#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # $Id: Images.t,v 1.7 2005-06-27 13:34:02 mertz Exp $ # Author: Christophe Mertz # # testing all the -tile, -image, -mask, -fillpattern, -linepattern widget and items options # this script can be used with an optionnal argument, an integer giving # the delay in seconds during which the graphic updates will be displayed # this is usefull for visual inspection! BEGIN { if (!eval q{ # use Test::More qw(no_plan); use Test::More tests => 36; 1; }) { print "# tests only work properly with installed Test::More module\n"; print "1..1\n"; print "ok 1\n"; exit; } if (!eval q{ use Tk::Zinc; 1; }) { print "unable to load Tk::Zinc"; print "1..1\n"; print "ok 1\n"; exit; } if (!eval q{ $mw = MainWindow->new(); 1; }) { print "# tests only work properly when it is possible to create a mainwindow in your env\n"; print "1..1\n"; print "ok 1\n"; exit; } } $zinc = $mw->Zinc(-render => 1, -width => 400, -height => 400)->pack; like ($zinc, qr/^Tk::Zinc=HASH/ , "zinc has been created"); #### creating different images, bitmaps and pixmaps... my $photoMickey = $zinc->Photo('mickey.gif', -file => Tk->findINC("demos/images/mickey.gif")); like ($photoMickey, qr/^Tk::Photo=HASH/ , "creating a Tk::Photo with a .gif"); my $bitmap = $zinc->Bitmap('file.xbm', -file => Tk->findINC("file.xbm")); like ($bitmap, qr/^Tk::Bitmap=HASH/ , "creating a Tk::Bitmap with a .xbm"); my $xpm = $zinc->Photo('QuitPB.xpm', -file => Tk->findINC("demos/images/QuitPB.xpm")); like ($xpm, qr/^Tk::Photo=HASH/ , "creating a Tk::Photo with a .xpm"); #### tiling Tk::Zinc $zinc->configure(-tile => $xpm); if ($Tk::VERSION < 804) { is ($zinc->cget(-tile), "QuitPB.xpm", "verifying Tk::Zinc -tile option value"); } else { is ($zinc->cget(-tile), $xpm, "verifying Tk::Zinc -tile option value"); } &wait ("-tile of Tk::Zinc with QuitPB.xpm"); $zinc->configure(-tile => $photoMickey); if ($Tk::VERSION < 804) { is ($zinc->cget(-tile), "mickey.gif", "verifying Tk::Zinc -tile option value"); } else { is ($zinc->cget(-tile), $photoMickey, "verifying Tk::Zinc -tile option value"); } &wait ("-tile of Tk::Zinc with mickey.gif"); # modifying the Tk::Photo to see if the Tk::Zinc -tile changes $photoMickey->read( Tk->findINC("demos/images/earth.gif") ); &wait ("-tile of Tk::Zinc should display the earth VISUAL INSPECTION!"); sleep 1; # going back to the "real" mickey $photoMickey->read( Tk->findINC("demos/images/mickey.gif") ); &wait ("-tile of Tk::Zinc should display mickey again VISUAL INSPECTION!"); sleep 1; $zinc->configure(-tile => ""); if ($Tk::VERSION < 804) { is ($zinc->cget(-tile), "", "removing Tk::Zinc -tile"); } else { is ($zinc->cget(-tile), undef, "removing Tk::Zinc -tile"); } &wait ("-tile of Tk::Zinc with nothing"); #### rectangle item my $rect1 = $zinc->add('rectangle', 1, [10,10,190,190], -filled => 1); $zinc->itemconfigure($rect1, -tile => $xpm); if ($Tk::Zinc::VERSION < 3.302) { is ($zinc->itemcget($rect1, -tile), "QuitPB.xpm", "verifying rectangle -tile option value"); } else { # cget return an image object since release 3.3.2 is ($zinc->itemcget($rect1, -tile), $xpm, "verifying rectangle -tile option value"); } &wait ("-tile of rectangle with QuitPB.xpm"); $zinc->itemconfigure($rect1, -tile => $photoMickey); if ($Tk::Zinc::VERSION < 3.302) { is ($zinc->itemcget($rect1, -tile), "mickey.gif", "verifying rectangle -tile option value"); } else { # cget return an image object since release 3.3.2 is ($zinc->itemcget($rect1, -tile), $photoMickey, "verifying rectangle -tile option value"); } &wait ("-tile of rectangle with mickey"); # modifying the Tk::Photo to see if the rectangle -tile changes $photoMickey->read( Tk->findINC("demos/images/earth.gif") ); &wait ("-tile of rectangle should display the earth VISUAL INSPECTION!"); sleep 1; # going back to the "real" mickey $photoMickey->read( Tk->findINC("demos/images/mickey.gif") ); &wait ("-tile of rectangle should display mickey again VISUAL INSPECTION!"); sleep 1; $zinc->itemconfigure($rect1, -tile => ""); is ($zinc->itemcget($rect1, -tile), "", "removing rectangle -tile"); &wait ("-tile of rectangle with nothing"); TODO: { local $TODO = "because it makes Tk::Zinc dying" if 1; # the next line makes Tk::Zinc (v3.29x) dying... so I comment it out the 3 next lines # $zinc->itemconfigure($rect1, -fillpattern => $bitmap); # is ($zinc->itemcget($rect1, -fillpattern), $bitmap, "verifying rectangle -fillpattern option value as a Tk::Bitmap"); # &wait ("displaying a rectangle with -fillpattern as a Tk::Bitmap"); } $zinc->itemconfigure($rect1, -fillpattern => 'AlphaStipple3'); is ($zinc->itemcget($rect1, -fillpattern), 'AlphaStipple3', "verifying rectangle -fillpattern option value"); &wait ("-fillpattern of rectangle with 'AlphaStipple3'"); $zinc->itemconfigure($rect1, -fillpattern => ""); is ($zinc->itemcget($rect1, -fillpattern), "", "removing rectangle -fillpattern"); &wait ("-fillpattern of rectangle with nothing"); $zinc->itemconfigure($rect1, -filled => 0,-linepattern => 'AlphaStipple3', -linecolor => "red"); is ($zinc->itemcget($rect1, -linepattern), 'AlphaStipple3', "verifying rectangle -linepattern option value"); &wait ("-linepattern of rectangle with 'AlphaStipple3'"); $zinc->itemconfigure($rect1, -linepattern => ""); is ($zinc->itemcget($rect1, -linepattern), "", "removing rectangle -linepattern"); &wait ("-linepattern of rectangle with nothing"); $zinc->remove($rect1); ##### icon item my $icon1 = $zinc->add('icon', 1, -position => [20,100], -image => $photoMickey); &wait ("displaying an icon"); $zinc->remove($icon1); my $icon2 = $zinc->add('icon', 1, -position => [40,100]); SKIP: { skip "with Tk::Zinc < 3.295", 4 if ($Tk::Zinc::VERSION < 3.295); $zinc->itemconfigure($icon2, -image => $bitmap); &wait ("displaying an icon with -image as a Tk::Bitmap"); if ($Tk::Zinc::VERSION < 3.302) { is ($zinc->itemcget($icon2, -image), 'file.xbm', "verifying icon -image option value as file.xbm"); } else { # cget return an image object since release 3.3.2 is ($zinc->itemcget($icon2, -image), $bitmap, "verifying icon -image option value as file.xbm"); } $zinc->itemconfigure($icon2, -image => ""); $zinc->itemconfigure($icon2, -image => '@'.Tk->findINC("openfile.xbm")); if ($Tk::Zinc::VERSION < 3.302) { is ($zinc->itemcget($icon2, -image), '@'.Tk->findINC("openfile.xbm"),"verifying icon -image option value as @/path/openfile.xbm"); } else { # cget return an image object since release 3.3.2 is ($zinc->itemcget($icon2, -image), undef,"verifying icon -image option value as @/path/openfile.xbm"); } &wait ("displaying an icon with -image as a \@filename.xbm"); } $zinc->remove($icon2); my $icon3 = $zinc->add('icon', 1, -position => [60,100], -mask => '@'.Tk->findINC("openfolder.xbm"), -color => "red"); is ($zinc->itemcget($icon3, -mask), '@'.Tk->findINC("openfolder.xbm"),"verifying icon -mask option value as \@/path/openfolder.xbm"); &wait ("displaying an icon with -mask as a \@filename.xbm"); $zinc->itemconfigure($icon3, -image => ""); is ($zinc->itemcget($icon3, -image), "", "removing icon -image"); TODO: { local $TODO = "because it makes Tk::Zinc dying" if 1; # the next line makes Tk::Zinc (v3.29x) dying... so I comment it out the 3 next lines # $zinc->itemconfigure($icon3, -mask => $bitmap); # is ($zinc->itemcget($icon3, -mask), $bitmap, "verifying icon -mask option value as a Tk::Bitmap"); # &wait ("displaying an icon with -mask as a Tk::Bitmap"); } $zinc->remove($icon3); # We should also test that changing the content of a Tk::Photo should change the display of an icon sub wait { $zinc->update; ok (1, $_[0]); my $delay = $ARGV[0]; if (defined $delay) { $zinc->update; if ($delay =~ /^\d+$/) { sleep $delay; } else { sleep 1; } } } diag("############## Images test");