package Agent; use IvyIO; use FugueConfig; use strict; #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # class variables and methods # #---------------------------------------------------------------------- my ($x0, $y0, $wmax, $dx, $dy, $cmin, $rmax, @matrix, @hosts, $tempo_id, $mw, $bg, $fg, $selcolor, $hlbg, $darkbg, $fontspec, @fontspec, $on_img, $off_img, %instances, @instances, $bus, $hosts_tl, $selected_host, $preselected_host); # configure the class : graphic parameters, geometry and ivy bus sub configure { shift; ($mw, $bg, $fg, $selcolor, $hlbg, $darkbg, $fontspec, $x0, $y0, $wmax, $dy, $cmin, $rmax, $bus) = @_; @fontspec = @$fontspec if $fontspec; $off_img = $mw->Bitmap('off', -file => Tk::findINC('led.bmp'), -foreground => $bg); $on_img = $mw->Bitmap('on', -file => Tk::findINC('led.bmp'), -foreground => $selcolor); &_resetmatrix; } # end configure # kill an named agent sub kill { my ($class, $appname) = @_; IvyIO::kill($appname); } # end kill; # kill all agents sub killall { my ($class) = @_; my $nb = 0; for(@instances) { if ($_->{status} > 0) { IvyIO::kill($_->{appname}); $nb++; } } return $nb; } # end killall; # set usable hosts list for executing agents sub hosts { shift; @hosts = @_; } # end hosts # callback called when an agent connects sub connect { my ($class, $appname, $host) = @_; if ($instances{$appname}) { if ($instances{$appname}->{status} == 1) { $instances{$appname}->addtwin; } else { $instances{$appname}->on; } } else { $class->new($appname, $host, undef, undef, 1); } } # end connect # callback called when an agent disconnects sub disconnect { my ($class, $appname, $host) = @_; if ($instances{$appname}) { if ($instances{$appname}->{number} > 1) { $instances{$appname}->removetwin; } else { $instances{$appname}->off; } } else { $class->new($appname, $host, undef, undef, 0); } } # end disconnect # class constructor sub new { my ($class, $appname, $host, $command, $params, $status) = @_; if ($instances{$appname}) { $instances{$appname}->addtwin; return; } my $self = {}; bless $self; # set object attributes $self->{appname} = $appname; $self->{status} = $status; $self->{host} = $host; $self->{command} = $command; $self->{params} = $params; $self->{number} = 1; $self->{led} = undef; $self->{label} = undef; # reset positions before adding new instance if (@instances >= ($rmax*$cmin)) { $cmin++; $class->_updatepositions; } # set class variables $instances{$appname} = $self; push(@instances, $self); # graphical updates $self->createlabel; $self->on if $status; $class->_alphabeticsort(); return $self; } # end new #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # instance methods # #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # called when several agent instances are detected sub addtwin { my $self = shift; $self->{number}++; $self->{label}->configure(-text => $self->formatlabel); } # end addtwin # called when an instance of a not single agent dies sub removetwin { my $self = shift; return if $self->{number} == 1; $self->{number}--; $self->{label}->configure(-text => $self->formatlabel); } # end addtwin # graphical effect when a known agent connects sub on { my $self = shift; $self->{status} = 1; $self->{led}->configure(-image => $on_img); $self->{label}->raise; $self->{label}->configure(-highlightthicknes => 2); $tempo_id = $mw->after(3000, sub { $self->{label}->configure(highlightthicknes => 0); }); } # end on # graphical effect when a known agent disconnects sub off { my $self = shift; $self->{status} = 0; $self->{led}->configure(-image => $off_img); } # end off # label placement sub setposition { my $self = shift; my ($r, $c); for (my $i=0; $i<@matrix; $i++) { for (my $j=0; $j<=$#{$matrix[$i]}; $j++) { unless ($matrix[$i][$j]->[0]) { ($r, $c) = ($i, $j); last; } } last if defined $r; } $matrix[$r][$c]->[0] = $self; my ($x, $y) = ($matrix[$r][$c]->[1], $matrix[$r][$c]->[2]); my $y2 = $y - 5; $y2 -= 12 if ($self->{label}->cget(-text) =~ /\n/); if ($self->{command}) { $self->{led}->configure(-highlightthickness => 6); $self->{led}->place(-x => $x+3, -y => $y+3); } else { $self->{led}->configure(-highlightthickness => 2); $self->{led}->place(-x => $x+6, -y => $y+6); } $self->{label}->place(-x => $x + 38, -y => $y2); } # end setposition # label creation sub createlabel { my ($self) = @_; $self->{led} = $mw->Label(-image => $off_img, -highlightbackground => $hlbg, -borderwidth => 0, ); $self->{label} = $mw->Label(-text => $self->formatlabel, -pady => 10, -justify => 'left', -relief => 'flat', -highlightthickness => 0, -background => $darkbg, -foreground => $fg, @fontspec, ); $self->{led}->bind('<1>', [\&_cbOnPress, $self]); $self->{label}->bind('<1>', [\&_cbOnPress, $self]); } # end createlabel # label format : affects too long labels and not single agents sub formatlabel { my ($self) = @_; my $im_width = 38; my $dx = $dx - $im_width; my $appname = $self->{appname}; # for not single agents $appname = '['.$self->{number}.'] '.$appname if $self->{number} > 1; my $width = $mw->fontMeasure($fontspec[1], $appname); my $appnametext; # for too long names while ($width > 2*$dx) { $appname = substr($appname, 0, -1); $width = $mw->fontMeasure($fontspec[1], $appname); } if ($width > $dx) { my $hlen = int(length($appname)/2); my @fields = split(/:/, $appname); if (@fields > 1) { my $len = 0; my $imax = -1; for (my $i=0; $i<@fields; $i++) { $len += length($fields[$i]); if ($len > $hlen) { $imax = $i - 1; last; } } if ($imax >= 0) { $appnametext = join(':', (@fields)[0..$imax])."\n". join(':', (@fields)[$imax+1..$#fields]); } } $appnametext = substr($appname, 0, $hlen)."\n".substr($appname, $hlen) unless $appnametext; } else { my @fields = split(/:/, $appname); if (@fields > 1) { $appnametext = $fields[0].":\n ".join(':', (@fields)[1..$#fields]); } } $appnametext = $appname unless $appnametext; return $appnametext; } # end formatlabel #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # private methods or functions # #---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub _resetmatrix { $dx = $wmax/$cmin; for(my $r=0; $r<$rmax; $r++) { for(my $c=0; $c<$cmin; $c++) { $matrix[$r][$c] = [undef, $x0 + $c*$dx, $y0 + $r*$dy]; } } } # end _resetmatrix sub _updatepositions { &_resetmatrix; for (@instances) { $_->setposition(); $_->{label}->configure(-text => $_->formatlabel); } } # end _updatepositions sub _alphabeticsort { &_resetmatrix; for (sort {uc($a->{appname}) cmp uc($b->{appname})} @instances) { $_->setposition(); } } # end _alphabeticsort # callback invoked when user press on label sub _cbOnPress { shift; my $self = shift; $self->{label}->configure(-foreground => $hlbg); if ($self->{status} == 1) { IvyIO::kill($self->{appname}); $mw->after(400, sub {$self->{label}->configure(-foreground => $fg);}); } elsif ($self->{command}) { my ($x, $y) = ($self->{label}->rootx, $self->{label}->rooty); my $host = &_hostsmenu($x, $y, $self->{host}); $self->{label}->configure(-foreground => $fg); return unless $host; FugueConfig::launchAgent($self->{appname}, $host, $self->{command}, $self->{params}, $bus); print "$self->{appname} launched\n"; } else { $mw->bell; $mw->after(400, sub {$self->{label}->configure(-foreground => $fg);}); } } # end _cbOnPress # create and show hosts menu sub _hostsmenu { my $x = shift; my $y = shift; $x += 50; my $preselected_host = shift; return $preselected_host if @hosts <= 1; $hosts_tl->destroy if Tk::Exists($hosts_tl); $hosts_tl = $mw->Toplevel(-background => $darkbg); $hosts_tl->resizable(0,0); $hosts_tl->title('ivycontrolpanel'); my $hosts_fm = $hosts_tl->Frame(-background => $darkbg, -highlightthickness => 3, -highlightbackground => $hlbg, )->pack(-side => 'top', -padx => 0, -pady => 0); my @lattr = (-padx => 10, -pady => 10, -relief => 'flat', -highlightthickness => 0, -background => $darkbg, -foreground => $fg, -borderwidth => 0, @fontspec); my @battr = (@lattr, -width => 4, -height => 1, -highlightthickness => 3, -highlightbackground => $hlbg, -activebackground => $darkbg, -activeforeground => $fg, ); my @rattr = (@lattr, -activebackground => $darkbg, -activeforeground => $fg, -selectcolor => $selcolor); $hosts_fm->Label(@lattr, -text => "restart on :" )->pack(-side => 'top', -padx => 20, -pady => 20); for(@hosts) { $hosts_fm->Radiobutton(@rattr, -variable => \$preselected_host, -value => $_, -text => $_, )->pack(-side => 'top'); } my $fm = $hosts_fm->Frame(-background => $darkbg)->pack(-side => 'bottom'); $fm->Button(@battr, -command => sub {$hosts_tl->destroy}, -text => 'ok')->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 10, -pady => 20); $fm->Button(@battr, -command => sub {$preselected_host = undef; $hosts_tl->destroy}, -text => 'cancel')->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 10, -pady => 20); $hosts_tl->update; my ($X, $Y) = ($mw->rootx, $mw->rooty); my ($w, $h) = ($hosts_tl->width, $hosts_tl->height); my ($W, $H) = ($mw->width, $mw->height); $x = $X + $W - $w if ($x + $w) > $X + $W; $y = $Y + $H - $h if ($y + $h) > $Y + $H; $hosts_tl->geometry('+'.$x.'+'.$y); $hosts_tl->waitWindow(); return $preselected_host; } # end hostsmenu 1;