package MTools::Widget::MControlBoard; # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU LGPL Libray General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, # or refer to # ################################################################## use strict; use IO::Dir; use Data::Dumper; use Tk::Zinc::Graphics; use MTools; use MTools::GUI::MGroup; use vars qw /@ISA/; my @Gradiants; my %textures; my %groups; my %clips; BEGIN { @ISA = qw /MTools::GUI::MGroup/; } sub new { my ($class, %options) = @_; my $parentgroup = $options {parent} ? $options {parent} : 1; my $self = new MTools::GUI::MGroup ($parentgroup); bless $self, $class; %groups = (); my $name = $options {name}; $self -> {'label'} = (defined $options {label}) ? $options {label} : $name; $self -> {'style'} = $options {style}; $self ->{'coef'} = defined $options {coef} ? $options {coef} : {'x' =>1,'y'=>1}; $self -> build; return $self; } sub build { my $self = shift; if ($self -> {'style'}) { my $hashtable = $self -> parse ($self -> {'style'}); if ($hashtable) { if ($hashtable->{'gradset'}) { my $gradset = delete $hashtable->{'gradset'}; $self -> createGradset ($gradset); } while (my ($name, $style) = each(%{$hashtable})) { push @{$self->{groups}},$self -> createZone($name, $style); } } } } sub createGradset { my ($self, $gradset) = @_; while (my ($name, $gradiant) = each(%{$gradset})) { # cr�ation des gradiants nomm�s if (! $zinc->gname($name)) { $zinc->gname($gradiant, $name); } push(@Gradiants, $name); } } sub parse { my ($self, $filename) = @_; open FD, "<$filename" or die "Cannot open $filename"; my $text; while () { $text .= $_; } my $d = eval $text; die "Error while parsing file $filename : ", $@ if ($@); return $d; } sub createZone { my ($self, $zone, $zonestyle) = @_; my $itemzone; my %buttons; my $zgroup; if ($zonestyle) { my $name = $zonestyle->{'-name'}; # cr�ation du groupe zone my $grouptags; my $parent_zone = $zonestyle->{'-parent'}; my $parent_group = getZoneGroup($parent_zone); # item group Zone $zgroup = $zinc->add('group', $parent_group); $groups{$zone} = $zgroup; $zinc->coords($zgroup, $zonestyle->{'-coords'}) if ($zonestyle->{'-coords'}); # clipping de zone si n�cessaire if ($zonestyle->{'-group'}) { $zinc->itemconfigure($zgroup, %{$zonestyle->{'-group'}}); } # cr�ation de l'item zone if ($zonestyle->{'-form'}) { $itemzone = &buildZincItem($zinc, $zgroup, %{$zonestyle->{'-form'}}); } # cr�ation des "d�corations" if ($zonestyle->{'-decos'}) { my %items = %{$zonestyle->{'-decos'}}; my ($name, $itemstyle); while (($name, $itemstyle) = each(%items)) { my $item = &buildZincItem($zinc, $zgroup, %{$itemstyle}); } } # cr�ation des zones de "feedback" dans le tray if ($zonestyle->{'-feedbacks'}) { my %items = %{$zonestyle->{'-feedbacks'}}; my ($name, $itemstyle); while (($name, $itemstyle) = each(%items)) { my $item = &buildZincItem($zinc, $zgroup, $itemstyle); } } # cr�ation des boutons de zone if ($zonestyle->{'-buttons'}) { %buttons = &buildButtons($zgroup, $zonestyle->{'-buttons'}); } $zinc->scale($zgroup,$self->{'coef'}->{x},$self->{'coef'}->{y}); } return ($zgroup); } sub getZoneGroup { my $zone = shift; return $groups{$zone} if (defined $groups{$zone}); return 1; } sub mdelete { my ($self) = @_; foreach (keys %groups) { $zinc->remove($groups{$_}) if (defined $groups{$_}); } MTools::GUI::MGroup::mdelete($self); } 1;