First of all ivycpy is building process is managed by autoconf.
You should have to do the following actions:
- say to configure where is ivy-c lib and include files (LD_LIBRARY_PATH , CPPFAGS)
- say to configure where is your version of Python (LD_LIBRARY_PATH ,
CPPFAGS) (Note: a specific version is required exporting some MACRO def)
- launching configure with the suited location of tcl/tk configuration file and your target
./configure --prefix=/opt/ivycpy-dp --with-tcl=/opt/tcltk-8.4.5/lib/
verify that every test is ok; normally if all is ok, you should be capable to compile and install
without any problems.
- make
- make install
Last modified: Mon May 24 16:43:51 CEST 2004