# ZincDebug Perl Module : # # For debugging/analysing a Zinc application. Only one instance # of zinc can be managed. # # Author : Daniel Etienne # # $Id$ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- package ZincDebug; use strict 'vars'; use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK $WARNING); use Carp; use English; require Exporter; use File::Basename; use Tk::LabFrame; use Tk::Pane; use Tk::Dialog; use Tk::Tree; use Tk::ItemStyle; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(finditems snapshot tree); @EXPORT_OK = qw(finditems snapshot tree); my ($itemstyle, $groupstyle, $step); my (%help_tl, $result_tl, $result_fm, $search_tl, $helptree_tl, $coords_tl, $searchtree_tl, $tree_tl, $tree, $transfo_tl); my $showitemflag; my ($x0, $y0); my ($help_print, $imagecounter, $saving) = (0, 0, 0); my %searchEntryValue; my $searchTreeEntryValue; my %enclosedModBtn; my %overlapModBtn; my %treeModBtn; my %searchKey; my %snapKey; my %treeKey; my %keys; my %seq; my %wwidth; my %wheight; my $preload; my %defaultoptions; my %focus; my %instances; my @instances; my %cmdoptions; my $initobjectfunction; sub BEGIN { # test if ZincDebug is loaded using the -M perl option $preload = 1 if (caller(2))[2] == 0; return unless $preload; # parse ZincDebug options require Getopt::Long; Getopt::Long::Configure('pass_through'); Getopt::Long::GetOptions(\%cmdoptions, 'itemModBtn=s', 'tkey=s', 'optionsToDisplay=s', 'optionsFormat=s', 'color=s', 'enclosedModBtn=s', 'overlapModBtn=s', 'searchKey=s', 'skey=s', 'verbosity=s', 'basename=s', ); # save current Tk::Zinc::InitObject function; it will be invoked in # overloaded one (see below) use Tk; use Tk::Zinc; $initobjectfunction = Tk::Zinc->can('InitObject'); } # Hack to capture the instance of zinc. ZincDebug functions are invoked here. # Note that created bindings might be overloaded by the application. sub Tk::Zinc::InitObject { Tk::Widget::InitObject(@_); print "ZincDebug is ON\n"; # invoke function possibly overloaded in other modules &$initobjectfunction(@_) if $initobjectfunction; return unless $preload; my $zinc = $_[0]; my @options = (); push (@options, -itemModBtn => [split(/,/, $cmdoptions{itemModBtn})]) if $cmdoptions{itemModBtn}; push (@options, -tkey => $cmdoptions{tkey}) if $cmdoptions{tkey}; push (@options, -optionsToDisplay => $cmdoptions{optionsToDisplay}) if $cmdoptions{optionsToDisplay}; push (@options, -optionsFormat => $cmdoptions{optionsFormat}) if $cmdoptions{optionsFormat}; #print "options=@options\n"; &tree($zinc, @options); @options = (); push (@options, -color => $cmdoptions{color}) if $cmdoptions{color}; push (@options, -enclosedModBtn => [split(/,/, $cmdoptions{enclosedModBtn})]) if $cmdoptions{enclosedModBtn}; push (@options, -overlapModBtn => [split(/,/, $cmdoptions{overlapModBtn})]) if $cmdoptions{overlapModBtn}; &finditems($zinc, @options); @options = (); push (@options, -searchKey => $cmdoptions{searchKey}) if $cmdoptions{searchKey}; push (@options, -skey => $cmdoptions{skey}) if $cmdoptions{skey}; push (@options, -verbosity => $cmdoptions{verbosity}) if $cmdoptions{verbosity}; push (@options, -basename => $cmdoptions{basename}) if $cmdoptions{basename}; &snapshot($zinc, @options); } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # tree : display items hierarchy #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub tree { my $zinc = shift; unless ($zinc) { carp "In ZincDebug module, tree() function, widget must be specified\n"; return; } &newinstance($zinc); # styles definition $itemstyle = $zinc->ItemStyle('text', -stylename => "item", -foreground => 'black') unless $itemstyle; $groupstyle = $zinc->ItemStyle('text', -stylename => "group", -foreground => 'black') unless $groupstyle; # options my %options = @_; for my $opt (keys(%options)) { carp "in ZincDebug module, tree() function, unknown option $opt\n" unless ($opt eq '-itemModBtn' or $opt eq '-key' or $opt eq '-tkey' or $opt eq '-optionsToDisplay' or $opt eq '-optionsFormat'); } # unset previous bindings; $zinc->Tk::bind('<'.$treeKey{$zinc}.'>', '') if $treeKey{$zinc}; if ($treeModBtn{$zinc}) { my $seq; if ($treeModBtn{$zinc}->[0]) { $seq = $treeModBtn{$zinc}->[0]."-".$treeModBtn{$zinc}->[1]; } else { $seq = $treeModBtn{$zinc}->[1]; } $zinc->Tk::bind('<'.$seq.'>', ''); } if ($options{-tkey}) { $treeKey{$zinc} = $options{-tkey}; } elsif ($options{-key}) { $treeKey{$zinc} = $options{-key}; } else { $treeKey{$zinc} = 'Control-t'; } $treeModBtn{$zinc} = ($options{-itemModBtn}) ? $options{-itemModBtn} : ['Control', 2]; $options{-optionsFormat} = 'column' unless $options{-optionsFormat}; if ($options{-optionsFormat} ne 'row' and $options{-optionsFormat} ne 'column') { carp "in ZincDebug module, tree() function, expected values for ". "-optionsFormat are 'row' or 'column'. Option is set to 'column'\n"; $options{-optionsFormat} = 'column'; } # binding for building tree $zinc->Tk::bind('<'.$treeKey{$zinc}.'>', [\&showtree, $options{-optionsToDisplay}, $options{-optionsFormat}]); # binding for displaying item in tree my $seq; if ($treeModBtn{$zinc}->[0]) { $seq = $treeModBtn{$zinc}->[0]."-".$treeModBtn{$zinc}->[1]; } else { $seq = $treeModBtn{$zinc}->[1]; } $zinc->Tk::bind("<".$seq.">", [\&findintree, $options{-optionsToDisplay}, $options{-optionsFormat}]); # binding for general help $zinc->toplevel->Tk::bind('', \&showgeneralhelp); } # end tree #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # finditems : scan items which are enclosed in a rectangular area first # drawn by drag & drop or all items which overlap it #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub finditems { my $zinc = shift; unless ($zinc) { carp "In ZincDebug module, finditems() function, widget must be specified\n"; return; } &newinstance($zinc); # options my %options = @_; for my $opt (keys(%options)) { carp "in ZincDebug module, finditems() function, unknown option $opt\n" unless ($opt eq '-color' or $opt eq '-enclosedModBtn' or $opt eq '-overlapModBtn' or $opt eq '-searchKey'); } # unset previous bindings; my $ekb = $enclosedModBtn{$zinc}; if ($ekb) { if ($ekb->[0]) { $zinc->Tk::bind("<".$ekb->[0]."-".$ekb->[1].">", ''); $zinc->Tk::bind("<".$ekb->[0]."-B".$ekb->[1]."-Motion>", ''); $zinc->Tk::bind("<".$ekb->[0]."-B".$ekb->[1]."-ButtonRelease>", ''); } else { $zinc->Tk::bind("<".$ekb->[1].">", ''); $zinc->Tk::bind("[1]."-Motion>", ''); $zinc->Tk::bind("[1]."-ButtonRelease>", ''); } } my $okb = $overlapModBtn{$zinc}; if ($okb) { if ($okb->[0]) { $zinc->Tk::bind("<".$okb->[0]."-".$okb->[1].">", ''); $zinc->Tk::bind("<".$okb->[0]."-B".$okb->[1]."-Motion>", ''); $zinc->Tk::bind("<".$okb->[0]."-B".$okb->[1]."-ButtonRelease>", ''); } else { $zinc->Tk::bind("<".$okb->[1].">", ''); $zinc->Tk::bind("[1]."-Motion>", ''); $zinc->Tk::bind("[1]."-ButtonRelease>", ''); } } my $color = ($options{-color}) ? $options{-color} : 'sienna'; $enclosedModBtn{$zinc} = ($options{-enclosedModBtn}) ? $options{-enclosedModBtn} : ['Control', 3]; $overlapModBtn{$zinc} = ($options{-overlapModBtn}) ? $options{-overlapModBtn} : ['Shift', 3]; $searchKey{$zinc} = ($options{-searchKey}) ? $options{-searchKey} : 'Control-f'; # bindings for Enclosed search $ekb = $enclosedModBtn{$zinc}; if ($ekb) { if ($ekb->[0]) { $zinc->Tk::bind("<".$ekb->[0]."-".$ekb->[1].">", [\&startrectangle, 'simple', 'Enclosed', $color]); $zinc->Tk::bind("<".$ekb->[0]."-B".$ekb->[1]."-Motion>", \&resizerectangle); $zinc->Tk::bind("<".$ekb->[0]."-B".$ekb->[1]."-ButtonRelease>", [\&stoprectangle, 'enclosed', 'Enclosed search']); } else { $zinc->Tk::bind("<".$ekb->[1].">", [\&startrectangle, 'simple', 'Enclosed', $color]); $zinc->Tk::bind("[1]."-Motion>", \&resizerectangle); $zinc->Tk::bind("[1]."-ButtonRelease>", [\&stoprectangle, 'enclosed', 'Enclosed search']); } } # bindings for Overlap search $okb = $overlapModBtn{$zinc}; if ($okb) { if ($okb->[0]) { $zinc->Tk::bind("<".$okb->[0]."-".$okb->[1].">", [\&startrectangle, 'mixed', 'Overlap', $color]); $zinc->Tk::bind("<".$okb->[0]."-B".$okb->[1]."-Motion>", \&resizerectangle); $zinc->Tk::bind("<".$okb->[0]."-B".$okb->[1]."-ButtonRelease>", [\&stoprectangle, 'overlapping', 'Overlap search']); } else { $zinc->Tk::bind("<".$okb->[1].">", [\&startrectangle, 'mixed', 'Overlap', $color]); $zinc->Tk::bind("[1]."-Motion>", \&resizerectangle); $zinc->Tk::bind("[1]."-ButtonRelease>", [\&stoprectangle, 'overlapping', 'Overlap search']); } } # binding for search entry $zinc->Tk::bind('<'.$searchKey{$zinc}.'>', \&searchentry); # binding for general help $zinc->toplevel->Tk::bind('', \&showgeneralhelp); } # end finditems #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # snapshot : snapshot the application window, in order to illustrate a # graphical bug for example #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub snapshot { my $zinc = shift; unless ($zinc) { carp "In ZincDebug module, snapshot() function, widget must be specified\n"; return; } &newinstance($zinc); # options my %options = @_; for my $opt (keys(%options)) { carp "in ZincDebug module, snapshot() function, unknown option $opt\n" unless ($opt eq '-key' or $opt eq '-skey' or $opt eq '-verbosity' or $opt eq '-basename'); } # unset previous bindings; $zinc->Tk::bind("<".$snapKey{$zinc}.">", '') if $snapKey{$zinc}; if ($options{-skey}) { $snapKey{$zinc} = $options{-skey}; } elsif ($options{-key}) { $snapKey{$zinc} = $options{-key}; } else { $snapKey{$zinc} = 'Control-s'; } my $snapshotVerbosity = (defined $options{-verbosity}) ? $options{-verbosity} : 1; my $snapshotBasename = ($options{-basename}) ? $options{-basename} : "zincsnapshot"; # binding for printing a full zinc window $zinc->Tk::bind("<".$snapKey{$zinc}.">", [\&printWindow , $snapshotBasename, $snapshotVerbosity]); # binding for general help $zinc->toplevel->Tk::bind('', \&showgeneralhelp); } # end snapshot #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # TREE PRIVATE FUNCTIONS # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub findintree { my ($zinc, $optionstodisplay, $optionsFormat) = @_; if (not Tk::Exists($tree_tl)) { &showtree($zinc, $optionstodisplay, $optionsFormat); } my $ev = $zinc->XEvent; ($x0, $y0) = ($ev->x, $ev->y); my @atomicgroups = &unsetAtomicity($zinc); my $item = $zinc->find('closest', $x0, $y0); &restoreAtomicity($zinc, @atomicgroups); return unless $item > 1; my @ancestors = reverse($zinc->find('ancestors', $item)); my $path = join('.', @ancestors).".".$item; $tree->see($path); $tree->selectionClear; $tree->anchorSet($path); $tree->selectionSet($path); &surrounditem($zinc, $item); $tree->focus; } # end findintree sub showtree { my ($zinc, $optionstodisplay, $optionsFormat) = @_; $WARNING = 0; my @optionstodisplay = split(/,/, $optionstodisplay); $WARNING = 1; $tree_tl->destroy if $tree_tl and Tk::Exists($search_tl); $tree_tl = $zinc->Toplevel; $tree_tl->minsize(280, 200); $tree_tl->title("Zinc Items Tree"); $tree = $tree_tl->Scrolled('Tree', -scrollbars => 'se', -height => 40, -width => 50, -itemtype => 'text', -selectmode => 'single', -separator => '.', -drawbranch => 1, -indent => 30, -command => sub { my $path = shift; my $item = (split(/\./, $path))[-1]; &showresult("", $zinc, $item); $zinc->after(100, sub {$zinc->remove("zincdebug")}); }, ); $tree->bind('<1>', [sub { my $path = $tree->nearest($_[1]); my $item = (split(/\./, $path))[-1]; &highlightitem($tree, $zinc, $item, 0); }, Ev('y')]); $tree->bind('<2>', [sub { my $path = $tree->nearest($_[1]); return if $path eq 1; $tree->selectionClear; $tree->selectionSet($path); $tree->anchorSet($path); my $item = (split(/\./, $path))[-1]; &highlightitem($tree, $zinc, $item, 1); }, Ev('y')]); $tree->bind('<3>', [sub { my $path = $tree->nearest($_[1]); return if $path eq 1; $tree->selectionClear; $tree->selectionSet($path); $tree->anchorSet($path); my $item = (split(/\./, $path))[-1]; &highlightitem($tree, $zinc, $item, 2); }, Ev('y')]); $tree->add("1", -text => "Group(1)", -state => 'disabled'); &scangroup($zinc, $tree, 1, "1", $optionsFormat, @optionstodisplay); $tree->autosetmode; # control buttons frame my $tree_butt_fm = $tree_tl->Frame(-height => 40)->pack(-side => 'bottom', -fill => 'y'); $tree_butt_fm->Button(-text => 'Help', -command => [\&showHelpAboutTree, $zinc], )->pack(-side => 'left', -pady => 10, -padx => 30, -fill => 'both'); $tree_butt_fm->Button(-text => 'Search', -command => [\&searchInTree, $zinc], )->pack(-side => 'left', -pady => 10, -padx => 30, -fill => 'both'); $tree_butt_fm->Button(-text => 'Close', -command => sub {$zinc->remove("zincdebug"); $tree_tl->destroy}, )->pack(-side => 'left', -pady => 10, -padx => 30, -fill => 'both'); # pack tree $tree->pack(-padx => 10, -pady => 10, -ipadx => 10, -side => 'top', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1, ); } # end showtree sub searchInTree { my $zinc = shift; $searchtree_tl->destroy if $searchtree_tl and Tk::Exists($searchtree_tl); $searchtree_tl = $zinc->Toplevel; $searchtree_tl->title("Find string in tree"); my $fm = $searchtree_tl->Frame->pack(-side => 'top'); $fm->Label(-text => "Find : ", )->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 10, -pady => 10); my $entry = $fm->Entry(-width => 20)->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 10, -pady => 10); my $status = $searchtree_tl->Label(-foreground => 'sienna', )->pack(-side => 'top'); my $ep = 1; my $searchfunc = sub { my $side = shift; my $found = 0; #print "ep=$ep side=$side\n"; $status->configure(-text => ""); $status->update; $searchTreeEntryValue = $entry->get(); $searchTreeEntryValue = quotemeta($searchTreeEntryValue); my $text; while ($ep) { $ep = $tree->info($side, $ep); unless ($ep) { $ep = 1; $found = 0; last; } $text = $tree->entrycget($ep, -text); if ($text =~ /$searchTreeEntryValue/) { $tree->see($ep); $tree->selectionClear; $tree->anchorSet($ep); $tree->selectionSet($ep); $found = 1; last; } } #print "searchTreeEntryValue=$searchTreeEntryValue found=$found\n"; $status->configure(-text => "Search string not found") unless $found > 0; }; my $fm2 = $searchtree_tl->Frame->pack(-side => 'top'); $fm2->Button(-text => 'Prev', -command => sub {&$searchfunc('prev');}, )->pack(-side => 'left', -pady => 10); $fm2->Button(-text => 'Next', -command => sub {&$searchfunc('next');}, )->pack(-side => 'left', -pady => 10); $fm2->Button(-text => 'Close', -command => sub {$searchtree_tl->destroy}, )->pack(-side => 'right', -pady => 10); $entry->focus; $entry->delete(0, 'end'); $entry->insert(0, $searchTreeEntryValue) if $searchTreeEntryValue; $entry->bind('', sub {&$searchfunc('next');}); } # end searchInTree sub extractinfo { my $zinc = shift; my $item = shift; my $format = shift; my $option = shift; my $titleflag = shift; $option =~ s/^\s+//; $option =~ s/\s+$//; #print "option=[$option]\n"; my @info; $WARNING = 0; eval {@info = $zinc->itemcget($item, $option)}; #print "eval $option = (@info) $@\n"; return if $@; return if @info == 0; my $info; my $sep = ($format eq 'column') ? "\n " : ", "; if ($titleflag) { $info = $sep."[$option] ".$info[0]; } else { $info = $sep.$info[0]; } if (@info > 1) { shift(@info); for (@info) { if ($format eq 'column') { if (length($info." ".$_) > 40) { if ($titleflag) { $info .= $sep."[$option] ".$_; } else { $info .= $sep.$_; } } else { $info .= ", $_"; } } else { $info .= $sep.$_; } } } $WARNING = 1; return $info; } # end extractinfo sub scangroup { my ($zinc, $tree, $group, $path, $format, @optionstodisplay) = @_; my @items = $zinc->find('withtag', "$group."); for my $item (@items) { my $type = ucfirst($zinc->type($item)); my $info = " "; if (@optionstodisplay == 1) { $info .= &extractinfo($zinc, $item, $format, $optionstodisplay[0]); } elsif (@optionstodisplay > 1) { for my $opt (@optionstodisplay) { $info .= &extractinfo($zinc, $item, $format, $opt, 1); } } if ($type eq "Group") { $tree->add($path.".".$item, -text => "$type($item)$info", -style => 'group'); &scangroup($zinc, $tree, $item, $path.".".$item, $format, @optionstodisplay); } else { $tree->add($path.".".$item, -text => "$type($item)$info", -style => 'item'); } } } # end scangroup #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # AREA SEARCH PRIVATE FUNCTIONS # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # begin to draw rectangular area for search sub startrectangle { my ($zinc, $style, $text, $color) = @_; $zinc->remove("zincdebugrectangle", "zincdebuglabel"); my $ev = $zinc->XEvent; ($x0, $y0) = ($ev->x, $ev->y); $zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [$x0, $y0, $x0, $y0], -linecolor => $color, -linewidth => 2, -linestyle => $style, -tags => ["zincdebugrectangle"], ); $zinc->add('text', 1, -color => $color, -font => '7x13', -position => [$x0+5, $y0-15], -text => $text, -tags => ["zincdebuglabel"], ); } # end startrectangle # resize the rectangular area for search sub resizerectangle { my $zinc = shift; my $ev = $zinc->XEvent; my ($x, $y) = ($ev->x, $ev->y); return unless ($zinc->find('withtag', "zincdebugrectangle")); $zinc->coords("zincdebugrectangle", 1, 1, [$x, $y]); if ($x < $x0) { if ($y < $y0) { $zinc->coords("zincdebuglabel", [$x+5, $y-15]); } else { $zinc->coords("zincdebuglabel", [$x+5, $y0-15]); } } else { if ($y < $y0) { $zinc->coords("zincdebuglabel", [$x0+5, $y-15]); } else { $zinc->coords("zincdebuglabel", [$x0+5, $y0-15]); } } $zinc->raise("zincdebugrectangle"); $zinc->raise("zincdebuglabel"); } # end resizerectangle # stop drawing rectangular area for search sub stoprectangle { my ($zinc, $searchtype, $text) = @_; return unless ($zinc->find('withtag', "zincdebugrectangle")); my @atomicgroups = &unsetAtomicity($zinc); my @coords = $zinc->coords0("zincdebugrectangle"); my @items; for my $item ($zinc->find($searchtype, @coords, 1, 1)) { push (@items, $item) unless $zinc->hastag($item, "zincdebugrectangle") or $zinc->hastag($item, "zincdebuglabel"); } &restoreAtomicity($zinc, @atomicgroups); if (@items) { &showresult($text, $zinc, @items); } else { $zinc->remove("zincdebugrectangle", "zincdebuglabel"); } } # end stoprectangle # in order to avoid find problems with group atomicity, we set all -atomic # attributes to 0 sub unsetAtomicity { my $zinc = shift; my @groups = $zinc->find('withtype', 'group'); my @atomicgroups; for my $group (@groups) { if ($zinc->itemcget($group, -atomic)) { push(@atomicgroups, $group); $zinc->itemconfigure($group, -atomic => 0); } } return @atomicgroups; } # end unsetAtomicity sub restoreAtomicity { my $zinc = shift; my @atomicgroups = @_; for my $group (@atomicgroups) { $zinc->itemconfigure($group, -atomic => 1); } } # end restoreAtomicity # display search entry field sub searchentry { my $zinc = shift; $search_tl->destroy if $search_tl and Tk::Exists($search_tl); $search_tl = $zinc->Toplevel; $search_tl->title("Specific search"); my $fm = $search_tl->Frame->pack(-side => 'top'); $fm->Label(-text => "Item TagOrId : ", )->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 10, -pady => 10); my $entry = $fm->Entry(-width => 20)->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 10, -pady => 10); my $status = $search_tl->Label(-foreground => 'sienna', )->pack(-side => 'top'); $search_tl->Button(-text => 'Close', -command => sub {$search_tl->destroy}, )->pack(-side => 'top', -pady => 10); $entry->focus; $entry->delete(0, 'end'); $entry->insert(0, $searchEntryValue{$zinc}) if $searchEntryValue{$zinc}; $entry->bind('', [sub { $status->configure(-text => ""); $status->update; $searchEntryValue{$zinc} = $entry->get(); my @items = $zinc->find('withtag', $searchEntryValue{$zinc}); if (@items) { &showresult("Search with TagOrId $searchEntryValue{$zinc}", $zinc, @items); } else { $status->configure(-text => "No such TagOrId ($searchEntryValue{$zinc})"); } }]); } # end searchentry #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # RESULTS DISPLAY PRIVATE FUNCTIONS # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # display in a toplevel the result of search ; a new toplevel destroyes the # previous one sub showresult { my ($label, $zinc, @items) = @_; # toplevel (re-)creation $result_tl->destroy if Tk::Exists($result_tl); $result_tl = $zinc->Toplevel(); my $title = "Zinc Debug"; $title .= " - $label" if $label; $result_tl->title($title); $result_tl->geometry('+10+20'); my $fm = $result_tl->Frame()->pack(-side => 'bottom', ); $fm->Button(-text => 'Help', -command => [\&showHelpAboutAttributes, $zinc] )->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 40, -pady => 10); $fm->Button(-text => 'Close', -command => sub { $result_tl->destroy; $zinc->remove("zincdebugrectangle", "zincdebuglabel"); })->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 40, -pady => 10); # scrolled pane creation my $heightmax = 500; my $height = 100 + 50*@items; my $width = $result_tl->screenwidth; $width = 1200 if $width > 1200; $height = $heightmax if $height > $heightmax; $result_fm = $result_tl->Scrolled('Pane', -scrollbars => 'soeo', -gridded => 'xy', -width => $width, -height => $height, ); $result_fm->pack(-padx => 10, -pady => 10, -ipadx => 10, -fill => 'both', -expand => 1, ); # attributes display &showattributes($zinc, $result_fm, \@items); } # end showresult # display in a toplevel the values of other options sub showotheroptions { my ($zinc, $item, $fmp) = @_; my $tl = $fmp->Toplevel; #$tl->transient($fmp); my $title = "Other options of item $item"; $tl->title($title); my $background = $tl->cget(-background); my $fm = $tl->LabFrame(-labelside => 'acrosstop', -label => $title, )->pack(-padx => 10, -pady => 10, -ipadx => 10, -fill => 'both'); my $btn1 = $fm->Button(-text => 'Show Item',) ->grid(-row => 1, -col => 1, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe'); $btn1->bind('<1>', [\&highlightitem, $zinc, $item, 0]); $btn1->bind('<2>', [\&highlightitem, $zinc, $item, 1]); $btn1->bind('<3>', [\&highlightitem, $zinc, $item, 2]); my $btn2 = $fm->Button(-text => 'Bounding Box') ->grid(-row => 1, -col => 2, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe'); $btn2->bind("<1>", [\&showbbox, $zinc, $item]); $btn2->bind("", [\&hidebbox, $zinc]); my $bgcolor = 'ivory'; $fm->Label(-text => 'Option', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge') ->grid(-row => 2, -col => 1, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe'); $fm->Label(-text => 'Value', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge') ->grid(-row => 2, -col => 2, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe'); my @options = $zinc->itemconfigure($item); my $i = 3; for my $elem (@options) { my ($option, $type, $value) = (@$elem)[0,1,4]; #print "option=$option type=$type\n"; next if ($option eq '-visible' or $option eq '-sensitive' or $option eq '-tags' or $option eq '-position' or $option eq '-priority'); if ($type eq 'gradient') { my ($gradient) = $zinc->gname($value); #print "value=$value gradient=$gradient\n"; } $fm->Label(-text => $option, -relief => 'ridge') ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 1, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe'); &entryoption($fm, $item, $zinc, $option) ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 2, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe'); $i++; } $tl->Button(-text => 'Close', -command => sub {$tl->destroy})->pack; } # end showotheroptions sub showdevicecoords { my ($zinc, $item) = @_; &showcoords($zinc, $item, 1); } # end showdevicecoords sub showcoords { my ($zinc, $item, $deviceflag) = @_; my $bgcolor = 'ivory'; my $bgcolor2 = 'gray75'; $coords_tl->destroy if Tk::Exists($coords_tl) and not $deviceflag; $coords_tl = $zinc->Toplevel(); my $title = "Zinc Debug"; if ($deviceflag) { $title .= " - Coords of item $item"; } else { $title .= " - Device coords of item $item"; } $coords_tl->title($title); $coords_tl->geometry('+10+20'); $coords_tl->Button(-text => 'Close', -command => sub { $coords_tl->destroy; })->pack(-side => 'bottom'); # scrolled pane creation my $heightmax = 500; my $height = 100 + 50; $height = $heightmax if $height > $heightmax; my $width = $coords_tl->screenwidth; $width = 1200 if $width > 1200; my $coords_fm = $coords_tl->Scrolled('Pane', -scrollbars => 'se', -width => $width, -height => $height, ); $coords_fm->pack(-padx => 10, -pady => 10, -ipadx => 10, -fill => 'both', -expand => 1, ); my @contour; my $contournum = $zinc->contour($item); for (my $i=0; $i < $contournum; $i++) { my @coords = $zinc->coords($item, $i); if (!ref $coords[0]) { ## The first item of the list is not a reference, so the ## list is guarranted to be a flat list (x, y, ...) ## normaly of only one pair of (x y) @coords = $zinc->transform(scalar $zinc->group($item), 1, [@coords]) if $deviceflag; for (my $j=0; $j < @coords; $j += 2) { push(@{$contour[$i]}, [$coords[$j], $coords[$j+1]]); } } else { ## the first element is an array reference, as every ## other elements of the list for (my $j=0; $j < @coords; $j ++) { my @c = @{$coords[$j]}; @c = $zinc->transform(scalar $zinc->group($item), 1, [@c]) if $deviceflag; push(@{$contour[$i]}, [@c]); } } } my $row = 1; my $col = 1; for (my $i=0; $i < @contour; $i++) { $col = 1; $coords_fm->Label(-text => "Contour $i", -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge')->grid(-row => $row, -col => $col++, -ipadx => 5, -ipady => 5, -sticky => 'nswe'); for my $coords (@{$contour[$i]}) { if ($col > 10) { $col = 2; $row++; } $coords->[0] =~ s/\.(\d\d).*/\.$1/; $coords->[1] =~ s/\.(\d\d).*/\.$1/; my @opt; if (defined $coords->[2]) { @opt = (-text => sprintf('%s, %s, %s', @$coords), -underline => length(join(',', @$coords)) + 1, ); } else { @opt = (-text => sprintf('%s, %s', @{$coords}[0,1])); } $coords_fm->Label(@opt, -width => 15, -relief => 'ridge')->grid(-row => $row, -ipadx => 5, -ipady => 5, -col => $col++, -sticky => 'nswe'); } $row++; } } # end showcoords # display in a toplevel group's attributes sub showgroupattributes { my ($zinc, $item) = @_; my $tl = $zinc->Toplevel; my $title = "About group $item"; $tl->title($title); my $fm = $tl->LabFrame(-labelside => 'acrosstop', -label => $title, )->pack(-padx => 10, -pady => 10, -ipadx => 10, -fill => 'both'); my $r = 1; # content $fm->Button(-command => [\&showgroupcontent, $zinc, $item], -height => 2, -text => 'Content', )->grid(-row => $r, -col => 1, -sticky => 'nswe'); # bounding box my $btn = $fm->Button(-height => 2, -text => 'Bounding Box', )->grid(-row => $r++, -col => 2, -sticky => 'nswe'); $btn->bind("<1>", [\&showbbox, $zinc, $item]); $btn->bind("", [\&hidebbox, $zinc]); # transformations my $btn = $fm->Button(-text => "treset") ->grid(-row => $r++, -col => 1, -sticky => 'nswe', -columnspan => 2); $btn->bind('<1>', [\&showtransfo, $zinc, $item, 0]); $btn->bind('<2>', [\&showtransfo, $zinc, $item, 1]); $btn->bind('<3>', [\&showtransfo, $zinc, $item, 2]); # parent group $fm->Label(-text => 'Parent group', -relief => 'ridge') ->grid(-row => $r, -col => 1, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe'); my $gr = $zinc->group($item); my $bpg = $fm->Button(-text => $gr, -command => [\&showgroupattributes, $zinc, $gr]) ->grid(-row => $r++, -col => 2, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe'); $bpg->configure(-disabledforeground => scalar $bpg->cget(-foreground), -state => 'disabled') if $gr == $item; my $bgcolor = 'ivory'; # coords $fm->Label(-text => 'Coordinates', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge') ->grid(-row => $r++, -col => 1, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe', -columnspan => 2); # coords $fm->Label(-text => 'Coords', -relief => 'ridge') ->grid(-row => $r, -col => 1, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe'); my @coords = $zinc->coords($item); my $coords; if (@coords == 2) { my $x0 = int($coords[0]); my $y0 = int($coords[1]); $coords = "($x0, $y0)"; } elsif (@coords == 4) { my $x0 = int($coords[0]); my $y0 = int($coords[1]); my $x1 = int($coords[2]); my $y1 = int($coords[3]); $coords = "($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1)"; print "we should not go through this case (1)!\n"; } else { my $x0 = int($coords[0]); my $y0 = int($coords[1]); my $xn = int($coords[$#coords-1]); my $yn = int($coords[$#coords]); my $n = @coords/2 - 1; $coords = "C0=($x0, $y0), ..., C".$n."=($xn, $yn)"; print "we should not go through this case (2d)!\n"; } $fm->Label(-text => $coords, -relief => 'ridge') ->grid(-row => $r++, -col => 2, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe'); # device coords $fm->Label(-text => 'Device coords', -relief => 'ridge') ->grid(-row => $r, -col => 1, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe'); @coords = $zinc->transform(scalar $zinc->group($item), 1, [@coords]); if (@coords == 2) { my $x0 = int($coords[0]); my $y0 = int($coords[1]); $coords = "($x0, $y0)"; } elsif (@coords == 4) { my $x0 = int($coords[0]); my $y0 = int($coords[1]); my $x1 = int($coords[2]); my $y1 = int($coords[3]); $coords = "($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1)"; print "we should not go through this case (3)!\n"; } else { my $x0 = int($coords[0]); my $y0 = int($coords[1]); my $xn = int($coords[$#coords-1]); my $yn = int($coords[$#coords]); my $n = @coords/2 - 1; $coords = "C0=($x0, $y0), ..., C".$n."=($xn, $yn)"; print "we should not go through this case (4)!\n"; } $fm->Label(-text => $coords, -relief => 'ridge') ->grid(-row => $r++, -col => 2, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe'); # options $fm->Label(-text => 'Option', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge') ->grid(-row => $r, -col => 1, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe'); $fm->Label(-text => 'Value', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge') ->grid(-row => $r++, -col => 2, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe'); my @options = $zinc->itemconfigure($item); for my $elem (@options) { my ($option, $value) = (@$elem)[0,4]; $fm->Label(-text => $option, -relief => 'ridge') ->grid(-row => $r, -col => 1, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe'); my $w; if ($option and $option eq '-tags') { $value = join("\n", @$value); $w = $fm->Label(-text => $value, -relief => 'ridge'); } elsif ($option and $option eq '-clip' and $value and $value > 0) { $value .= " (". $zinc->type($value) .")"; $w = $fm->Label(-text => $value, -relief => 'ridge'); } else { $w = &entryoption($fm, $item, $zinc, $option); } $w->grid(-row => $r, -col => 2, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe'); $r++; } $tl->Button(-text => 'Close', -command => sub {$tl->destroy})->pack; } # end showgroupattributes # display in a toplevel the content of a group item sub showgroupcontent { my ($zinc, $group) = @_; my $tl = $zinc->Toplevel; my @items = $zinc->find('withtag', $group."."); my $heightmax = 500; my $height = 100 + 50*@items; $height = $heightmax if $height > $heightmax; my $title = "Content of group $group"; $tl->title($title); my $fm2 = $tl->Frame()->pack(-side => 'bottom', ); $fm2->Button(-text => 'Help', -command => [\&showHelpAboutAttributes, $zinc] )->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 40, -pady => 10); $fm2->Button(-text => 'Close', -command => sub { $tl->destroy; })->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 40, -pady => 10); my $width = $result_tl->screenwidth; $width = 1200 if $width > 1200; my $fm = $tl->Scrolled('Pane', -scrollbars => 'se', -width => $width, -height => $height, -label => $title, )->pack(-padx => 10, -pady => 10, -ipadx => 10, -expand => 1, -fill => 'both'); &showattributes($zinc, $fm, [@items]); } # end showgroupcontent # display the bbox of a group item sub showbbox { my ($btn, $zinc, $item) = @_; my @bbox = $zinc->bbox($item); if (scalar @bbox == 4) { # If item is visible, rectangle is drawm surround it. # Else, a warning is displayed. unless (&itemisoutside($zinc, @bbox)) { my $i = -2; for ('white', 'blue', 'white') { $zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [$bbox[0] + $i, $bbox[1] + $i, $bbox[2] - $i, $bbox[3] - $i], -linecolor => $_, -linewidth => 1, -tags => ['zincdebugbbox']); $i += 2; } } } $zinc->raise('zincdebugbbox'); } # end showgroupbbox sub hidebbox { my ($btn, $zinc) = @_; $zinc->remove("zincdebugbbox"); } # end hidegroupbbox # highlight an item (by cloning it and hiding other found items) # why cloning? because we can't simply make visible an item which # belongs to an invisible group. sub highlightitem { my ($btn, $zinc, $item, $level) = @_; return if $showitemflag or $item == 1; $showitemflag = 1; &surrounditem($zinc, $item, $level); $btn->bind('', [\&undohighlightitem, $zinc]) if $btn; } # end highlightitem sub showtransfo { my ($btn, $zinc, $item, $level) = @_; my $anim = &highlighttransfo($zinc, $item, $level); $btn->bind('', [\&undohighlighttransfo, $zinc, $anim]) if $btn; } # end showtransfo sub itemisoutside { my $zinc = shift; my @bbox = @_; return unless @bbox == 4; my $outflag; $WARNING = 0; if ($bbox[2] < 0) { if ($bbox[1] > $wheight{$zinc}) { $outflag = 'left+bottom'; } elsif ($bbox[3] < 0) { $outflag = 'left+top'; } else { $outflag = 'left'; } } elsif ($bbox[0] > $wwidth{$zinc}) { if ($bbox[1] > $wheight{$zinc}) { $outflag = 'right+bottom'; } elsif ($bbox[3] < 0) { $outflag = 'right+top'; } else { $outflag = 'right'; } } elsif ($bbox[3] < 0) { $outflag = 'top'; } elsif ($bbox[1] > $wheight{$zinc}) { $outflag = 'bottom'; } #print "outflag=$outflag bbox=@bbox\n"; return 0 unless $outflag; my $g = $zinc->add('group', 1, -tags => ['zincdebug']); my $hw = 110; my $hh = 80; my $r = 5; $zinc->add('rectangle', $g, [-$hw, -$hh, $hw, $hh], -filled => 1, -linecolor => 'sienna', -linewidth => 3, -fillcolor => 'bisque', -priority => 1, ); $zinc->add('text', $g, -position => [0, 0], -color => 'sienna', -font => '-b&h-lucida-bold-i-normal-sans-34-240-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1', -anchor => 'center', -priority => 2, -text => "Item is\noutside\nwindow\n"); my ($x, $y); if ($outflag eq 'bottom') { $x = $bbox[0] + ($bbox[2]-$bbox[0])/2; $x = $hw + 10 if $x < $hw + 10; $x = $wwidth{$zinc} - $hw - 10 if $x > $wwidth{$zinc} - $hw - 10; $y = $wheight{$zinc} - $hh - 10; } elsif ($outflag eq 'top') { $x = $bbox[0] + ($bbox[2]-$bbox[0])/2; $x = $hw + 10 if $x < $hw + 10; $x = $wwidth{$zinc} - $hw - 10if $x > $wwidth{$zinc} - $hw - 10; $y = $hh + 10; } elsif ($outflag eq 'left') { $x = $hw + 10; $y = $bbox[1] + ($bbox[3]-$bbox[1])/2; $y = $hh + 10 if $y < $hh + 10; $y = $wheight{$zinc} - $hh - 10 if $y > $wheight{$zinc} - $hh - 10; } elsif ($outflag eq 'right') { $x = $wwidth{$zinc} - $hw - 10; $y = $bbox[1] + ($bbox[3]-$bbox[1])/2; $y = $hh + 10 if $y < $hh + 10; $y = $wheight{$zinc} - $hh - 10 if $y > $wheight{$zinc} - $hh - 10; } elsif ($outflag eq 'left+top') { $x = $hw + 10; $y = $hh + 10; } elsif ($outflag eq 'left+bottom') { $x = $hw + 10; $y = $wheight{$zinc} - $hh - 10; } elsif ($outflag eq 'right+top') { $x = $wwidth{$zinc} - $hw - 10; $y = $hh + 10; } elsif ($outflag eq 'right+bottom') { $x = $wwidth{$zinc} - $hw - 10; $y = $wheight{$zinc} - $hh - 10; } $zinc->coords($g, [$x, $y]); $zinc->raise('zincdebug'); } # end itemisoutside sub highlighttransfo { my ($zinc, $item, $level) = @_; $zinc->remove("zincdebug"); my $g = $zinc->add('group', 1); my $g0 = $zinc->add('group', $g, -alpha => 0); my $g1 = $zinc->add('group', $g); # clone item and reset its transformation my $clone0 = $zinc->clone($item, -visible => 1, -tags =>['zincdebug']); $zinc->treset($clone0); # clone item and preserve its transformation my $clone1 = $zinc->clone($item, -visible => 1, -tags => ['zincdebug']); # move clones is dedicated group $zinc->chggroup($clone0, $g0, 1); $zinc->chggroup($clone1, $g1, 1); # create a rectangle around my @bbox0 = $zinc->bbox($g); if (scalar @bbox0 == 4) { my @bbox = $zinc->transform(1, $g, [@bbox0]); # If item is visible, rectangle is drawm surround it. # Else, a warning is displayed. unless (&itemisoutside($zinc, @bbox0)) { my $r = $zinc->add('Rectangle', $g, [$bbox[0] - 10, $bbox[1] - 10, $bbox[2] + 10, $bbox[3] + 10], -filled => 1, -linewidth => 0, -tags => ['zincdebug'], -fillcolor => "gray90"); $zinc->itemconfigure($r, -fillcolor => "gray50") if $level == 1; $zinc->itemconfigure($r, -fillcolor => "gray20") if $level == 2; my $i = 0; for ('white', 'green', 'white') { $zinc->add('rectangle', $g, [$bbox[0] - 5 - 2*$i, $bbox[1] - 5 - 2*$i, $bbox[2] + 5 + 2*$i, $bbox[3] + 5 + 2*$i], -linecolor => $_, -linewidth => 1, -tags => ['zincdebug']); $i++; } } } # raise $zinc->raise('zincdebug'); $zinc->raise($clone0); $zinc->raise($clone1); # animation my $anim; if ($zinc->cget(-render) == 0) { $anim = $zinc->after(150, [sub { $zinc->itemconfigure($g1, -visible => 0); $zinc->itemconfigure($g0, -visible => 1); }]); } else { my $maxsteps = 5; $step = $maxsteps; $anim = $zinc->repeat(150, [sub { return if $step < 0; $zinc->itemconfigure($g1, -alpha => ($step)*100/$maxsteps); $zinc->itemconfigure($g0, -alpha => ($maxsteps-$step)*100/$maxsteps); $zinc->update; $step--; }]); } return $anim; } # end highlighttransfo sub undohighlighttransfo { my ($btn, $zinc, $anim) = @_; $btn->bind('ReleaseButton', ''); $zinc->remove('zincdebug'); $zinc->afterCancel($anim); } # end undohighlightitem # draw a rectangle arround the selected item sub surrounditem { my ($zinc, $item, $level) = @_; $zinc->remove("zincdebug"); # get item ancestors my @itemancestors = reverse($zinc->find('ancestors', $item)); # skip group 1 shift(@itemancestors); # create item's tree with good transformations my $topgroup = 1; for my $g (@itemancestors) { my $gc = $zinc->add('group', $topgroup, -tags => ['zincdebug']); $zinc->tsave($g, "mytrans"); my @c = $zinc->coords($g); $zinc->trestore($gc, "mytrans"); $zinc->coords($gc, [@c]); $zinc->tdelete("mytrans"); $topgroup = $gc; } # cloning my $clone = $zinc->clone($item, -visible => 1, -tags => ['zincdebug']); # move in topgroup $zinc->chggroup($clone, $topgroup); # create a rectangle around my @bbox0 = $zinc->bbox($clone); if (scalar @bbox0 == 4) { my @bbox = $zinc->transform(1, $topgroup, [@bbox0]); # If item is visible, rectangle is drawm surround it. # Else, a warning is displayed. unless (&itemisoutside($zinc, @bbox0)) { if (defined($level) and $level > 0) { my $r = $zinc->add('Rectangle', $topgroup, [$bbox[0] - 10, $bbox[1] - 10, $bbox[2] + 10, $bbox[3] + 10], -linewidth => 0, -filled => 1, -tags => ['zincdebug'], -fillcolor => "gray20"); $zinc->itemconfigure($r, -fillcolor => "gray80") if $level == 1; } my $i = 0; for ('white', 'red', 'white') { $zinc->add('rectangle', $topgroup, [$bbox[0] - 5 - 2*$i, $bbox[1] - 5 - 2*$i, $bbox[2] + 5 + 2*$i, $bbox[3] + 5 + 2*$i], -linecolor => $_, -linewidth => 1, -tags => ['zincdebug']); $i++; } } } # raise $zinc->raise('zincdebug'); $zinc->raise($clone); } # end surrounditem sub undohighlightitem { my ($btn, $zinc) = @_; $btn->bind('ReleaseButton', ''); $zinc->remove('zincdebug'); $showitemflag = 0; } # end undohighlightitem sub showbanner { my $fm = shift; my $i = shift; my $bgcolor = 'ivory'; $fm->Label(-text => 'Id', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge') ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 1, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe'); $fm->Label(-text => 'Type', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge') ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 2, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe'); $fm->Label(-text => 'Group', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge') ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 3, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe'); $fm->Label(-text => 'Priority', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge') ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 4, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe'); $fm->Label(-text => 'Sensitive', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge') ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 5, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe'); $fm->Label(-text => 'Visible', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge') ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 6, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe'); $fm->Label(-text => 'Coords', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge') ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 7, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe'); $fm->Label(-text => 'Device coords', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge') ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 8, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe'); $fm->Label(-text => 'Bounding box', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge') ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 9, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe'); $fm->Label(-text => 'Tags', -background => $bgcolor, -relief => 'ridge') ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 10, -ipady => 10, -ipadx => 5, -sticky => 'nswe'); $fm->Label()->grid(-row => 1, -col => 11, -pady => 10); } # end showbanner # display in a grid the values of most important attributes sub showattributes { my ($zinc, $fm, $items) = @_; unless ($wwidth{$zinc} > 1) { $zinc->update; my $geom = $zinc->geometry =~ /(\d+)x(\d+)+/=~ /(\d+)x(\d+)+/; ($wwidth{$zinc}, $wheight{$zinc}) = ($1, $2); } my $bgcolor = 'ivory'; my $i = 1; &showbanner($fm, $i++); for my $item (@$items) { my $type = $zinc->type($item); # transformations my $btn = $fm->Button(-text => 'treset') ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 0, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5); $btn->bind('<1>', [\&showtransfo, $zinc, $item, 0]); $btn->bind('<2>', [\&showtransfo, $zinc, $item, 1]); $btn->bind('<3>', [\&showtransfo, $zinc, $item, 2]); # id my $idbtn = $fm->Button(-text => $item, -foreground => 'red' )->grid(-row => $i, -col => 1, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5); $idbtn->bind('<1>', [\&highlightitem, $zinc, $item, 0]); $idbtn->bind('<2>', [\&highlightitem, $zinc, $item, 1]); $idbtn->bind('<3>', [\&highlightitem, $zinc, $item, 2]); # type if ($type eq 'group') { $fm->Button(-text => $type, -command => [\&showgroupcontent, $zinc, $item]) ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 2, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5); } else { $fm->Label(-text => $type, -relief => 'ridge') ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 2, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5); } # group my $group = $zinc->group($item); $fm->Button(-text => $group, -command => [\&showgroupattributes, $zinc, $group]) ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 3, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5); # priority &entryoption($fm, $item, $zinc, -priority) ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 4, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5); # sensitiveness &entryoption($fm, $item, $zinc, -sensitive) ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 5, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5); # visibility &entryoption($fm, $item, $zinc, -visible) ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 6, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5); # coords my @coords = $zinc->coords($item); my $coords; if (!ref $coords[0]) { my $x0 = int($coords[0]); my $y0 = int($coords[1]); $coords = "($x0, $y0)"; } else { my @points0 = @{$coords[0]}; my $n = $#coords; my @pointsN = @{$coords[$n]}; my $x0 = int($points0[0]); my $y0 = int($points0[1]); my $xn = int($pointsN[0]); my $yn = int($pointsN[1]); if ($n == 1) { ## a couple of points $coords = "($x0, $y0, $xn, $yn)"; } else { $coords = "C0=($x0, $y0), ..., C".$n."=($xn, $yn)"; } } if ($type eq 'curve' and @coords > 2) { $fm->Button(-text => $coords, -command => [\&showcoords, $zinc, $item]) ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 7, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5); } else { $fm->Label(-text => $coords, -relief => 'ridge') ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 7, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5); } # device coords @coords = $zinc->transform(scalar $zinc->group($item), 1, [@coords]); if (!ref $coords[0]) { my $x0 = int($coords[0]); my $y0 = int($coords[1]); $coords = "($x0, $y0)"; } else { my @points0 = @{$coords[0]}; my $n = $#coords; my @pointsN = @{$coords[$n]}; my $x0 = int($points0[0]); my $y0 = int($points0[1]); my $xn = int($pointsN[0]); my $yn = int($pointsN[1]); if ($n == 1) { ## a couple of points $coords = "($x0, $y0, $xn, $yn)"; } else { $coords = "C0=($x0, $y0), ..., C".$n."=($xn, $yn)"; } } if ($type eq 'curve' and @coords > 2) { $fm->Button(-text => $coords, -command => [\&showdevicecoords, $zinc, $item]) ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 8, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5); } else { $fm->Label(-text => $coords, -relief => 'ridge') ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 8, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5); } # bounding box my @bbox = $zinc->bbox($item); if (@bbox == 4) { my $btn = $fm->Button(-text => "($bbox[0], $bbox[1]), ($bbox[2], $bbox[3])") ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 9, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5); $btn->bind('<1>', [\&showbbox, $zinc, $item]); $btn->bind('', [\&hidebbox, $zinc]) ; } else { $fm->Label(-text => "--", , -relief => 'ridge') ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 9, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5); } # tags my @tags = $zinc->gettags($item); $fm->Label(-text => join("\n", @tags), -relief => 'ridge') ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 10, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5); # other options $fm->Button(-text => 'Other options', -command => [\&showotheroptions, $zinc, $item, $fm]) ->grid(-row => $i, -col => 11, -sticky => 'nswe', -ipadx => 5); $i++; &showbanner($fm, $i++) if ($i % 15 == 0); } $fm->update; return ($fm->width, $fm->height); } # end showattributes #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # SNAPSHOT FUNCTIONS # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # print a zinc window in png format sub printWindow { exit if $saving; $saving = 1; my ($zinc,$basename,$verbosity) = @_; my $id = $zinc->id; my $filename = $basename . $imagecounter . ".png"; $imagecounter++; my $original_cursor = ($zinc->configure(-cursor))[3]; $zinc->configure(-cursor => 'watch'); $zinc->update; my $res = system("import", -window, $id, $filename); $zinc->configure(-cursor => $original_cursor); $saving = 0; if ($res) { &showErrorWhilePrinting($zinc, $res) } else { my $dir = `pwd`; chomp ($dir); print "ZincDebug: Zinc window snapshot saved in $dir". "/$filename\n" if $verbosity; } } # end printWindow # display complete help screen sub showErrorWhilePrinting { my ($zinc, $res) = @_; my $dir = `pwd`; chomp ($dir); $help_print->destroy if $help_print and Tk::Exists($help_print); $help_print = $zinc->Dialog(-title => 'Zinc Print info', -text => "To acquire a TkZinc window snapshot, you must " . "have access to the import command, which is ". "part of imageMagic package\n\n". "You must also have the rights to write ". "in the current dir : $dir", -bitmap => 'warning', ); $help_print->after(300, sub {$help_print->grabRelease}); $help_print->Show(); } # end showErrorWhilePrinting #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # HELP FUNCTIONS # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # display complete help screen sub showgeneralhelp { if (@instances == 1) { &showinstancehelp($instances[0], "ZincDebug help", 1); } elsif (@instances > 1) { $help_tl{gene}->destroy if $help_tl{gene} and Tk::Exists($help_tl{gene}); $help_tl{gene} = $instances[0]->Toplevel; $help_tl{gene}->title("ZincDebug general help"); my $text = $help_tl{gene}->Scrolled('Text', -font => scalar $instances[0]->cget(-font), -wrap => 'word', -foreground => 'gray10', -width => 50, -height => 15, -scrollbars => 'osoe', ); $text->tagConfigure('keyword', -foreground => 'darkblue'); $text->tagConfigure('title', -foreground => 'ivory', -background => 'gray60', -spacing1 => 3, -spacing3 => 3); my $fm = $text->Frame; for (my $i=0; $i < @instances; $i++) { my $j = $i + 1; $fm->Label(-text => 'Instance #'.$j)->grid(-row => $j, -column => 1); $fm->Button(-text => 'Show', -cursor => 'top_left_arrow', -command => [\&showinstance, $instances[$i]], )->grid(-row => $j, -column => 2); $fm->Button(-text => 'Take focus', -cursor => 'top_left_arrow', -command => [\&takefocus, $instances[$i]], )->grid(-row => $j, -column => 3); $fm->Button(-text => 'Help', -cursor => 'top_left_arrow', -command => [\&showinstancehelp, $instances[$i], 'ZincDebug help about instance #'.$j], )->grid(-row => $j, -column => 4); #&showinstancehelp($_); } $text->insert('end', "Several instances of Zinc widget are managed. "); $text->insert('end', "They are listed in the following table. \n\n\n"); $text->window('create', 'end', -window => $fm); $text->insert('end', "\n\n\nStrike <"); $text->insert('end', 'Escape', 'keyword'); $text->insert('end', "> key to display this help message again."); $help_tl{gene}->Button(-command => sub {$help_tl{gene}->destroy}, -text => 'Close')->pack(-side => 'bottom', -pady => 10); $text->pack(-side => 'top', -pady => 10, -padx => 10); } } # end showgeneralhelp sub showinstancehelp { my $zinc = shift; my $title = shift; my $singleflag = shift; &takefocus($zinc); $help_tl{$zinc}->destroy if $help_tl{$zinc} and Tk::Exists($help_tl{$zinc}); if ($singleflag) { $help_tl{$zinc} = $zinc->Toplevel; } else { $help_tl{$zinc} = $help_tl{gene}->Toplevel; $help_tl{$zinc}->transient($help_tl{gene}) unless $singleflag; } $help_tl{$zinc}->title($title); my $text = $help_tl{$zinc}->Scrolled('Text', -font => scalar $zinc->cget(-font), -wrap => 'word', -foreground => 'gray10', -width => 50, -height => 32, -scrollbars => 'osoe', ); $text->tagConfigure('keyword', -foreground => 'darkblue'); $text->tagConfigure('title', -foreground => 'ivory', -background => 'gray60', -spacing1 => 3, -spacing3 => 3); my $zincnb = scalar keys(%instances); if ($treeKey{$zinc}) { $text->insert('end', " To display the items tree\n", 'title'); $text->insert('end', "\nUse the <"); $text->insert('end', $treeKey{$zinc}, 'keyword'); $text->insert('end', "> sequence.\n\n"); } if ($enclosedModBtn{$zinc}) { my $eseq = $enclosedModBtn{$zinc}->[0]."-Button".$enclosedModBtn{$zinc}->[1]; my $oseq = $overlapModBtn{$zinc}->[0]."-Button".$overlapModBtn{$zinc}->[1]; $eseq =~ s/^-//; $oseq =~ s/^-//; $text->insert('end', " To analyse a particular area\n", 'title'); $text->insert('end', "\nWith <"); $text->insert('end', $oseq, 'keyword'); $text->insert('end', "> sequence, create a rectangular area to parse items "); $text->insert('end', "which overlap it.\n"); $text->insert('end', "\nWith <"); $text->insert('end', $eseq, 'keyword'); $text->insert('end', "> sequence, create a rectangular area to parse items "); $text->insert('end', "which are enclosed in it.\n\n"); } if ($treeKey{$zinc} or $enclosedModBtn{$zinc}) { $text->insert('end', "To analyse a specific item.\n", 'title'); if ($enclosedModBtn{$zinc}) { $text->insert('end', "\nWith <"); $text->insert('end', $searchKey{$zinc}, 'keyword'); $text->insert('end', "> sequence, locate a specific item entering ". "its tagOrId.\n"); } if ($treeKey{$zinc}) { my $tseq = $treeModBtn{$zinc}->[0]."-Button".$treeModBtn{$zinc}->[1]; $tseq =~ s/^-//; $text->insert('end', "\nWith <"); $text->insert('end', $tseq, 'keyword'); $text->insert('end', "> sequence, select a particular item in the ". "application window and locate it in the tree.\n"); } $text->insert('end', "\n"); } if ($snapKey{$zinc}) { $text->insert('end', "To snapshot the application window.\n", 'title'); $text->insert('end', "\nWith <"); $text->insert('end', $snapKey{$zinc}, 'keyword'); $text->insert('end', "> sequence you can acquire " . "a snapshot of the full zinc window. ". "It will be saved in the current directory ". "with the name zincsnapshot.png ". "The ImageMagic package must be installed.\n"); } my $fm = $help_tl{$zinc}->Frame->pack(-side => 'bottom', -pady => 5, -expand => 1, -fill => 'none'); $fm->Button(-text => 'Show', -cursor => 'top_left_arrow', -command => [\&showinstance, $zinc], )->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 10) unless $singleflag; $fm->Button(-text => 'Take focus', -cursor => 'top_left_arrow', -command => [\&takefocus, $zinc], )->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 10); $fm->Button(-command => sub {$help_tl{$zinc}->destroy}, -text => 'Close')->pack(-side => 'left', -padx => 10); $text->pack(-side => 'top', -pady => 10, -padx => 10); } # end showsinstancehelp # display help about tree sub showHelpAboutTree { my $zinc = shift; $helptree_tl->destroy if $helptree_tl and Tk::Exists($helptree_tl); $helptree_tl = $tree_tl->Toplevel; $helptree_tl->title("Help about Tree"); my $text = $helptree_tl->Text(-font => scalar $zinc->cget(-font), -wrap => 'word', -foreground => 'gray10', ); $text->tagConfigure('keyword', -foreground => 'darkblue'); $text->insert('end', "\nNAVIGATION IN TREE\n\n"); $text->insert('end', "", "keyword"); $text->insert('end', " arrow key moves the anchor point to the item right on ". "top of the current anchor item. "); $text->insert('end', "", "keyword"); $text->insert('end', " arrow key moves the anchor point to the item right below ". "the current anchor item. "); $text->insert('end', "", "keyword"); $text->insert('end', " arrow key moves the anchor to the parent item of the ". "current anchor item. "); $text->insert('end', "", "keyword"); $text->insert('end', " moves the anchor to the first child of the current anchor ". "item. If the current anchor item does not have any children, moves ". "the anchor to the item right below the current anchor item.\n\n"); $text->insert('end', "\nHIGHLIGHTING ITEMS\n\n"); $text->insert('end', "To display item's features, "); $text->insert('end', "double-click", "keyword"); $text->insert('end', " on it or press "); $text->insert('end', "", "keyword"); $text->insert('end', " key.\n\n"); $text->insert('end', "To highlight item in the application, simply "); $text->insert('end', "click", "keyword"); $text->insert('end', " on it. "); &infoAboutHighlighting($text); $text->configure(-state => 'disabled'); $helptree_tl->Button(-command => sub {$helptree_tl->destroy}, -text => 'Close')->pack(-side => 'bottom', -pady => 10); $text->pack->pack(-side => 'top', -pady => 10, -padx => 10); } # end showHelpAboutTree sub showHelpAboutAttributes { my $zinc = shift; $helptree_tl->destroy if $helptree_tl and Tk::Exists($helptree_tl); $helptree_tl = $zinc->Toplevel; $helptree_tl->title("Help about attributes"); my $text = $helptree_tl->Text(-font => scalar $zinc->cget(-font), -wrap => 'word', -foreground => 'gray10', ); $text->tagConfigure('keyword', -foreground => 'darkblue'); $text->tagConfigure('title', -foreground => 'ivory', -background => 'gray60', -spacing1 => 3, -spacing3 => 3); $text->insert('end', " To highlight a specific item\n", 'title'); $text->insert('end', "\nFirst column contains items identifiers buttons you can press to ". "highlight corresponding items in the application.\n"); &infoAboutHighlighting($text); $text->insert('end', "\n\nThird column contains groups identifiers buttons you can ". "press to display groups content and attributes.\n\n"); $text->insert('end', " To display the bounding box of an item\n", 'title'); $text->insert('end', "\nUse the buttons of the column labeled ". "'Bounding Box'.\n\n"); $text->insert('end', " To change the value of attributes\n", 'title'); $text->insert('end', "\nMost of information fields are editable. A simple ". "colored feedback shows which attributes have changed. Use <"); $text->insert('end', "Control-z", "keyword"); $text->insert('end', "> sequence to restore the initial value\n"); $text->configure(-state => 'disabled'); $helptree_tl->Button(-command => sub {$helptree_tl->destroy}, -text => 'Close')->pack(-side => 'bottom', -pady => 10); $text->pack->pack(-side => 'top', -pady => 10, -padx => 10); } # end showHelpAboutAttributes sub infoAboutHighlighting { my $text = shift; $text->insert('end', "By default, using "); $text->insert('end', "left mouse button", "keyword"); $text->insert('end', ", highlighting is done by raising selected item and drawing ". "a rectangle arround. "); $text->insert('end', "In order to improve visibility, "); $text->insert('end', "item will be light backgrounded if you use "); $text->insert('end', "center mouse button", "keyword"); $text->insert('end', " and dark backgrounded if you use "); $text->insert('end', "right mouse button", "keyword"); $text->insert('end', ". "); } # end infoAboutHighlighting #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # EDITION FUNCTION # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub entryoption { my ($fm, $item, $zinc, $option) = @_; my $def = $zinc->itemcget($item, $option); my $i0; my $e; if ($def =~ /\n/) { $e = $fm->Text(-height => 1, -width => 1, -wrap => 'word'); $i0 = '0.0'; } else { $e = $fm->Entry(); $i0 = 0; } my $len = length($def); $len = 50 if $len > 50; $e->configure(-width => $len); if ($defaultoptions{$item}->{$option} and $def ne $defaultoptions{$item}->{$option}) { $e->configure(-foreground => 'blue'); } $e->insert($i0, $def); $e->bind('', sub { return unless $defaultoptions{$item}->{$option}; my $bg = $e->cget(-background); $zinc->itemconfigure($item, $option => $defaultoptions{$item}->{$option}); $e->delete($i0, 'end'); $e->insert($i0, $defaultoptions{$item}->{$option}); $e->configure(-background => 'ivory'); $e->after(80, sub {$e->configure(-background => $bg, -foreground => 'black')}); }); $e->bind('', sub {my $val = $e->get; my $bg = $e->cget(-background); $e->configure(-background => 'ivory'); if ($def ne $val) { $defaultoptions{$item}->{$option} = $def unless $defaultoptions{$item}->{$option}; } my $fg = ($val ne $defaultoptions{$item}->{$option}) ? 'blue' : 'black'; $e->after(80, sub { $e->configure(-background => $bg, -foreground => $fg); }); $zinc->itemconfigure($item, $option => $val); }); return $e; } # end entryoption sub showinstance { my $zinc = shift; my $a = $zinc->itemcget(1, -alpha); my $b = ($a > 40) ? 10 : 100; $zinc->itemconfigure(1, -alpha => $b); $zinc->update; $zinc->after(100); $zinc->itemconfigure(1, -alpha => $a); $zinc->update; } # end showinstance sub takefocus { my $zinc = shift; $zinc->Tk::focus; } # end takefocus sub newinstance { my $zinc = shift; return if $instances{$zinc}; &takefocus($zinc); $instances{$zinc} = 1; push(@instances, $zinc); } # end newinstance 1; __END__ =head1 NAME ZincDebug - a perl module for analysing a Zinc application. =head1 SYNOPSIS perl -MZincDebug zincscript [zincscript-opts] [zincdebug-opts] or use ZincDebug; my $zinc = MainWindow->new()->Zinc()->pack; finditems($zinc, [options]); tree($zinc, [options]); snapshot($zinc, [options]); =head1 DESCRIPTION ZincDebug provides an interface to help developers to debug or analyse Zinc applications. With B function, you are able to scan all items which are enclosed in a rectangular area you have first drawn by drag & drop, or all items which overlap it. Result is a Tk table which presents details (options, coordinates, ...) about found items; you can also highlight a particular item, even if it's not visible, by clicking on its corresponding button in the table. You can also display particular item's features by entering this id in dedicated entry field B function displays items hierarchy. You can find a particular item's position in the tree and you can highlight items and see their features as described above. With B function, you are able to snapshot the application window, in order to illustrate a graphical bug for example. Press B key in the toplevel of the application to have some help about available input sequences. B. By default, all the previous specific functions are invoked with their default attributes for each instance of Zinc widget. You can overload these by passing the same options to the command. Note that perl arrays must be transformed to comma separated string. For example: perl -M ZincDebug zincscript -optionsToDisplay '-tags' -optionsFormat row -itemModBtn Control,1 =head1 FUNCTIONS =over =item B($zinc, ?option => value, ...?) This function creates required Tk bindings to permit items search. You can specify the following options : =over =item E<32>E<32>E<32>B<-color> => color Defines color of search area contour. Default to 'sienna'. =item E<32>E<32>E<32>B<-enclosedModBtn> => [Mod, Btn] Defines input sequence used to process "enclosed" search. Default to ['Control', 3]. B can be set to undef. =item E<32>E<32>E<32>B<-overlapModBtn> => [Mod, Btn] Defines input sequence used to process "overlap" search. Default to ['Shift', 3]. B can be set to undef. =item E<32>E<32>E<32>B<-searchKey> => key Defines input key used to process particular search. Default to 'Control-f'. =back =item B($zinc, ?option => value, ...?) This function creates required Tk bindings to build items tree. You can specify the following options : =over =item E<32>E<32>E<32>B<-tkey|-key> => key Defines input sequence used to build and display items tree. Default to 'Control-t'. =item E<32>E<32>E<32>B<-itemModBtn> => [Mod, Btn] Defines input sequence used to select an item in the application window in order to display its position in the item's tree. Default to ['Control', 2]. B can be set to undef. =item E<32>E<32>E<32>B<-optionsToDisplay> => opt1[,..,optN] Used to display some option's values associated to items of tree. Expected argument is a string of commas separated options. =item E<32>E<32>E<32>B<-optionsFormat> => row | column Defines the display format of option's values. Default is 'column'. =back =item B($zinc, ?option => value, ...?) This function creates required Tk binding to snapshot the application window. You can specify the following options : =over =item E<32>E<32>E<32>B<-skey|-key> => key Defines input key used to process a snapshot of the zinc window. Default to ['Control-s']. =item E<32>E<32>E<32>B<-verbosity> => boolean Defines if snapshot should print a message on the terminal. Default to true. =item E<32>E<32>E<32>B<-basename> => "a_string" Defines the basename used for the file containing the snaphshot. The filename will be /basename.png Defaulted to zincsnapshot. =back =back =head1 AUTEUR Daniel Etienne =head1 HISTORY Mar 11 2003 : ZincDebug can manage several instances of Zinc widget. Options of ZincDebug functions can be set on the command line. Jan 20 2003 : item's attributes can be edited. Jan 14 2003 : ZincDebug can be loaded at runtime using the -M perl option without any change in the application's code. Nov 6 2002 : some additional informations (like tags or other attributes values) can be displayed in the items tree. Add feedback when selected item is not visible because outside window. Sep 2 2002 : add the tree() function May 27 2002 : add the snapshot() function contributed by Ch. Mertz. Jan 28 2002 : Zincdebug provides the finditems() function and can manage only one instance of Zinc widget.