# # Copyright (c) 1992-1994 The Regents of the University of California. # Copyright (c) 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc. # Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Nick Ing-Simmons. All rights reserved. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, subject # to additional disclaimer in Tk/license.terms due to partial # derivation from Tk8.0 sources. # # Copyright (c) 2002 CENA, C.Mertz to trace all # Tk::Zinc methods calls as well as the args in a human readable # form. Updated by D.Etienne. # # This package overloads the Tk::Methods function in order to trace # every Tk::Zinc method call in your application. # # This may be very usefull when your application segfaults and # when you have no idea where this happens in your code. # # $Id: Trace.pm 1658 2005-05-16 07:23:18Z lecoanet $ # # To trap Tk::Zinc errors, use rather the Tk::Zinc::TraceErrors package. # # for using this file do some thing like : # perl -MTk::Zinc::Trace myappli.pl package Tk::Zinc::Trace; use vars qw( $VERSION ); ($VERSION) = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1658 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/); use vars qw( $ForReplay ); use Tk; use strict; use Tk::Zinc::TraceUtils; my $WidgetMethodfunction; my %moduleOptions; BEGIN { if (defined $ZincTraceErrors::on && $ZincTraceErrors::on == 1) { print STDERR "Tk::Zinc::Trace: incompatible package Tk::Zinc::TraceErrors is already ". "loaded (exit 1)\n"; exit 1; } print "## Tk::Zinc::Trace ON\n"; $ZincTrace::on = 1; require Getopt::Long; Getopt::Long::Configure('pass_through'); Getopt::Long::GetOptions(\%moduleOptions, 'code'); $ForReplay=1 if defined $moduleOptions{code} ; select STDOUT; $|=1; ## for flushing the trace output # save current Tk::Zinc::InitObject function; it will be invoked in # overloaded one (see below) use Tk; use Tk::Zinc; $WidgetMethodfunction = Tk::Zinc->can('WidgetMethod'); } print "## following trace should be very close to a replay-script code\n" if $ForReplay; my $ZincCounter= ""; my %ZincHash; #sub Tk::Zinc { # print "CREATING Zinc : @_"; # &$ZincCreationMethodfunction; #} sub Tk::Zinc::WidgetMethod { my ($zinc, $name, @args) = @_; if (defined $Tk::Zinc::Trace::off and $Tk::Zinc::Trace::off > 0) { return &$WidgetMethodfunction(@_) if $WidgetMethodfunction; } my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller(1); $package="" unless defined $package; $filename="" unless defined $filename; $line="" unless defined $line; my $widget; if (defined $ZincHash{$zinc}) { $widget = $ZincHash{$zinc}; } elsif ($ZincCounter) { $ZincHash{$zinc} = '$zinc'.$ZincCounter; $widget = '$zinc'.$ZincCounter; $ZincCounter++; } else { $ZincHash{$zinc} = '$zinc'; $widget = '$zinc'; $ZincCounter=1; # for the next zinc } if ($ForReplay) { print "$widget->$name"; } else { print "TRACE: $filename line $line $name"; } &printList(@args); # invoke function possibly overloaded in other modules if (wantarray()) { my @res = &$WidgetMethodfunction(@_) if $WidgetMethodfunction; if ($ForReplay) { print ";\n"; } else { print " RETURNS "; &printList (@res); print "\n"; } $zinc->update; return @res; } else { my $res = &$WidgetMethodfunction(@_) if $WidgetMethodfunction; if ($ForReplay) { print ";\n"; } else { print " RETURNS "; &printItem ($res); print "\n"; } $zinc->update; return $res; } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Tk::Zinc::Trace - A module to trace all Tk::Zinc method calls =head1 SYNOPSIS use Tk::Zinc::Trace; $Tk::Zinc::Trace:ForReplay = 1; or perl -MTk::Zinc::Trace YourZincBasedScript.pl [--code] =head1 DESCRIPTION When loaded, this module overloads a Tk mechanism so that every Tk::Zinc method call will be traced. Every call will also be followed by a $zinc->update() so that the method call will be effectively treated. This module can be very effective for debugging when Tk::Zinc core dumps and you have no clue which method call can be responsible for. If you just want to trace Tk::Zinc errors when calling a method you should rather use the Tk::Zinc::TraceErrors module The global variable $Tk::Zinc::Trace:off can be used to trace some specific blocks. If set to 1, traces are deactivated, if set to 0, traces are reactivated. If the global variable $Tk::Zinc::Trace:ForReplay is set or if the --code option is set in the second form, the printout will be very close to re-executable code, like this: ## following trace should be very close to a replay-script code $zinc->configure(-relief => 'sunken', -borderwidth => 3, -width => 700, -font => 10x20, -height => 600); $zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10, 10, 100, 50], -fillcolor => 'green', -filled => 1, -linewidth => 10, -relief => 'roundridge', -linecolor => 'darkgreen'); $zinc->add('text', 1, -font => -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* => -text => 'A filled rectangle with a "roundridge" relief border of 10 pixels.', -anchor => 'nw', -position => [120, 20]); $zinc->add('track', 1, 6, -labelformat => 'x82x60+0+0 x60a0^0^0 x32a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 x32a0>3>1 a0a0^0>2', -position => [20, 120], -speedvector => [40, -10], -speedvectormark => 1, -speedvectorticks => 1); $zinc->coords(4, [20, 120]); If not (the default), the printout will be more informtative, giving the following information: =over 6 =item * the source filename where the method has been invoked =item * the line number in the source file =item * the TkZinc method name =item * the list of arguments in a human-readable form =item * the returned value =back The trace will look like: ## Tk::Zinc::Trace ON TRACE: /usr/lib/perl5/Tk/Widget.pm line 196 configure(-relief => 'sunken', -borderwidth => 3, -width => 700, -font => 10x20, -height => 600) RETURNS undef TRACE: Perl/demos/demos/zinc_lib/items.pl line 21 add('rectangle', 1, [10, 10, 100, 50], -fillcolor => 'green', -filled => 1, -linewidth => 10, -relief => 'roundridge', -linecolor => 'darkgreen') RETURNS 2 TRACE: Perl/demos/demos/zinc_lib/items.pl line 25 add('text', 1, -font => -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* => -text => 'A filled rectangle with a "roundridge" relief border of 10 pixels.', -anchor => 'nw', -position => [120, 20]) RETURNS 3 TRACE: Perl/demos/demos/zinc_lib/items.pl line 36 add('track', 1, 6, -labelformat => 'x82x60+0+0 x60a0^0^0 x32a0^0>1 a0a0>2>1 x32a0>3>1 a0a0^0>2', -position => [20, 120], -speedvector => [40, -10], -speedvectormark => 1, -speedvectorticks => 1) RETURNS 4 =head1 AUTHOR C.Mertz and D.Etienne =head1 CAVEATS and BUGS This module cannot be used when Tk::Zinc::TraceErrors is already in use. As every Tk::Zinc method call is followed by an ->update call, this may dramatically slowdown an application. The trade-off is between application run-time and developper debug-time. When using an output "code-like" they are still part of the output which is not executable code. However, the ouptut could be easily and manually edited to be executable perl code. =head1 COPYRIGHT See Tk::Zinc copyright; BSD =head1 SEE ALSO L, L. L. =cut