#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # $Id: Bbox-curve-multi-contour.t,v 1.1 2005-06-23 18:16:12 mertz Exp $ # Author: Christophe Mertz mertz@intuilab.com, adapted from a script # reported by Daniel Etienne for a bug report in Tk::Zinc 3.3.0 # use strict; # testing all the import BEGIN { if (!eval q{ # use Test::More qw(no_plan); use Test::More tests => 4; 1; }) { print "# tests only work properly with installed Test::More module\n"; print "1..1\n"; print "ok 1\n"; exit; } if (!eval q{ use Tk::Zinc; 1; }) { print "unable to load Tk::Zinc"; print "1..1\n"; print "ok 1\n"; exit; } } use Tk; my $mw = MainWindow->new; my $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-render => 1, -width => 800, -height => 500); $zinc->pack; like ($zinc, qr/^Tk::Zinc=HASH/ , "zinc has been created"); my $n = 8; # first my $group = $zinc->add('group', 1); $zinc->coords($group, [100, 250]); my $curve = $zinc->add('curve', $group, [], -fillrule => 'nonzero', -closed => 1, -filled => 1, -fillcolor => 'black', -linecolor => 'red', ); my $arc = $zinc->add('arc', $group, [-50, -50, 50, 50]); $zinc->contour($curve, 'add', 1, $arc); $zinc->remove($arc); for (1..$n) { my $arc = $zinc->add('arc', $group, [-15, -70, 15, -40]); $zinc->rotate($arc, ($_-1)*(360/$n), 'degree'); $zinc->contour($curve, 'add', 1, $arc); $zinc->remove($arc); } ok(&similarFlatArray ([$zinc->bbox($group)], [28,178, 172, 322], # beware this coordinates are # not exactly the good one [2,2, 2,2 ], ), "bbox of left figure"); # second $group = $zinc->add('group', 1); $zinc->coords($group, [350, 250]); $curve = $zinc->add('curve', $group, [], -fillrule => 'nonzero', -closed => 1, -filled => 1, -fillcolor => 'black', -linecolor => 'red', ); $arc = $zinc->add('arc', $group, [-30, -30, 30, 30]); $zinc->contour($curve, 'add', 1, $arc); $zinc->remove($arc); for (1..$n) { my $arc = $zinc->add('arc', $group, [-15, -70, 15, -40]); $zinc->rotate($arc, ($_-1)*(360/$n), 'degree'); $zinc->contour($curve, 'add', 1, $arc); $zinc->remove($arc); } &showbbox($group); ok(&similarFlatArray ([$zinc->bbox($group)], [278,178, 422,322], # beware this coordinates are # not exactly the good one [2,2, 2,2 ], ), "bbox of middle figure"); # third $group = $zinc->add('group', 1); $zinc->coords($group, [600, 250]); $curve = $zinc->add('curve', $group, [], -fillrule => 'nonzero', -closed => 1, -filled => 1, -fillcolor => 'black', -linecolor => 'red', ); $arc = $zinc->add('arc', $group, [-30, -30, 30, 30]); $zinc->contour($curve, 'add', 1, $arc); $zinc->remove($arc); $n = 3*$n; for (1..$n) { $arc = $zinc->add('arc', $group, [-5, -70, 5, -40]); $zinc->rotate($arc, ($_-1)*(360/$n), 'degree'); $zinc->contour($curve, 'add', 1, $arc); $zinc->remove($arc); } &showbbox($group); ok(&similarFlatArray ([$zinc->bbox($group)], [528,178, 672, 322], # beware this coordinates are # not exactly the good one [2,2, 2,2 ], ), "bbox of right figure"); $zinc->update; #sleep 2; #MainLoop; sub showbbox { my @b = $zinc->bbox(shift); # print "bbox @b\n"; $zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [@b], -filled => 0, -linecolor => 'green', -tags => ['bbox']); } ## ref1 is the gotten array ## ref2 is the expected array sub similarFlatArray { my ($ref1, $ref2, $deltaref)= @_; diag ("waiting a reference for \$ref1"), return 0 unless ref ($ref1) eq 'ARRAY'; diag ("waiting a reference for \$ref2"), return 0 unless ref ($ref2) eq 'ARRAY'; diag ("waiting a reference for \$deltaref"), return 0 unless ref ($deltaref) eq 'ARRAY'; my @array1 = @{$ref1}; my @array2 = @{$ref2}; my @deltaarray = @{$deltaref}; diag ("arrays gotten, expected and deltas are not of same length,".$#array1.",".$#array2.",".$#deltaarray), return 0 unless ($#array1 == $#array2) and ($#array2 == $#deltaarray); for my $i (0.. $#array1) { my $a = $array1[$i]; my $b = $array2[$i]; my $delta = $deltaarray[$i]; diag ("waiting a numeric value for elt $i of gotten array"), return 0 unless &numerical($a); diag ("waiting a numeric value for elt $i of expected array"), return 0 unless &numerical($b); diag ("waiting a numeric value for elt $i of deltas array"), return 0 unless &numerical($delta); diag ("delta > $delta between elt $i of gotten array ($a) and expected array ($b)"), return 0 if (abs($a-$b) > $delta) ; } return 1; } sub numerical { my ($v) = @_; return 0 unless defined $v; ### this really works!! return $v eq $v*1; }