# $Id: Assert.pm 1173 2003-09-22 10:11:39Z mertz $ package Test::Harness::Assert; use strict; require Exporter; use vars qw($VERSION @EXPORT @ISA); $VERSION = '0.01'; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(assert); =head1 NAME Test::Harness::Assert - simple assert =head1 SYNOPSIS ### FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY ### use Test::Harness::Assert; assert( EXPR, $name ); =head1 DESCRIPTION A simple assert routine since we don't have Carp::Assert handy. B =head2 Functions =over 4 =item B assert( EXPR, $name ); If the expression is false the program aborts. =cut sub assert ($;$) { my($assert, $name) = @_; unless( $assert ) { require Carp; my $msg = 'Assert failed'; $msg .= " - '$name'" if defined $name; $msg .= '!'; Carp::croak($msg); } } =head1 AUTHOR Michael G Schwern Eschwern@pobox.comE =head1 SEE ALSO L =cut 1;