUS_BUG20 CcuAllocator* CcuListLink::ListLinkMem = 0; #else CcuAllocator* CcuList::CcuListLink::ListLinkMem = 0; #endif /*?nodoc?*/ void* #ifdef CPLUS_BUG20 CcuListLink :: operator new (unsigned int) #else CcuList::CcuListLink :: operator new (unsigned int) #endif { if (!ListLinkMem) #ifdef CPLUS_BUG20 ListLinkMem = new CcuAllocator (sizeof (CcuListLink)); #else ListLinkMem = new CcuAllocator (sizeof (CcuList::CcuListLink)); #endif return ListLinkMem->Alloc (); } /*?nodoc?*/ void #ifdef CPLUS_BUG20 CcuListLink :: operator delete (void* that) #else CcuList::CcuListLink :: operator delete (void* that) #endif { ListLinkMem->Free (that); } /*? Get the link whose next link is this one. ?*/ #ifndef CPLUS_BUG20 CcuList::CcuListLink* CcuList::CcuListLink :: Previous () #else CcuListLink* CcuListLink :: Previous () #endif { #ifndef CPLUS_BUG20 register CcuList::CcuListLink* pl = this; #else register CcuListLink* pl = this; #endif while (pl->Next != this) pl = pl->Next; return pl; } #ifdef DOC /*? Create an empty list. ?*/ CcuList :: CcuList () { } #endif /*? Create a list with one element \var{e}. ?*/ CcuList :: CcuList (CcuListItem* e) : LastLink (new CcuListLink (e)), StatusFlag (NoError) { } /*?nodoc?*/ CcuList :: CcuList (const CcuList& l) : LastLink (0), StatusFlag (NoError) { CcuListIter li (l); while (++li) Append (*li); } /*? Destructor for lists. No operation is performed on the elements. ?*/ CcuList :: ~CcuList () { Clear (); } /*? Empty a list. ?*/ void CcuList :: Clear () { CcuListLink* del = LastLink; while (del) { CcuListLink* next = del->Next; if (next == LastLink) next = 0; delete del; del = next; } LastLink = 0; } /*?nodoc?*/ CcuList& CcuList :: operator = (const CcuList& l) { if (this != &l) { Clear (); CcuListIter li (l); while (++li) Append (*li); } return *this; } /*?nextdoc?*/ CcuListItem* CcuList :: First () { if (!LastLink) { StatusFlag = WasEmpty; return 0; } StatusFlag = NoError; return LastLink->Next->Entry; } /*? Return the first (resp. last) element in the list, or 0 if the list was empty. The case of a null element can be distinguished from the case when the list is empty with the function \fun{GetStatus}. ?*/ CcuListItem* CcuList :: Last () { if (!LastLink) { StatusFlag = WasEmpty; return 0; } StatusFlag = NoError; return LastLink->Entry; } /*? Get the \var{n}-th element of a list. If \var{n} is greater than the length of the list this function returns 0 and sets the status to \var{TooFar}. If \var{n} is negative, this function returns 0 but sets the status to \var{NoError}. ?*/ CcuListItem* CcuList :: Nth (int n) { StatusFlag = NoError; if (n <= 0) return 0; CcuListIter li (*this); while (n > 0 && ++li) --n; if (n != 0) StatusFlag = TooFar; return *li; } /*? Compute the number of elements in a list. ?*/ int CcuList :: Length () const { int result = 0; CcuListIter li (*this); while (++li) ++result; return result; } /*? Check whether an item is present in a list. ?*/ int CcuList :: Find (CcuListItem* e) const { CcuListIter li (*this); while (++li) if (*li == e) return 1; return 0; } /*?nextdoc?*/ void CcuList :: Prepend (CcuListItem* e) { if (LastLink) /* remember that LastLink->Next is the first */ LastLink->Next = new CcuListLink (e, LastLink->Next); else LastLink = new CcuListLink (e); } /*? Add an element at the beginning (resp. end) of a list. ?*/ void CcuList :: Append (CcuListItem* e) { if (LastLink) { LastLink = LastLink->Next = new CcuListLink (e, LastLink->Next); } else LastLink = new CcuListLink (e); } /*? Remove the first element of a list and return it. ?*/ CcuListItem* CcuList :: RemoveFirst () { /* Handle the case when the list is empty */ if (!LastLink) { StatusFlag = WasEmpty; return 0; } StatusFlag = NoError; /* Get the first element and its data */ CcuListLink* first = LastLink->Next; CcuListItem* data = first->Entry; /* Remove it from the chain */ if (LastLink == first) LastLink = 0; else LastLink->Next = first->Next; /* delete it */ delete first; /* return its data */ return data; } /*? Remove the last element of a list and return it. This function has to locate the last element, and hence has a linear cost. ?*/ CcuListItem* CcuList :: RemoveLast () { /* Handle the case when the list is empty */ if (!LastLink) { StatusFlag = WasEmpty; return 0; } StatusFlag = NoError; /* Find the element that will be the new LastLink */ register CcuListLink* newlast = LastLink->Previous (); /* Save the element to be deleted and its data */ CcuListLink* del = LastLink; CcuListItem* data = LastLink->Entry; /* Remove it from the chain */ if (newlast == LastLink) LastLink = 0; else { newlast->Next = LastLink->Next; LastLink = newlast; } /* delete it */ delete del; /* return its data */ return data; } /*? Insert an element before the link \var{l}. This function has a linear cost. ?*/ void CcuList :: InsertBeforeLink (CcuListLink* l, CcuListItem* e) { CcuListLink* prev = l->Previous (); CcuListLink* newlink = new CcuListLink (e, l); prev->Next = newlink; } /*? Insert an element after the link \var{l}. ?*/ void CcuList :: InsertAfterLink (CcuListLink* l, CcuListItem* e) { CcuListLink* newlink = new CcuListLink (e, l->Next); l->Next = newlink; if (LastLink == l) LastLink = newlink; } /*? Remove the link which is after \var{l} and return its entry. If \var{l} is the last link of the list, the first one is removed. ?*/ CcuListItem* CcuList :: RemoveAfterLink (CcuListLink* l) { CcuListLink* del = l->Next; CcuListItem* data = del->Entry; if (del == l) { LastLink = 0; } else { l->Next = del->Next; if (LastLink == del) LastLink = l; } delete del; return data; } /*? Remove an element from a list. This function iterates through the list until it deletes \var{num} appearances of \var{entry}. The actual number of removals is returned. If \var{num} is \var{All} or is negative, all appearances of \var{entry} are deleted. ?*/ int CcuList :: Remove (CcuListItem* entry, int num) { int removed = 0; CcuListIter li (*this); CcuListIter lj (*this); while ((num < 0 || removed < num) && ++li) { if (*li == entry) { RemoveAfter (lj); ++removed; li = lj; } else ++lj; } return removed; } /*? Remove elements from a list. This function iterates through the list until it deletes \var{num} elements for which the function \var{p} returns a non-null value. The actual number of removals is returned. If \var{num} is \var{All} or is negative, all matching elements are deleted. ?*/ int CcuList :: Remove (int (*p) (CcuListItem*), int num) { int removed = 0; CcuListIter li (*this); CcuListIter lj (*this); while ((num < 0 || removed < num) && ++li) { if ((*p) (*li)) { RemoveAfter (lj); ++removed; li = lj; } else ++lj; } return removed; } /*?nextdoc?*/ void CcuList :: InsertAfter (const CcuListIter& li, CcuListItem* e) { if (li.TheList != this) { StatusFlag = BadIterator; return; } StatusFlag = NoError; if (!li.CurLink) { if (li.StatusFlag == CcuListIter::StartOfList) { Prepend (e); } else { fprintf (stderr, "abnormal status in CcuList::InsertAfter\n"); abort (); } } else if (li.StatusFlag == CcuListIter::EndOfList) { Append (e); } else { InsertAfterLink (li.CurLink, e); } } /*? Insert an element before (resp. after) the current position of the iterator \var{li}. These functions are both equivalent to \fun{CcuList::Prepend} if the iterator is at the beginning of the list (ie. before the first element). \fun{InsertAfter} is performed in a constant time, while \fun{InsertBefore} has a linear cost. ?*/ void CcuList :: InsertBefore (const CcuListIter& li, CcuListItem* e) { if (li.TheList != this) { StatusFlag = BadIterator; return; } StatusFlag = NoError; if (!li.CurLink) { if (li.StatusFlag == CcuListIter::StartOfList) { Prepend (e); } else { fprintf (stderr, "abnormal status in CcuList::InsertAfter\n"); abort (); } } else if (li.StatusFlag == CcuListIter::EndOfList) { Append (e); } else { InsertBeforeLink (li.CurLink, e); } } /*? Remove the element after the current element of the iterator \var{li}. If \var{li} points before the beginning of the list, the first element is returned. If \var{li} points at the last element, the status flag is set to \var{TooFar}. If the list is empty, the flag is set to \var{EmptyList}. In both cases, the return value is null. This function may be used when one wants to iterate through a list and remove some elements: CcuListIter li (l); CcuListIter lj (l); while (++li) if (do_remove (*li)) { RemoveAfter (lj); li = lj; } else ++lj; ?*/ CcuListItem* CcuList :: RemoveAfter (const CcuListIter& li) { if (li.TheList != this) { StatusFlag = BadIterator; return 0; } if (li.CurLink == LastLink) { StatusFlag = LastLink ? TooFar : WasEmpty; return 0; } StatusFlag = NoError; if (li.CurLink) { return RemoveAfterLink (li.CurLink); } else { return RemoveAfterLink (LastLink); } } #ifdef DOC /*? Initialize an iterator associated to the list \var{l}. That iterator will point at the beginning of the list, {\em before} the first element. ?*/ CcuListIter :: CcuListIter (CcuList& l) { } /*? Get the status of an iterator. The status may be one of \var{Normal, StartOfList}, or \var{EndOfList} ?*/ listiter_status CcuListIter :: GetStatus () const { } /*? Reset an iterator to the beginning of the list. ?*/ void CcuListIter :: Reset () { } #endif /* DOC */ /*? Get the current entry pointed by an iterator. This operator returns 0 if the iterator is at the beginning or the end of the list. To distinguish those cases from the case when the entry is null, you can use the method \fun{GetStatus}. ?*/ CcuListItem* CcuListIter :: operator * () const { return (CurLink && StatusFlag == Normal) ? CurLink->Entry : 0; } #ifdef DOC /*? Check whether the status of an iterator is \var{Normal}. ?*/ CcuListIter :: operator int () const { } #endif /* DOC */ /*? Take one step of iteration. ?*/ CcuListIter& CcuListIter :: operator ++ () { /* This test covers all the cases : - the iteration has already begun, and is at its end. - the iteration has not begun, but the list is empty. */ if (CurLink == TheList->LastLink) { StatusFlag = EndOfList; } else { CurLink = CurLink ? CurLink->Next : TheList->LastLink->Next; StatusFlag = Normal; } return *this; } #ifndef CPLUS_BUG16 /*? Post-increment equivalent of the previous operator. This operator is just here as a demonstrator: it was not tested because no known compiler implements that feature, and its semantics is quite muddy. ?*/ CcuListIter& CcuListIter :: operator ++ (int) { ++(*this); return *this; } #endif /*? Try and find the element \var{e} in the list, starting from the current position of the iterator (this position not included). If \var{e} is present in the list, the iterator will be correctly positionned. If not, it will have reached the end of the list. ?*/ int CcuListIter :: Find (CcuListItem* e) { while (++(*this)) if (**this == e) return 1; return 0; } #ifdef DOC /*?class CcuListOf The generic classes \typ{CcuListOf} and \typ{CcuListIterOf} are derived classes of \typ{CcuList} and \typ{CcuListIter} that provide lists of pointers to class objects. When parameterized by the class \typ{ITEM}, the following functions are redefined: ?*/ /*?nextdoc?*/ CcuListOf :: CcuListOf (ITEM* it) { } /*?nextdoc?*/ ITEM* CcuListOf :: First () { } /*?nextdoc?*/ ITEM* CcuListOf :: Last () { } /*?nextdoc?*/ ITEM* CcuListOf :: Nth (int n) { } /*?nextdoc?*/ int CcuListOf :: Find (ITEM* it) const { } /*?nextdoc?*/ void CcuListOf :: Append (ITEM* it) { } /*?nextdoc?*/ void CcuListOf :: Prepend (ITEM* it) { } /*?nextdoc?*/ CcuListOf& CcuListOf :: operator << (ITEM* it) { } /*?nextdoc?*/ ITEM* CcuListOf :: RemoveFirst () { } /*?nextdoc?*/ ITEM* CcuListOf :: RemoveLast () { } /*?nextdoc?*/ int CcuListOf :: Remove (ITEM* it, int nb = 1) { } /*?nextdoc?*/ int CcuListOf :: Remove (int (*p) (ITEM*), int nb = 1) { } /*?nextdoc?*/ void CcuListOf :: InsertAfter (const CcuListIterOf & li, ITEM*it) { } /*? These functions are equivalent to their homonyms in the class \typ{CcuList}, except that they are customized in order to manipulate pointers to \typ{ITEM} instead of \typ{void*}. ?*/ void CcuListOf :: InsertBefore (const CcuListIterOf & li, ITEM* it) { } /*?nextdoc?*/ ITEM* CcuListOf :: RemoveAfter (const CcuListIterOf & li) { } /*?nextdoc?*/ CcuListIterOf :: CcuListIterOf (const CcuListOf & l) { } /*?nextdoc?*/ ITEM* CcuListIterOf :: operator * () const { } /*? These functions are equivalent to their homonyms in the class \typ{CcuListIter}, except that they are customized in order to manipulate pointers to \typ{ITEM} instead of \typ{void*}. ?*/ int CcuListIterOf :: Find (ITEM* it) { } #endif /* DOC */