#!/usr/bin/perl # # If we want to extract a release right out of the repository # just pass the release tag as first parameter and the script # will leave a tarball in the current directory after chewing # a moment in /tmp. # the first argument should be a CVS tag looking like cpan_3_2_95 # or cpan_3_295. The second underscore will be removed for computing the # # In the other case (no parameters) the script supposes we are # in the Perl subdir of a Tkzinc working directory and it will # setup zinc-perl for compilation in export2cpan/tk-zinc-. # The source files are taken from the working directory. This is # the anticipated behavior when developping/testing or making # a debian package from the rules file. # this script has been provided by mertz @ intuilab dot com # $Id$ use strict; my $ZINC_PREFIX = 'tk-zinc'; my $DEFAULT_SERVER = 'liszt.pii.ath.cena.fr'; my $TMP = '/tmp/forCPAN'; # computing major, minor and patchlevel from var defined in ../configure.in sub version4cpan { my $configure_in = "../configure.in"; open(FD, "<$configure_in") or die "Could not open file $configure_in"; my ($major, $minor, $patchlevel); while () { if (/^MAJOR_VERSION=(\d+)/) { $major = $1; } elsif (/^MINOR_VERSION=(\d+)/) { $minor = $1; } elsif (/^PATCHLEVEL=(\d+)/) { $patchlevel = $1; } } close (FD); return sprintf ("%d.%d%02d", $major,$minor,$patchlevel); } sub filesubst { my ($fileIn, $fileOut, $key, $val) = @_; open(FDIN, "<$fileIn") or die "Could not open input file $fileIn"; open(FDOUT, ">$fileOut") or die "Could not open output file $fileOut"; while () { if (/$key/) { s/$key/$val/g; } print FDOUT $_; } close(FDIN); close(FDOUT); } my $VERSION; my $FROM_CVS = (scalar(@ARGV) != 0); my $DIR_FROM_CVS; my $CWD; chomp($CWD = `pwd`); # # See if parameters are given (there should be a cvs tag # and may be the repository machine). # if ($FROM_CVS) { my $tag_version; my $cvstag = $ARGV[0]; my $server = $DEFAULT_SERVER; if (scalar(@ARGV) == 2) { $server = $ARGV[1]; } print "Building a CPAN release tarball from tag $cvstag.\n"; $cvstag =~ /^.*?([\d_]+)$/; my $tag_version = $1; if ($tag_version =~ /(\d+)_(\d+)_(\d+)/) { $tag_version = "$1_$2$3"; } $VERSION = version4cpan; # version computed from the source directory $DIR_FROM_CVS = "$ZINC_PREFIX-$VERSION"; system("rm -rf $TMP"); system ("mkdir $TMP"); chdir("$TMP"); # the following command always fail with cvs 1.11.1p1 !! # my $command = "cd $TMP; cvs -d $server:/pii/repository export -r $cvstag -d $DIR_FROM_CVS Tkzinc"; my $command = "cd $TMP; cvs -d /pii/repository export -r $cvstag -d $DIR_FROM_CVS Tkzinc"; print "$command\n"; my $error = system($command); die "CVS extraction did not succeed" if $error; chdir("$DIR_FROM_CVS/Perl"); my $EXTRACTED_VERSION = version4cpan; # version gotten from the tagged CVS files if ($EXTRACTED_VERSION ne $VERSION) { print "Oops! the tag version '$tag_version' does not match the version '$VERSION' in the sources, aborting\n"; exit(1); } system ("cd $TMP/$DIR_FROM_CVS; ./configure"); } else { $VERSION = version4cpan; print "cd ..; ./configure\n"; system ("cd ..; ./configure"); # for creating Makefile.pl from xxx.in files } print "VERSION $VERSION\n"; # using rsync if available rather than cp my $CP = 'cp -r'; my $CPonlyIfDifferent = 'cp -r'; my $RSYNC = 0; if (-x '/usr/bin/rsync') { $CP = '/usr/bin/rsync -rp'; # the --delete option has been removed to avoid deleting Makefile in demos $CPonlyIfDifferent = '/usr/bin/rsync -rc'; # print "\$CP = '$CP'\n"; $RSYNC = 1; } elsif (-x '/usr/local/bin/rsync') { $CP = '/usr/local/bin/rsync -rp'; # the --delete option has been removed to avoid deleting Makefile in demos $CPonlyIfDifferent = '/usr/local/bin/rsync -rc'; # print "\$CP = '$CP'\n"; $RSYNC = 1; } my $EXPORT_DIR = '../export2cpan'; my $VERSION_DIR = "$ZINC_PREFIX-$VERSION"; if (-d "$EXPORT_DIR/$VERSION_DIR" and !$RSYNC) { system("rm -rf $EXPORT_DIR/$VERSION_DIR"); } if (! -d $EXPORT_DIR) { mkdir($EXPORT_DIR); } if (! -d "$EXPORT_DIR/$VERSION_DIR") { mkdir("$EXPORT_DIR/$VERSION_DIR"); } symlink ("$EXPORT_DIR/$VERSION_DIR", "$EXPORT_DIR/$ZINC_PREFIX"); my @files=('t', 'Zinc.xs', 'demos', 'README', 'Zinc'); foreach my $f (@files) { system("$CP $f $EXPORT_DIR/$VERSION_DIR"); } # modifying the $VERSION of Zinc.pm with the correctly perl formated version scheme. &filesubst ('Zinc.pm', "$EXPORT_DIR/$VERSION_DIR/Zinc.pm", '^\$VERSION *=.*;', "\$VERSION = $VERSION;"); &filesubst ('Makefile.PL', "$EXPORT_DIR/$VERSION_DIR/Makefile.PL", '^\$VERSION *=.*;', "\$VERSION = $VERSION;"); system("$CP ../Copyright $EXPORT_DIR/$VERSION_DIR"); system("$CP ../generic/*.c $EXPORT_DIR/$VERSION_DIR"); system("$CP ../generic/*.h $EXPORT_DIR/$VERSION_DIR"); system("$CP ../win/*.c $EXPORT_DIR/$VERSION_DIR"); # # If working for an exported copy, build a tarball in the # current dir. # if ($FROM_CVS) { chdir("$EXPORT_DIR/$VERSION_DIR"); # # Remove the .cvsignore files system('find . -name .cvsignore | xargs rm -f'); # # Create the MANIFEST file use ExtUtils::Manifest qw( mkmanifest ); $ExtUtils::Manifest::Quiet = 1; &mkmanifest(); chdir('..'); system("tar zcf $TMP/$ZINC_PREFIX-$VERSION.tar.gz $VERSION_DIR"); chdir($CWD); print "The tarball is in $TMP/$ZINC_PREFIX-$VERSION.tar.gz\n"; print "You may want to clean up after testing in $TMP/$DIR_FROM_CVS\n"; }