.\" .\" IvyDaemon, an Ivy gateway for short-lived agents .\" .\" Copyright (C) 1999 .\" Centre d'Études de la Navigation Aérienne .\" .\" man page for ivyecho .\" .\" Author(s): Stephane Chatty .\" .\" $Id$ .\" .\" Please refer to file version.h for the .\" copyright notice regarding this software .TH IVYECHO 1 "11 Nov 1999" .ds )H CENA, France. .ds ]W V1.0 .UC 4 .SH NAME ivyecho - client of the Ivy daemon: the Ivy equivalent of 'echo' .SH SYNOPSIS .B "ivyecho [-b bus] [-d] [-s serverhost] text" .SH DESCRIPTION .B ivyecho emits .I text on an Ivy bus. This works as follows: .B ivyecho first sends a request to the .B in.ivyd daemon to determine on which port to contact the appropriate .B ivyd relay server. It then sends a request to .B ivyd, that relays .I text to the Ivy bus. This only works if the appropriate .B ivyd server is running. .SH OPTIONS .RS .TP 6 .B -b bus Get messages relayed to the Ivy bus defined by the address .I bus. The syntax of bus addresses is .I [network[,network]][:port], where .I port is the UDP port used to broadcast information on the Ivy bus, and .I network[,network] is a set of network addresses on which information is broadcast. Examples of bus adresses are 192.75:2000, :2001 or 192.75,192.76. The default port is .I 2010, and the default network is .I 127, ie. loopback on the local host. .I port is used to determine which .B ivyd server to use. .TP .B -d print debug information. .TP .B -s serverhost Use .I serverhost as the host on which to contact .B in.ivyd and .B ivyd. .SH SEE ALSO .PP in.ivyd(1), ivyd(1), Ivy(1)