package SVG::SVG2zinc::Backend::PerlScript; # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU LGPL Libray General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA, # or refer to # ################################################################## # Backend Class for SVG2zinc # # Copyright 2003-2004 # Centre d'Études de la Navigation Aérienne # # Author: Christophe Mertz # # A concrete class for code generation for Perl Scripts # # $Id:,v 2006-10-20 13:34:31 merlin Exp $ ############################################################################# use strict; use Carp; use SVG::SVG2zinc::Backend; use File::Basename; use vars qw( $VERSION @ISA ); @ISA = qw( SVG::SVG2zinc::Backend ); ($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/); sub treatLines { my ($self,@lines) = @_; foreach my $l (@lines) { $l =~ s/->/\$_zinc->/g; $self->printLines($l); } } sub fileHeader { my ($self) = @_; my $svgfile = $self->{-in}; my ($svg2zincPackage) = caller; my $VERSION = eval ( "\$".$svg2zincPackage."::VERSION" ); $self->printLines("#!/usr/bin/perl -w ####### This file has been generated from $svgfile by Version: $VERSION "); $self->printLines( <<'HEADER' use Tk::Zinc 3.295; use Tk::Zinc::Debug; use Tk::PNG; # only usefull if loading png file use Tk::JPEG; # only usefull if loading png file use Tk::Zinc::SVGExtension; my $mw = MainWindow->new(); HEADER ); my $svgfilename = basename($svgfile); $self->printLines(" \$mw->title('$svgfile'); my (\$WIDTH, \$HEIGHT) = (800, 600); " ); my $render = $self->{-render}; $self->printLines(" my \$zinc = \$mw->Zinc(-width => \$WIDTH, -height => \$HEIGHT, -borderwidth => 0, -backcolor => 'white', # why white? -render => $render, )->pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both/);; "); $self->printLines( <<'HEADER' if (Tk::Zinc::Debug->can('init')) { # for TkZinc >= 3.2.96 &Tk::Zinc::Debug::init($zinc, -optionsToDisplay => "-tags", -optionsFormat => "row"); } else { # for TkZinc <= 3.2.95 &Tk::Zinc::Debug::finditems($zinc); &Tk::Zinc::Debug::tree($zinc, -optionsToDisplay => "-tags", -optionsFormat => "row"); } my $top_group = 1; ###$zinc->add('group', 1); my $_zinc=$zinc; { ### HEADER ); } sub fileTail { my ($self) = @_; $self->printLines( <<'TAIL' } ### on va retailler et translater les objets créés! my @bbox = $_zinc->bbox($top_group); $_zinc->translate($top_group, -$bbox[0], -$bbox[1]); @bbox = $_zinc->bbox($top_group); my $ratio = 1; $ratio = $WIDTH / $bbox[2] if ($bbox[2] > $WIDTH); $ratio = $HEIGHT/$bbox[3] if ($HEIGHT/$bbox[3] lt $ratio); $zinc->scale($top_group, $ratio, $ratio); ### on ajoute quelques binding bien pratiques pour la mise au point $_zinc->Tk::bind('', [\&press, \&motion]); $_zinc->Tk::bind('', [\&release]); $_zinc->Tk::bind('', [\&press, \&zoom]); $_zinc->Tk::bind('', [\&release]); # $_zinc->Tk::bind('', [\&press, \&mouseRotate]); # $_zinc->Tk::bind('', [\&release]); $_zinc->bind('all', '', [ sub { my ($z)=@_; my $i=$z->find('withtag', 'current'); my @tags = $z->gettags($i); pop @tags; # pour enlever 'current' print "$i (", $z->type($i), ") [@tags]\n";}] ); &Tk::MainLoop; ##### bindings for moving, rotating, scaling the items my ($cur_x, $cur_y, $cur_angle); sub press { my ($zinc, $action) = @_; my $ev = $zinc->XEvent(); $cur_x = $ev->x; $cur_y = $ev->y; $cur_angle = atan2($cur_y, $cur_x); $zinc->Tk::bind('', [$action]); } sub motion { my ($zinc) = @_; my $ev = $zinc->XEvent(); my $lx = $ev->x; my $ly = $ev->y; my @res = $zinc->transform($top_group, [$lx, $ly, $cur_x, $cur_y]); $zinc->translate($top_group, $res[0] - $res[2], $res[1] - $res[3]); $cur_x = $lx; $cur_y = $ly; } sub zoom { my ($zinc, $self) = @_; my $ev = $zinc->XEvent(); my $lx = $ev->x; my $ly = $ev->y; my $maxx; my $maxy; my $sx; my $sy; if ($lx > $cur_x) { $maxx = $lx; } else { $maxx = $cur_x; } if ($ly > $cur_y) { $maxy = $ly } else { $maxy = $cur_y; } return if ($maxx == 0 || $maxy == 0); $sx = 1.0 + ($lx - $cur_x)/$maxx; $sy = 1.0 + ($ly - $cur_y)/$maxy; $cur_x = $lx; $cur_y = $ly; $zinc->scale($top_group, $sx, $sx); #$sy); } sub mouseRotate { my ($zinc) = @_; my $ev = $zinc->XEvent(); my $lx = $ev->x; my $ly = $ev->y; my $langle = atan2($ly, $lx); $zinc->rotate($top_group, -($langle - $cur_angle)); $cur_angle = $langle; } sub release { my ($zinc) = @_; $zinc->Tk::bind('', ''); } TAIL ); $self->close; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME SVG:SVG2zinc::Backend::PerlScript - a backend class generating Perl script displaying the content of a SVG file =head1 SYNOPSIS use SVG:SVG2zinc::Backend::PerlScript; $backend = SVG:SVG2zinc::Backend::PerlScript->new( -out => filename_or_handle, -in => svgfilename, -verbose => 0|1, -render => 0|1|2, ); $backend->fileHeader(); $backend->treatLines("lineOfCode1", "lineOfCode2",...); $backend->comment("comment1", "comment2", ...); $backend->printLines("comment1", "comment2", ...); $backend->fileTail(); =head1 DESCRIPTION SVG:SVG2zinc::Backend::PerlScript is a class for generating perl script which displays the content of a SVG file. The generated script requires Tk::Zinc. For more information, you should look at SVG::SVG2zinc::Backend(3pm). The generated perl script uses the Tk::Zinc::Debug tool, so it is easy to inspect items created in Tk::Zinc. Use the key to get some help when the cursor is in the Tk::Zinc window. The B method accepts parameters described in the SVG:SVG2zinc::Backend class and the following additionnal parameter: =over =item B<-render> The render option of the Tk::Zinc widget. A value of 0 means no openGL, 1 or 2 for openGL. Defaults to 1. =back =head1 SEE ALSO SVG::SVG2zinc::Backend(3pm) and SVG::SVG2zinc(3pm) =head1 AUTHORS Christophe Mertz =head1 COPYRIGHT CENA (C) 2003-2004 IntuiLab (C) 2004 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the term of the LGPL licence. =cut