ivycpy - a wrapper around ivy-c to get a Python stub to Ivy


Current version is _VERSION_.


ivycpy library procures a way to connect Python/Python-Tkinter application on an Ivy bus.


This current source version allows to link ivycpy with locally installed version of [tcl/tk, adapted version of [Python/Tkinter]]. ivycpy requires still some patches on _tkinter.c (see dev docs for further information). As a consequence, ivycpy is not presented as debian package any more. The source package allows to install the software as an OPTional package.

This version is strictly compatible with ivy-c [3.2 .. 3.6] and can be dynamically linked to a new version of ivy-c, if ivy-c api is unchanged which is quite unlikely.

So provided that, you installed compatible version of tcl/tk and Python/Tkinter (adapted by yourself), ivy-c and ivy-c-dev, it should be easy to rebuilt a new version of ivycpy adapted to the needs. See for building instructions

A former version ivycpy213sa has been delivered as a debian package tightly linked with woody 3.0 set of package , ie.:

but it was clearly immatured and awkward !


ivycpy is not a native python language binding to Ivy but, a wrapper around C level functions. ivycpy was made with swig (Scripting Wrapper Interface Generator). For a high level view of the python api, have a look to ivycpy_wrap.html. For a hands on experience, see, next section.


To have a clear view of how to use this library, please, have a look at the examples normally accessible at examples.


See Ivy home page at to obtain detailed information about ivy.


Didier Pavet <>


This software is free software under Library GNU Public License; see ./copyright for detail and references.

Last modified: Thu Sep 9 16:14:00 CEST 2004