package Tk::Zinc::Logo; #--------------------------------------------------------------- # # Module : # $Id: 1156 2003-09-15 12:25:06Z mertz $ # # Copyright (C) 2001-2003 # Centre d'Études de la Navigation Aérienne # Authors: Jean-Luc Vinot # #--------------------------------------------------------------- use vars qw( $VERSION ); ($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1156 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/); use strict; use Carp; use Math::Trig; my @Gradiants; # paramètres de construction graphique my %builder = (-gradset => {'logoshape' => '=axial 270 |#ffffff;100 0 28|#66848c;100 96|#7192aa;100 100', 'logopoint' => '=radial -20 -20 |#ffffff;100 0|#f70000;100 48|#900000;100 80|#ab0000;100 100', 'logoptshad' => '=path 0 0 |#770000;64 0|#770000;70 78|#770000;0 100', }, -shape => {-form => {-itemtype => 'curve', -coords => [[0,0],[106,0],[106,58],[122,41],[156,41],[131,69],[153,99],[203,41], [155,41],[155,0],[225.71,0],[251.34,0,'c'],[265.17,29.63,'c'], [248.71,49.27],[202,105],[246,105],[246,87],[246,59.385,'c'],[268.38,37,'c'], [296,37],[323.62,37,'c'],[346,59.385,'c'],[346,87],[346,148],[305,148], [305,87],[305,82.58,'c'],[301.42,79,'c'],[297,79],[292.58,79,'c'], [289,82.58,'c'],[289,87],[289,150],[251,150],[251,130],[251,125.58,'c'], [247.42,122,'c'],[243,122],[243,122],[238.58,122,'c'],[235,125.58,'c'], [235,130],[235,150],[168.12,150],[144.7,150,'c'],[132.38,122.57,'c'], [147.94,105.06],[148,105],[120,105],[104,81],[104,105],[74,105],[74,41], [52,41],[52,105],[20,105],[20,41],[0,41]], -contour => ['add', -1, [[395,78],[395,37],[364.62,37,'c'],[340,61.62,'c'],[340,92], [340,93],[340,123.38,'c'],[364.62,148,'c'],[395,148],[409,148], [409,107],[395,107],[386.72,107,'c'],[380,100.28,'c'],[380,92], [380,93],[380,84.72,'c'],[386.72,78,'c'],[395,78]]], -params => {-closed => 0, -filled => 1, -visible => 1, -fillcolor => 'logoshape', -linewidth => 2.5, -linecolor => '#000000', -priority => 40, -fillrule => 'nonzero', -tags => ['zinc_shape'], }, }, -shadow => {-clone => '-form', -translate => [6, 6], -params => {-fillcolor => '#000000;18', -linewidth => 0, -priority => 20, }, }, }, -point => {-coords => [240, 96], -params => {-alpha => 80, -priority => 100, }, -form => {-itemtype => 'arc', -coords => [[-20, -20], [20, 20]], -params => {-priority => 50, -filled => 1, -linewidth => 1, -linecolor => '#a10000;100', -fillcolor => 'logopoint', -closed => 1, }, }, -shadow => {-clone => '-form', -translate => [5, 5], -params => {-fillcolor => 'logoptshad', -linewidth => 0, -priority => 20, }, }, }, ); sub new { my $proto = shift; my $type = ref($proto) || $proto; my %params = @_; my $self = {}; bless ($self, $type); if (exists $params{'-widget'}) { $self->{'-widget'} = $params{'-widget'}; } else { croak "in Tk::Zinc::Logo constructor, the -widget attribute must be defined\n"; } $self->{'-parent'} = (exists $params{'-parent'}) ? $params{'-parent'} : 1; $self->{'-priority'} = (exists $params{'-priority'}) ? $params{'-priority'} : 500; $self->{'-position'} = (exists $params{'-position'}) ? $params{'-position'} : [0, 0]; $self->{'-scale'} = (exists $params{'-scale'}) ? $params{'-scale'} : [1, 1]; $self->drawLogo(); return bless $self, $type; } sub drawLogo { my ($self) = @_; my $zinc = $self->{'-widget'}; my $parent = $self->{'-parent'}; my $priority = $self->{'-priority'}; if ($builder{'-gradset'}) { while (my ($name, $gradiant) = each( %{$builder{'-gradset'}})) { # création des gradiants nommés $zinc->gname($gradiant, $name) unless $zinc->gname($name); push(@Gradiants, $name); } } # création des groupes logo # logogroup : groupe de coordonnées my $logogroup = $self->{'-item'} = $zinc->add('group', $parent, -priority => $priority); $zinc->coords($logogroup, $self->{'-position'}) if ($self->{'-position'}); # group de scaling my $group = $self->{'-scaleitem'} = $zinc->add('group', $logogroup); $zinc->scale($group, @{$self->{'-scale'}}) if ($self->{'-scale'}); # création de l'item shape (Zinc) my $formstyle = $builder{'-shape'}->{'-form'}; $self->ajustLineWidth($formstyle->{'-params'}); my $shape = $zinc->add('curve', $group, $formstyle->{'-coords'}, %{$formstyle->{'-params'}}, ); $zinc->contour($shape, @{$formstyle->{'-contour'}}); # ombre portée de la shape my $shadstyle = $builder{'-shape'}->{'-shadow'}; my $shadow = $zinc->clone($shape, %{$shadstyle->{'-params'}}); $zinc->translate($shadow, @{$shadstyle->{'-translate'}}) if ($shadstyle->{'-translate'}); # réalisation du point my $pointconf = $builder{'-point'}; my $ptgroup = $zinc->add('group', $group, %{$pointconf->{'-params'}}); $zinc->coords($ptgroup, $pointconf->{'-coords'}); my $pointstyle = $pointconf->{'-form'}; my $point = $zinc->add('arc', $ptgroup, $pointstyle->{'-coords'}, %{$pointstyle->{'-params'}}, ); my $shadpoint = $zinc->clone($point, %{$shadstyle->{'-params'}}); $shadstyle = $pointconf->{'-shadow'}; $zinc->translate($shadpoint, @{$shadstyle->{'-translate'}}); } sub ajustLineWidth { my ($self, $style, $scale) = @_; if ($style->{'-linewidth'}) { my ($sx, $sy) = @{$self->{'-scale'}}; my $linewidth = $style->{'-linewidth'}; if ($linewidth >= 2) { my $ratio = ($sx > $sy) ? $sy : $sx; $style->{'-linewidth'} = $linewidth * $ratio; } } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Tk::Zinc::Logo - a perl module for drawing the TkZinc logo. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Tk::Zinc::Logo; my $zinc = MainWindow->new()->Zinc()->pack; my $logo = $zinc->ZincLogo([options]); =head1 OPTIONS =over =item B<-parent> => zinc group Specify the parent group. Default is 1. =item B<-position> => [x, y] Specify the relative position of the logo in its parent group. Default is [0, 0]. =item B<-priority> => integer Specify the priority of the logo in its parent group. Default is 500. =item B<-scale> => [sx, sy] Scecify the xscale and yscale factors of the logo. Default is [1, 1]. =back =head1 AUTEUR Jean-Luc Vinot