#!/usr/bin/perl # $Id$ # This simple demo has been developped by C. Schlienger use Tk; use Tk::Zinc; use strict; my $defaultfont = '-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*'; my $mw = MainWindow->new(); ########################################### # Text zone ########################################### my $text = $mw->Scrolled(qw/Text -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 -setgrid true -height 4 -scrollbars e/); $text->pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both/); $text->insert('0.0', 'This toy-appli shows zoom actions on waypoint and curve items. The following operations are possible: Click "-" to zoom out Click "+" to zoom in ' ); ########################################### # Zinc ########################################### my $zinc_width=600; my $zinc_height=500; my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-width => $zinc_width, -height => $zinc_height, -font => "10x20", -borderwidth => 3, -relief => 'sunken', )->pack; ########################################### # Waypoints and sector ########################################### my $wp_group = $zinc->add('group', 1, -visible => 1); my $p1=[200, 100]; my $wp1 = $zinc->add('waypoint',$wp_group, 1, -position => $p1, -connectioncolor => 'green', -symbolcolor => 'blue', -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0', -leaderwidth=>'0', -labeldx=>'-20' ); $zinc->itemconfigure($wp1, 0, -text => "DO", ); my $p2=[300, 150]; my $wp2 = $zinc->add('waypoint',$wp_group, 1, -position => $p2, -connecteditem => $wp1, -connectioncolor => 'blue', -symbolcolor => 'blue', -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0', -leaderwidth=>'0', -labeldx=>'-20', ); $zinc->itemconfigure($wp2, 0, -text => "RE", ); my $p3=[400, 50]; my $wp3 = $zinc->add('waypoint', $wp_group, 2, -position => $p3, -connecteditem => $wp2, -connectioncolor => 'blue', -symbolcolor => 'blue', -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0', -leaderwidth=>'0', -labeldx=>'20', -labeldy=>'+10' ); $zinc->itemconfigure($wp3, 0, -text => "MI", ); my $p4=[350, 450]; my $wp4 = $zinc->add('waypoint', $wp_group, 2, -position => $p4, -connecteditem => $wp2, -connectioncolor => 'blue', -symbolcolor => 'blue', -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0', -leaderwidth=>'0', -labeldy=>'-15' ); $zinc->itemconfigure($wp4, 0, -text => "FA", ); my $p5=[300, 250]; my $wp5 = $zinc->add('waypoint', $wp_group, 2, -position => $p5, -connectioncolor => 'blue', -symbolcolor => 'blue', -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0', -leaderwidth=>'0', -labeldy=>'-15' ); $zinc->itemconfigure($wp5, 0, -text => "SOL", ); my $p6=[170, 240]; my $wp6 = $zinc->add('waypoint', $wp_group, 2, -position => $p6, -connecteditem => $wp5, -connectioncolor => 'blue', -symbolcolor => 'blue', -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0', -leaderwidth=>'0', -labeldx=>'-20' ); $zinc->itemconfigure($wp6, 0, -text => "LA", ); my $p7=[550, 200]; my $wp7 = $zinc->add('waypoint', $wp_group, 2, -position => $p7, -connecteditem => $wp5, -connectioncolor => 'blue', -symbolcolor => 'blue', -labelformat => 'x20x18+0+0', -leaderwidth=>'0', -labeldx=>'20' ); $zinc->itemconfigure($wp7, 0, -text => "SI", ); my $sector = $zinc ->add('curve',$wp_group,[300,0,400,50,500,100,550,200,550,400,350,450,170,240,200,100,300,0]); ################################################### # control panel ################################################### my $rc = $mw->Frame()->pack(); #the reference of the scale function is top-left corner of the zinc object #so we first translate the group to zoom in order to put its center on top-left corner #change the scale of the group #translate the group to put it back at the center of the zinc object my $minus=$rc->Button(-width => 2, -height => 2, -text => '-', -command=>sub{ $zinc->translate($wp_group,-$zinc_width/2,-$zinc_height/2); $zinc->scale($wp_group,0.8,0.8); $zinc->translate($wp_group, $zinc_width/2,$zinc_height/2); })->pack(-side=>'left'); my $plus=$rc->Button(-width => 2, -height => 2, -text => '+', -command=>sub{ $zinc->translate($wp_group, -$zinc_width/2,-$zinc_height/2); $zinc->scale($wp_group,1.2,1.2); $zinc->translate($wp_group,$zinc_width/2,$zinc_height/2); })->pack(-side => 'right'); MainLoop;