#!/usr/bin/perl # this script build the tk-zinc-n.mmm.tar.gz file which must then # be uploaded on the CPAN on ZINCDEV account # this version must be the same than those in the CVS repository # in CVS the tag has the following form: cpan_n_mmm my $version = 3.294; chdir ('/tmp'); my $cvstag = 'cpan_' . $version; $cvstag =~ s/\./_/ ; my $dirname = "tk-zinc-$version"; system ("rm -rf $dirname"); my $command = "cvs -d :ext:liszt.pii.ath.cena.fr:/pii/repository export -r $cvstag -d $dirname Tkzinc"; print "cvs: $command\n"; system ($command) ; chdir ("/tmp/$dirname"); use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; my $ver = MM->parse_version("Perl/Zinc.pm"); die "version in $0 and Zinc.pm must be identical" unless $ver == $version ; ## the debian changelog is copied and renamed in the root directory system ('cp -p debian/changelog Changes'); ## the CPANising-tkzinc.pl script is not supposed to be distributed system ('rm -rf sandbox debian CPANising-tkzinc.pl'); # removing the .cvsignore files system ('find . -name .cvsignore | xargs rm -f'); # creating the MANIFEST file use ExtUtils::Manifest qw( mkmanifest ); &mkmanifest(); # and finally creating the tar file, ready to upload chdir ("/tmp"); system ("tar cfz $dirname.tar.gz $dirname");